GU12 Discussion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. 3asyD

    ^^ This
    I'm not impressed by this update at all, what happened to optimizing the game? Tbh i reckon we will be lucky to see hossin this year with the way things are going.
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  2. bodmans

    Was actually Talking about marauder being better, but youre right
  3. Larington

    SOE have long had the habit of heavy nerfing/buffing of things in their games (Planetside 1 Lasher 2.0 anyone?), it's just unfortunate that this plays into the hands of conspiracy theory crafters who believe it is done to make money.

    The patch also has an element of playing catch up from the game being launched a bit too soon and we're going to continue to see that sort of thing in future patches because it's necessary. But hey at least they're not ignoring many of the issues in the game.
  4. GRiMtox

    So this is, what SOE calls a GU lately? I'm so full of overwhelming disappointment.

    Get your s.h.i.t. done SOE. This is poor.
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  5. printlnHello

    The Fury get nerfed ... gj SOE, now other grendade launchers like the bulldog become a viable alternative.
    But people who use it on flashes will have a harder time now :D
  6. LordMondando

    Remeber when the patches were buggy messes full of unfinished content?

    I'd rather small incremental ones that improve the game (and every fortnight. How many other games manage that?), than we have things like a lattice system that doesn't work applied to live, or changes to an entire class of vehicles that are badly developed.
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  7. Regpuppy

    The splash is what gave it 90% of it's easy farming ability. Hardly any of the hits you'll see in vids with people farming infantry with furies show a lot of direct hits.
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  8. Kaale

    It's only plus point on a flash was the damage was higher. Flash Fury 30 Rounds of 5 and you will be luck if you can kill anything.
  9. Caserion

    I saw them more as equals, the only difference i felt was the price. I own both the Fury for the sunderer and the Marauder for the Harraser and they're both equally effective, i liked the OHK of the Fury, but i never hit the first shot anyway.
  10. Regpuppy

    The flash isn't intended to be a killing machine anyway.
  11. Phrygen

    marauder is to be compared to ES weapons. PPA and Enforcer burst being bad doesn't make the marauder balanced with the fury.

    Also, the splash is unchanged
  12. Juni

    Still no closed Variants of the Predator, Foreman and Aurora helmets?
    They are just pissing on us at this point, they have been ready for months! Release them already!
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  13. PS2Freak

    sure, not even ONE extra Loadout for Free. Could be - for reaching some BR - adding extra level, but no, we can Sell that, why improve the game.
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  14. Rennavar

  15. jeuvisage

    Did you read the patch notes? The only bug fixes were for issues no one complained about. They still refuse to address or acknowledge issues such as invisible AV turrets, performance issues, etc. The vast majority of this patch was a money grab

    -additional load outs for people with memberships
    -new cosmetic **** no one asked for
    -fury nerfs to make people buy more guns
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  16. Eleo

    I dont mind less content but a patch dedicated to optimization would be nice. The random stuttering while piloting an aircraft is really frustrating.
  17. tastyBerryPunch

    Awww. I'll miss the Savannahs on Indar.:(
  18. GRiMtox

    Yeah, me too. But then they shouln't call it a "GU". It's a minimalistic update - the second in a row.
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  19. LordMondando

    Its SoE standard. All of their updates to all their games that are not hotfixes spesifically to adress bugs, or to only add a single up to maybe 4 minor features are called GU.

    It just stands for 'game update'. which is kinda whats going on.

    I'd like everything i'd ever wanted in the game in the next 3 hours. that being said, more tutorial and intuitive UI good. AMS no go zones may be interesting and most importantly the fraction specific rec server change. Which hopefully should start permanently addressing the the larger pop imbalances in the game. Specifically i'm hoping the first and the last change have a longer term impact of getting people into the game (as opposed to confusing the **** out of them and they just leaving) and putting them in a fraction which actually needs them.
  20. Morrow

    GU12 isnt even worth talking about. Its actually that ****! I cant imagine even one player would be happy with this crap SoE have served up for us. No content and more not needed nerfs + a few cosmetics which I personally dont give two ***** about. And the bug fixes will more than likely create more bugs anyways.

    Loadouts should be standard not paid for. We earn them with Battlerank or something, why should I have to keep my membership running to have additional loadouts? its ridiculous!

    Even more so why should I keep my membership running when all your GU's consist of are polish/nerfs/minor bug fixes? where the actual content? and why the hell do you keep nerfing items I own wasting my SC!
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