[Suggestion] Give TR Auraxium Weapons belt-fed system

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sL360, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Rentago

    that actually sounds great, smaller total ammo pool, but one big magazine.
  2. _itg

    For NC guns, how about just bumping the damage up half a tier? This wouldn't actually change the theoretical TTK, but it would extend the range at which that TTK is achievable, as well as improving performance vs. nanoweave, etc. As for a drawback to go with it, extra vertical recoil seems reasonable, if not creative. Maybe a penalty to hipfire CoF?
  3. sL360

    Did you look at any of the balance proposals scattered through the thread? Some of em are pretty good.

    Besides, the way I initially imagined it the weapons would start off having the ammo, then if you ran out of bullets or wanted to refresh your mag, then you'd have to actually reload. Of course at that point, it's a given that the total ammo count in your gun would be smaller than they are now on TR auraxs.
  4. minhalexus

    How about you can only supply on ammo packs, and it takes like 10 seconds to reload.
    If you move from the ammo pack, your reload cancels.

    You can't resupply, without reloading.

    I think that's a fair trade off for the Aurax LMG. 10 second limited reload, for **** load of magazine.
  5. Rovertoo

    Or, if it even was a constant stream of bullets, it wouldn't be too bad. It would be like the MAX lockdown ability after all. The CoF bloom would be terrible if you just sat and constantly fired.

    I think it would add a nice synergy. VS would never need ammo, letting them linger eternally, TR would hole up on a point and lock it down, NC would become monstrous in hallways and at range, with piercing bullets and no damage falloff.
  6. FinePool

    How about it's truly like Rambo, the belt in one hand and the weapon in the other hand, only firing from the hip .
  7. Goretzu

    It would be insanely powerful on some weapons, unbalancable so I think (like SMG).
  8. Rovertoo

    Hmm. You're right. Maybe just increased velocity and the piercing rounds? An SMG with piercing bullets would be way nice, but the increased velocity wouldn't be as useful since it would come into play at ranges outside the SMGs ballpark (though, the NC Aurax SMG is pretty long range), and conversely longe range Aurax guns wouldn't be able to use the piercing effect as often, but be very effective with the bullet velocity.
  9. AlexR

    I'm playing as TR only and even i think this suggestion is STUPID.
  10. sL360

    Err...well, as informative as that is, I'm curious to know why. What would you rather have? If you've got an idea, speak up! This is how stuff gets in the game, players talking about it. If you think it's stupid, come up with something else that's even better! Failing that, at least say why, so people can know and build on that. Every piece of input is important.

    But if you're just being loud for no reason, then...well. I'm sorry, there's nothing anyone can do to help you...
  11. AlexR

    >no need to reload = cheats. The end. Reloading\overheat is a fighting mechanic. You should watch for bulelts left and make decisions about taking another fight or not. Also enemy on his side can find a good moment to counter you while you are on reload. That was always in mmofps? Making what you want will ruin everything. Never ending spam. Increased COF in face-to-face fight is nothing. You will just be too OP. Yeah, it would be fun. As fun as playing with cheats. Fair? Not even close to that.