General complaint about favouring VS by Developers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zANGRONz, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Bulltahr

    Every other page on these forums has a" "Insert faction here" is so OP cause the devs play that faction"..........
    Have a look, this week a VS one, last week a NC one and probably the week before a TR one.
    Just play the ******* game!!! If you don't like it then go somewhere else. It's a game FFS!
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  2. RobotNinja

    I'm confused you say TR but it sounds like you're talking about the NC.
  3. Xasapis

    Not sure if OP serious or heavily intoxicated.
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  4. sindz

    So. A player from a faction which had air dominance every since the release of the striker and could mow infantry with fractures and most recently the OP vulcan or marauder on harassers complain about balance.

    Holy **** I've seen it all. Quit crying, TR are seriously the last faction to every cry about balance. Period.
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  5. Shadowyc

    Nobody really plays NC. Those are just machinery the devs set up to hide the fact no one plays NC. :p
  6. Tragachinos

    A TR player complaining about "bad equipment"? Oh my... Now I've seen it all.
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  7. Irathi

    Did the OP ever watch FNO? The devs play NC, TR and VS. Everyone has their favorite, Luperza might be playing VS and called out for VS and NC to gang up on TR, but that is the point of the WDS. The two weakest factions gang up on the strongest which then reduce the effect of overpopped factions. The WDS provides an over-time score that shows which factions are the underdogs.

    Less QQ more Pew Pew..
  8. Czuuk

    It is a valid argument. The game goes on for 24 hours a day, not just for 2 or 3 hours of prime time. And the kind of population imbalance represented by Waterson is game breaking except for these scant few hours each day.
  9. ST4LK3R

    my grammar and spelling **** meter is off the chart! Terran Republic needs better education system!
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  10. VanuSovereignty

    Wow, you are really upset about this. It is just a game, FYI.
  11. Sovereign533

    This is because every developer had a representative. Because all developers have to choose a faction they like. Malorn for TR, Tayra (sorry, I really can't write your name) for VS and Arclegger for the NC. They all have equal representative.

    Luperza, as you stated, isn't the TR representative. You have a BR70-something TR dev that works on the WDS system called Malorn. When you comment on something, at least get your facts straight. This is even required for conspiracy theories. Well, it should be. Lying to prove your point doesn't get you anywhere but lose respect.

    No-body did. On Miller the outfits already figured out we should go against the bigger (winning) faction. And this didn't really work out with back-capping between the NC and VS. The warpgate change for Indar did a lot more in this respect. And eventually got the VS to win the WDS. And please tell me what information could be won from joining other factions? This isn't Eve Online with a lot of time and effort behind everything. This is very fast paced, so any intel gathered will be out-dated seconds later.

    I'm sorry to say this, but if you really believe this you're borderline paranoid delusional. And you need help.

    The reason why the warpgates were switched was to give a level playing field for all factions. The northern warpgate on Indar gives an advantage for the faction that holds it.
    The new rules were an inevitable effect of the WDS. It was a pre-season for the devs to get data on how the event would be. They want to do this event more, and need to make the event fair and balanced. They used the past few weeks to see how the community would respond and get idea's on how to make it fair. Regularly rotating the warpgates, and giving bonuses when fighting the winning faction all came from this event.

    I won't comment on the AA capabilities of the aircraft you claim they have. In this case you are just stating something without evidence. So as far as anyone is concerned, it never happened.
    You are missing the point on the Striker balance tough. It was costing the company money to lose pilots and tank drivers left and right because they couldn't play the game. The Striker was bugged and it needed to be fixed. It is fixed now, it's still strong and you can actually avoid it or get away from it.

    From my perspective it is you who is crying here. You're filled with delusions and paranoia. You blame everything except yourself. Your ingame rank does nothing to support your claims. Your alleged experience in other shooters does nothing to support your claims.
    Next time be constructive, bring evidence and provide with possible solutions. At the moment you're doing nothing then proclaim superior knowledge on some alleged conspiracy against you, which makes you very arrogant.
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  12. Jbrain

    the big thing for me is the vs maxxes being able to move like they are holding a fork in their hand.. they move so damn fast while both tr and Nc have a slow moving maxx.. which i thought was the whole point.. slow moving juggernaut.. no the vs maxx comes in sweeps through entire rooms while they can run backwards faster than a nc or tr maxx... that might sound small but in game its extreme advantage and i mean super extreme to the point where i have wanted to uninstall and let the vs build their maxx and have fun being alone.
  13. Kastrenzo

    VS OP?
    Welcome to Planetside 2

    oh wait, what's that? you're a Waterson TR?

    Find something more legitimate to complain about then...
  14. Vixxing

    And their Zero-drop tank cannons for killing libs+ ESF, and Fractures... (if you get one weapon that kills everything better than any Zoe MAX combination does you just saved 2750 cr for walking bit slower and 30% healthbuff)
  15. Lamat

    I agree, except both teams have the same number of players in hockey. Imagine if the Calgary Flames (red team) had more players on the ice than the other teams but they still only needed to beat them by one goal per game. Then imagine the Toronto Maple Leafs (blue team) isn't given hockey sticks but have to play with baseball bats and are consistently losing every game. Then after all the teams complain... uh... the purple team... wins because they change the rules and the other teams now only have to get 2:3 goals against Calgary because of their extra players. Really the game was messed up to begin with.