Happy New Year & Update 02 Info!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Meh.

    Very well thought out list, looks great and hope you all keep forward. There is only 2 thing's I really wanted to see on that list which was not there, which would be"
    1. The rendering of huge fights where players don't load up until you are within 10-20m maybe it falls under "General performance increases, particularly for lower end GPUs"
    2. Is the screen shake or flinching when being shot, slightly reduces it.
    Well those are the only thing that I really care about besides everything already on your list, just thought u all should think about it.

    Ps: Seems no faction is getting buff or nerf, Unless they decide to be ninjas about it :p

    Edit: Oh I would also like to add, that if u all can add small updates in-between the main update would be nice. Updates like new weapons etc, I kinda get bored using the same weapon.. even tho I have 3 lmg.
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  2. gunshooter

    Guarantee you SMG's will have the smallest hipfire cones and highest rate of fire but worst ADS cof and velocity.

    What gave you the idea that this nerf only effects tanks and aircraft? It hurts everyone. Anyone who plays HA/LA/Infiltrator is screwed by this patch.
  3. Zeke342

    • General performance increases, particularly for lower end GPUs
      Excellent.. a boost in population hopefully!
    • Experience (XP) system enhancements:
      • Dynamic XP system for player kills, players who have more kills on their current life are worth more XP. Freshly spawned players will be worth a fraction of the current kill reward.
        I.. Dont like that.. freshly spawned players should stay the same.. a huge portion of the game is containing the spawns.
      • Partial damage XP for dealing damage to vehicles that you don't end up killing
        YES. 100% YES.
      • Population XP / Resource bonus moved over to continent population instead of global
        o_O.. next time VS have 0% pop on Amerish I'm going farming lol
      • Better display of XP sources for things like defensive bonuses & population bonuses
        Not much to say here
      • Rebalancing of XP rewards to help support tasks
        Hopefully this means better XP to encourage playing support roles
    • Server transfer token available in Depot
    • UI changes to emphasize score per minute as a primary metric of player comparison
      Lost me here..
    • Sortable columns on outfit management & addition of "last online" column
      Good for people with OCD I suppose.. also to help clear out people who have obviously quit.
    • New weapon type for all empires: SMG
      The recoil of these better be INSANE.. we have enough guns that pick players off at unusually large distances.
    • Short period of invulnerability will be added to freshly spawned / revived players - breaks upon game actions such as entering a vehicle or using a weapon.
      All I'm seeing here is.. step out of the spawn room.. die.. get ressed through the shield and get a free kill since you get the jump on them.. right? An excellent way to nerf bio lab farming without totally nerfing it to the ground like tech plants :D
    • Dynamic / player configurable colors for minimap & overhead indicators for enemies, friendlies, and squads within a platoon
      For color blind, correct? This is nice.. better large outfits will hate this.. it might cause confusion.
    • New Hot Spot system that displays where active fights are occurring on the map
      The current hot spot is kinda.. bleh.
    • New spawn buildings with more exits, protected balconies and easy roof access to make them less campable.
      This sounds interesting.. I'd like to see how they made something not campable by libs.
    • Tunnel systems for amp and tech facilities to give access from spawn rooms to interior of bases and base walls without having to go above ground.
      I actually smiles very large when I read that :)
    • Making MAXes render more reliably at long distances for players in vehicles
      Never really had an issue here :/
    • AA improvements, notably flak changes for turrets and skyguards, giving them some better ability to aim, although not drastically impacting their DPS.
      Seriously.. just REMOVE the zephyr.. the Dalton is a perfectly acceptable version of what the Zephyr should be.. I paid SC for it and I'm willing to admit 6 explosive shots in a flying tank (harder to kill than an MBT) is OP as anything.. or drastically reduce infantry damage from the Zephyr.
    • Fixes to missiles so that they more reliably detonate and actually blow stuff up
      Thank you.. very annoying.
    • Air vehicle weapon tweaks
      Once again.. remove the Zephyr.. please :)
    • Increases to reload speed for certain HE ground vehicle weapons
      NOT okay with this.. nothing about HE weapons needs to be faster o_O.. at least reduce the amount of shots tanks get.
    • And of course... lots of bug fixes

