Happy Birthday, Auraxians!

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Nov 19, 2013.

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  1. AngryPerentie

    I'm not really sure why people think they are entitled to things. Either buy it or quit whining.
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  2. majinvegito123

    I don't like to think I'm entitled but it's illogical to NOT let me use the camo on all factions. Just saying.
  3. Kalendric

    Double XP is easy though and certainly not super special for the anniversary given that it's happened numerous times before. Sadly, being a 1 year Veteran experience isn't really very important to me at this point. True, I'm a long way off BR100, but I've already unlocked all the guns, sights and addons I want to use. While it's always nice to have, it doesn't suddenly make PS2 my must play activity this weekend. As for give-aways well, I never win anything in those even if I could take tomorrow off to watch the livestream.

    But since there's no point just moaning about things here's what I would suggest off the top of my head. If it were up to me, I'd give everyone a celebratory decal, a free bling pistol and give everyone who nets 100 kills with it by the end of the Anniversary week another decal and/or title. Something special. Something fun. Something worth logging in for.

    I will however accept your gracious offer of cake.
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    Seriously. It's a 5 day chance at some camo we might never see again that has a HUGE price hurdle to even gain access too. I could understand if it was in the store for 5 bucks a piece, but it's not, you need minimum 40 dollars in SC purchased to have this camo and you can't even make it an account wide camo? The camo even looks 100% identical on all factions.
  5. majinvegito123

    I agree with Kalendric but they should still grant some more purpose to the whole package such as at least granting cross-faction camo (otherwise it's kind of pointless for one character wouldn't you say so?)
  6. dirtYbird

    I'm not in Pro 7 land (Briggs) but I think the request for clarification on eligibility is a reasonable one.
    I've asked in a couple of places since it was announced there would be prizes but no one from SOE has bothered to reply yet.
    Due to the lack of a response so far I'm confident that prize allocation will be restricted to only residents of the continental U.S. states, but an official confirmation would be nice.
  7. Devouration

    What is required to be entered into the drawings for a TITAN, I'm running this game on a gt 610. 0o0 I MUST HAVE IT.
  8. Ronin Oni

    lol no

    and not reduced either. Bundles lose value the more items you have from it.

    Keep in mind, the boost alone is normally $50, so you save $10 right there.

    Also... every weapon? You mean for just 1 faction? Cause this would give you some good options on your alts with the discount on the boost.

    I already own the ESRL's, so I wouldn't get any value there, and I already have BASR's (and the 4x ones are generally better now anyways) so more pointless gear, I could use the carbines and the AR's though.

    I'm on a budget at the moment though so I can't afford to get it... payin off dem bills
  9. 10thRMDredd

    BTw: just a person, not an employee or linked to SOE in anyway other than umbilically (made up word obviously) via love of Auraxis and all therein.

    I think i read somewhere that 1 in 10 people support the game actively. What a bunch of freeloading scum. I mean that in the nicest way possible...............

    People. If you love this game. Support it. By all means comment, but try to do it like civilized people...positively.
    If you dont like the game, dont buy stuff. Then the game will go away....soon. You've seen the server numbers. Planetside 2, like conscious sentience is an acquired taste. The average gamer likes COD. Fine, let them have it. But we gotta support what we love and what makes us different, more discerning. Money talks, whingy kids just...whinge.

    Every choice the dev's make is attacked from a thousand directions by people ignorant of the circumstances in which they have to be made. How many games have you bought for $100 (aussie) to play for two hours and then feel really foolish at buying it. At least a dozen for me. I have spent $300+ on this game and frankly I owe it another $500 or so (more stuff to buy please). It is the most insanely brilliant game in so many areas and i would feel like a thief of some of the finest intellectual property on the planet if I did not make almost weekly donations. Amazing things like Cathedrals, Giant Libraries, Museums require a wealthy patron and then the support of the people to exist. If you are a person of some thought, some morality and you believe in fair exchange and the encouragement of people who do great work on behalf of the species, buy the package or at least spend some dough. If you don't, then awesome people at the ground level will eventually get squished, not the top guys that make the choices and rub their hands together. The you's and me's of Planetside2. The grunts that held the line so you could play with your battlebrothers/sisters, put in the hours, worked through intense stress and variable command conditions (grumpy stressed bosses, I dont think Smeds angry would be a pleasant experience). Your political vote means nothing, its just a social calmative designed to help you not revolt. Money and how it is spent is actually your transposed vote. What you buy.....lives. What you do not....does not. Please, I know that you are all legends deep down and believe in fair play and rewarding good people. How many times have you seen engies or medics run out under insane fire to try to patch up a buddy or get a tank back into action? This is our chance to do that in the real world, to support the 'other world' that we love.I know we do not all have the same amount of cash, but lets do what we can.

    Even if the package is not to your entire advantage, find a reason to blow some cash on PlanetSide2. Do the human species and the future of gaming a favor.

