GU011: Weapon and Vehicle Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. smokemaker

    This is what happens to a tank out front without infantry.

    Tanks need infantry and infantry need tanks. A tank without infantry along its flanks is a dead tank.
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  2. Rockit

    Give it a couple months and you will be granted your wish.
  3. Psykmoe

    It's hilariously dishonest to increase the Lasher's direct damage by 5, nerf its outer splash, give it a few extra rounds per minute and then, without mentioning it, increase hipfire cof and cof bloom by 400-600% (go to the test server and compare stats). This is a massive nerf to the Lasher's useful range, the increased bloom makes it incredibly difficult to splash targets that aren't up close with more than 1 disco ball per burst. And the closer you get, the more likely it is that the enemy will just gun you down because even at 333 rpm the TTK is still bad.

    With the projectiles being as slow as they are, the Lasher was never super good at range, now with the absurd cof bloom during bursting, an enemy could literally just walk in a straight line and the projectiles would just drop all around him. Quality of life way down.

    I mean, if you regularly use the Lasher at CQC or short range you probably won't notice...maybe.

    But viable in more situations? Don't make me laugh.
  4. Van Dax

    As long as the "no-deploy" spots do not include amp station interiors and tech plants I'm fine with the changes listed.
    Getting a sunderer in there is a serious challenge and part of the strategy of fighting in these bases.
  5. Vortok

    Hoping it's half the story, otherwise as people said the acquisition timer cert lines as is will be mostly pointless. We'll see, but the portion we've heard so far seems to hurt dedicated vehicle users more than the zerg who spend most of their time capped on vehicle resources anyway until a base with a tank terminal is capped. Also means being close to warpgating someone will turn into their infantry vs your combined forces far more quickly than it currently does.

    Kinda seems like it's balanced around subscription/boosts, but that may just be the conspiracy theorists whispering in my ear. It was always pretty obvious it would be very hard to strike a good resource system balance with those around to impact resource income. And there's the low pop boost as well (think it's resources along with exp, would need to check).

    I really hope we get the ability to swap vehicle loadouts without spawning a new one soon if this goes through. Less vehicles to fight + increased spawning cost will make it even easier for you to run into a situation that your loadout isn't ideal for.

    Looks like I might be pulling more Skyguards. Air cost barely went up, while many ground vehicles got doubled (Harasser and Lightning) or close to that (MBT).... may see a little more air spam. And apparently some small Skyguard buffs (inb4 velocity goes from 375 to 400). Always wanted to Auraxium it for lulz, hopefully I'll have a chance to make some good progress on that.

    MAX cost increase makes sense, though the amount can be debated. Every other infantry resource item can be stocked up on beforehand in large numbers and restocked later when the fighting has died down. 100 for a MAX was pretty much nothing, especially if it was pulled in a Bio Lab that wasn't Esamir (aka, infantry resource territory = exp gets you the resources back quickly).

    Flash costs seems to be aimed at the highly certed Flashes while potentially harming average dude that needs transport. Scout Radar for 25 resources was kind of obscene, though. Average dude that needs transport likely wasn't using his vehicle resources anyway, so they may not care (or just go to warpgate and pull an ESF for transport).
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  6. Lord Robert

    Flash cost is too high. I'd like to have some way to get around that doesn't cost a fortune. Adding "sway" to INRV is really stupid as well. Its a 1X scope ffs
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  7. Morchai

    I drive tanks. I don't do infantry, I don't fly. No tank, no fight.

    At such extreme prices players will bail from any continent where their empire doesn't control enough territory to generate a high resource income. The incentives to join the fourth faction and jump to alt characters and alternate accounts just increased significantly.

    The underdog faction in population was already at too extreme a disadvantage, now they won't be able to field any resistance at all.
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  8. BobFromMarketing

    Man those vehicle cost changes. So vehicles are utterly at the mercy of infantry and when you pull one you're stuck waiting 15 minutes in the best of situations to pull another. At least give them more survivability
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  9. Orosian

    So, MAXes and vehicles will cost more... and C4 is still 100? Mmm, ominous foreshadowing.
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  10. TKBoom

    Makes it all worth it.
  11. lolitank

    yes but tanks are meant to go in destroy enemy defense so infantry can go in and have a easyier time but right now how it is tanks are fing scared of 2 C4 or striker or anything really
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  12. AtheistPeace

    Hopefully people will actually care about capturing territory that has say air or ground resources so that way they could get vehicles instead of constantly doing a land grab for whatever
  13. EvilPhd

    See? Look at this push to make the game :eek:SLAPPERS ONLY:eek:
    The only truly balanced game.
  14. RonnieBoy

    Liking those resource changes for the most part, although I'd want the flash down 75 or so, the ESF to 350 and bring down the lightning to 350.
  15. lolitank

    like the last guy said no tank,no fight
  16. Steamag

  17. Nocturnal7x

    This is the "Weapon and Vehicle Changes" notes. Nothing here is QoL, so I doubt this is the entire patch notes.
  18. Oathblivion

    Increasing resource costs without changing the resource mechanics first is a big, big mistake in my opinion.

    This is going to do two things: 1) Increase dedicated vehicle drivers' frustration when their tank gets stuck on a fence/small pebble, and 2) Make breaking a warpgate contain nigh impossible, because you get all of two tries with 25 resources per 5min.

    I guess the idea is then to buy resource boosts, but I don't think many players would be amenable to that. I'm certainly not, and while I do think this proposed change is in the interest of balance, I can't help my cynical side seeing the money grabbing implications.

    If resource gains at 0% territory were increased to 60-75, I think it'd be much better for everyone involved.

    EDIT: Just to impress this point, if my shiny new double-resource-cost Lightning ever slides down a butter covered hill and gets stuck on a one foot high fence like my old, normal-resource-cost one did last night, I will crash a bio lab into the nearest orphanage.... :mad:
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  19. eatcow0

    Looks like I'm not going to be buying a flash very often if the costs are this ridiculous, 150 certs for a flimsy vehicle that flips too easy even in situations where it shouldn't is much too steep. As a f2p, the higher resource costs is quite disappointing. Seems like another patch where vs gets crapped on between Zoe and lasher nerfs.
  20. Nepau

    If they tighten the spread then it improves it accuracy over range, which is not what they were wanting. Believe the chance is more that if your in the Effective zone of the shotty then your going to get rewarded more for aiming then getting glancing shots.