  4. Tapioca Express

    oh wow, soe actually listening to player feedback that isn't from whining. is this breaking new ground? will this trend continue? regardless i'm excited! :)
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  5. rGlory

    You know ground to air balance is so delicate. They are afraid to hurt airboys fillings. They are so sensitive...
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  6. Isokon

    Thing is, he wrote "increasing reload speed". Which to me means, they reload faster.
  7. MeowMix986367

    Ah yeah. Got it backwards.
  8. MistaN

    Doesnt seem to change much about the meta game. Wish we would go ahead and get linear continent progression. This doesnt seem to address all of the warping that goes on within continents and between continents.

    I'm still not sure why we're able to spawn on sunderers that are 4000+m away from us. Makes no sense
  9. Rothnang

    If the XP distribution and population bonus changes are meaningful enough this will really help.
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  10. Phaze

    So.... the endgame is still grinding xp and certs?
  11. Thagyr

    That is what I am most afraid of. How do you pick apart the feedback? Lots of people will just draw on experiences from other games and go along the lines of 'I had more fun in X, make it like X, so change Y'. A lot of people want to see Air (and even vehicles in general) driven into the dirt because they like to play infantry all the time. How are you going to make them happy without impacting on the players that enjoy (and spent quite a sum of certs/cash) playing vehicles?

    I'm not a supporter of any one niche (air/ground/infantry), but rather I support the whole that it creates. Heck, I love the fact that arguments on the forums have defenders for each aspect of play. But in saying that, it'd be a nightmare to make them all satisfied. So how do you guys decide a direction when the feedback/suggestions are practically governed by 3 factions.
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  12. KaMiKaZePiG

    The only thing I'm worried about is Higby says "particularly for lower end GPUs." But... AMD CPUs are inordinately bottlenecking systems, so I hope that gets addressed, too!
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  13. Karragos

    Pretty cool stuff. I especially like that they are going to make some slight terrain changes, mainly via the tunnels. I wish they would add more trees or something in the environment to hinder tanks/air without nerfing them into the ground.
  14. Fuse

    I don't really know what else to say except thank you. Even the most basic help for those of us with crappy eyes is so appreciated.
  15. Inzababa

    btw, I hope you improve the FPS optimisation not only for low end GPUs but also for high end GPUs and bottle neck CPUs :)
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  16. rGlory

    And if render problem to AA Max will be fixed that's would be a significant nerf to ground AA. So I bet it is going to be even worse. We'll see.
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  17. ChrisLand

    Good step in the right direction SOE.

    However, you fail to address making resources / territory matter which is a huge issue for me. No meta game changes either.

    Very excited for tunnels, SMGs, XP changes, and UI changes though. I still have hope.

    P.S. This time when you release the full patch notes can you include EVERYTHING please? No more ninja stuff.
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  18. Xind


    An approach to fixing the problems with the game without buffing or nerfing too many things. I hope it works!

    Also, care to elaborate on the changes to support EXP? Will this mean revives will grant exp based on how much they healed? (Specifically?)

    It falls to you to make the name "Matt" not hated by gaming communities everywhere!
    (Looking at you Matt Ward)
  19. LameFox

    Possibly, but that doesn't preclude them from being different to carbines, and I'm not really sure what problems you see them causing. Weapons that are more specialized IMO are a good thing, as they don't render older ones useless. I think the worst thing they've done weapon-wise so far was to add those new bolt-action rifles, when the faster-firing ones are already limited by the availability of 'steady' anyway, effectively negating their theoretical advantage and making the new ones objectively better in every way.
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  20. MasterD