    Thanks for reading (presumably) and sorry for the long, self important post.
    Schwerepanzer1, Dredd74, Foenacious.
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  10. Jeslis

    Sorry, my question was badly phrased.. I didn't mean to ask if I'd get VS weapons on my TR.. I just meant .. if I purchased it on my TR char (to give the TR the boost), would my VS (other char) get the VS weapons..
    The answer was yes. TY

    I forgot to ask however, about the other account wide stuff; eg the Camos.

    Are the Camo's account bound as well? (or are they SUPPOSED to be?) -- a friend of mine has purchased the bundle but the camo's appeared to only be for that one char.. Intentional?
  11. Mastachief

    False advertising on that boost. Clearly shows a 50% xp and 50% resource heroic boost and it's not. People have bought it now can they get a refund?

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  12. SGT-Bilko

    I want this package, but I wish to know about the camo first as well. This is a critically important factor for me as I do play all 3 factions on a regular basis.
  13. TheKhopesh

    I had all of em but the GD-23.
    I just got it for the heroic boost and the Anniversary Phoenix.
    I look forward to getting Auraxium on the new Phoenix. ^_^
  14. iona990

    Thanks , happy to you as well
  15. SGT-Bilko

    Also the decals. Will they be updated to work on all factions?
  16. Nerkun

    Aren't the giveaways the surprise?
    You DO know that there are people like me, who play the Steam/American client from Europe, right?
  17. majinvegito123

    yeah any word on these camos
  18. AirSuicide

    I wasn't going to respond but.. Then I read this.

    Something you need to understand is that SOE is a BUSINESS, their goal like any other companies is to make money, Yes you can play the game for free, and if you love it, sure support it, however you are also a "Customer", which means you are in fact entitled philosophically at any rate to certain things.

    Personally, I beta tested PS2, and have been around since the beginning.

    At any rate, like so many other people and players posting on this forum, there are items which are worth buying, and items which are not. The idea behind a bundle is to sell loads of them. To do this from a business point of view you must have things players want in the veriety and quantity they will buy it in.

    While SOE values this bundle at 39.99, this is actually extremely overpriced, considering the vast majority of people who would buy it (IE, the longstanding vets) already own over 75% of everything in it, not to mention the only items which are account wide are those that are already owned. This being the case it is no supprise for me to find that this bundle specifically is probably not going to sell very well.

    Bundles are a great idea for the holidays, SOE still fails to realize that in this economy players want value, and it all digital anyway. Most people are not going to drop 40.00$ on an item that's relitive value to them personally is about 9.99$. It is not about what SOE wants to sell it for, it is about what the customer, will buy it for.

    A profitable bundle must have the following in order to sell:

    * Unique items which are "Cool", and not available any other way. (You could count the Armor and Camo as this however these are not available account wide)
    * Items which if already owned, can either be exchanged or traded back in for SC (Lot's of useless stuff that's already owned by the vast majority of players in this bundle)
    * If the package says all items are account wide, All items need to be account wide. Not just the weapons. (Only the weapons are account wide in this bundle)
    * The items in the package should have a value to everyone. (The boost in this package is only useful to new players as it is solely for XP and most people as stated above already have the weapons).

    Items in this bundle which meet marketing requirementsfor a profitable well selling item:


    Being a Business owner I will tell you straight up that this bundle is nothing short of a rip off for the vast majority of players and I'm not surprised to see that's exactly what most posters are saying when you read between the lines.

    So even those of us who love the game and want to support it, are not going to drop RL money into something which is, such an obvious scam.

    The game is great SOE's devs work their ***** off and we love them for it,

    SOE's marketing division however...

    .... Not so much. As I know for a fact that the person or people who designed this bundle knew exactly what they were doing when they did it, and knew for a fact the issues above were in it (And if they didn't they should be fired for incompetence and putting out a faulty product as well as false advertising), unfortunately, they probably assumed that the customer base would be too stupid to see it also. Which is a mistake many many many companies make.

    How do I know this? Because it's blatantly obvious, and blatantly obviously misleading in it's advertisement.

    On a more positive note, PS2 is moving forward and the holiday season is coming, but like so many others I'll be saving my cash for the double triple and quadruple SC purchases in December.
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  19. f0d

    i dont know why they have removed the resource bonus for those heroic boosts - they did the same thing last time they offered it too
    it would be much more worth it with both resource and xp boost on it and SOE shouldnt have an icon in the advertisement that shows both resource and xp boost when its only xp
  20. SGT-Bilko

    The rocket launchers are special versions. Not sure if they were out before or will be again though? And I just joined, so all of my SC has been pumping into bundle after bundle, this entire package is new for me. It is not an amazing bundle by any means, but even considering the 50% daily sale or bundle discount you may get, this package pays for itself with camo and weapons. Everything else is bonus. I actually did the math ;)
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