Get rid of base building.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ibnuzen, May 19, 2017.

  1. Problem Officer

    Wtf? Attack the bases. Interact with other players, autoturrets suck **** and you don't need to solo anything.
    Build an OS, let randoms add onto it. Find a random and help them build theirs.
    Worst attempts at arguments I've ever seen here, "I don't want to do anything about this, remove it" is this a joke?
  2. stalkish

    Nope, its an age old slant said to those who suck-up.
    Im guessing from your rebuttal that youve heard it before.....why does that not suprise me.
  3. stalkish

    100 certs per hour is low.
  4. Diilicious

    The problem with the addition of basebuilding in this game and othergames is that the hundreds of other bases dont get removed, so you end up trying to squeeze in these 1dimentional in between bases that are already only a few dozen meters from each other.

    when the base system got implimented it should have come with a total revamp of a lot of smaller bases that exist on the map right now. i.e. they should have completely removed all of the small bases so that players had to build their own bases.