
Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheRealBrave, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. HerpTheDerp

    Assault Rifles are best anti-infantry weapons in the game. In fact, LMGs are generally speaking nerfed ARs with larger magazines. It's called Combat Medic for a reason.

    I agree with a lot of your sentiments though. How many kills you've got means litte, and the "master your weapon" borders on willful ignorance.

    The problem with NC6 Gauss Saw - in fact, this is a problem with most NC weapons - is that its strengths only look good on paper and do not hold up in the game.

    Yeah, get Advanced Foregrip on it and it becomes a **** machine at medium range(well, assuming you don't move too much when firing it) with amazing damage potential thanks to its 100 mag and top tier bullet damage.


    That's all assuming you keep fighting at medium range.

    This is not how this game works.

    Every single control point in the game is a CQB battle. Many of them are IN buildings, and if not, they are surrounded by fences, containers, boxes, etc. to break line of sight. Even the midfield between facilities often has plenty of cover hills, jagged terrain, rock formations, trees.

    So even if you catch an enemy in midfield, he's going to just run for cover. And then what? Well you can come to him, sure, but you have a midrange gun and pretty much anything he's got will give him an advantage. And all he needs to do is sit and wait for you to come to him for the same reason.

    This is why the metagame is to pick the CQB weapon for your class, no matter what class it is. CQB and close range firefights are simply much, much more frequent in the actual game than midrange ones.
    • Up x 1
  2. Haskaal

    Interesting how NC alt players insist the SAW being UP and how NC players insist it not being UP....
  3. Krave

    playing mainly nc-heavy after an alt-adventure with an vanu i must say the saw is horribly under achieving from my pov. due to nearly no horizontal bulletspread the advantage of a grip and advanced grip is only given whenn firing 30+ bullets in a row. its ability to fire from the hip is horrible with or without a laser-tag, and gets even worse when applying a compensator. so all in all compared to the vanu orion it is quite underachieving. the only real advantage is its big ammo-mag. wich i would love to have on my anchor :D
  4. DuckSauce

    I love the SAW. I have the Adv Foregrip + Compensator and HV ammo on it, which turns it into a laser gun when I ADS. I just find myself a nice firing position with some cover and rack up tons of kills; the gun does monstrous damage and, unlike other LMGs, can go a LONG time without needing to reload. Of course, it takes forever when you do...! It's pretty hilarious when landing a three shot burst gives you at least a critical assist.

    Yeah, the hipfire is terrible. But it does as much damage as any other NC LMG in CQC, and only about 7% less damage than the 750RPM TR/VS LMGs (Carv/Orion); in close combat, I either find cover in the room I'm defending or use a doorway or other obstacles as cover to fire into a room. The SAW will treat you well if you use it appropriately - hunker down an AIM it! Don't waste your time sprinting around like a fool, pretending you're using an SMG. ;)
  5. dough

    ^^ this. Pretty much describes my thinking on LMGs in general, and the SAW in particular.
  6. dough

    Yup. If you want to be sprinting around, go shottie or carbine.. Folks want the LMGs to act like CQB weapons, but they just don't.
  7. perspicacious

    SAW is the specialty long range LMG while the other factions start with the normal, casual n00b friendly CQC zerg derpgun.

    Therefore the default NC heavy will always suck.

    Besides, when was the last time you had a "long range" engagement?and I mean more then 25m, CoD kids.
  8. Skadi

    Does firing up to the crown with a sniper rifle count?
  9. perspicacious


    Anyway, IMO the NC default LMG should be the EM6. It's actually a decent LMG.
  10. KnightCole

    OMG, I would really love it if SoE actually made the Em6 the upgrade. However, you do realize that no body would ever buy the NC6? It would be a waste of all that coding lol....noone would use it. EM6, bring it on lol!
  11. Majikarpx

    I use the saw most on my heavy and I have to say, as a gun it blows until you put 330 certs into it, then it becomes mediocre at best. but that doesn't mean you cant do well with it. I certainly do well, i just think that most of the NC players are nothing special and so the hard to use weapons make them even worse. I feel like most of the best players just play the other factions and all the really terrible players joined VS because they are more forgiving. Plus that tobuscus guy is their spirit animal or whatever they like him.
  12. HerpTheDerp

    CARV is also mid-range(I don't think I would call any automatic weapon in PS2 "long range"), Orion is CQB. Except all CQB VS weapons are also good at midrange, and all midrange VS weapons are also good at CQB.
  13. Snotgurg

    [Post removed because of overly serious reponses.]
  14. Allin

    To be honest, I can't belive the **** that some NC posts on those forums.

    I have Vanu 41BR and TR 32BR characters, but never played NC, do lately after reading some insane claims here I decided to make a NC char just to check all the weapons out.

    It turns out either you guys are misleading people and devs intentionally or over 90% of your faction are complete morons who hold LMB untill clip runs out.

    I've checked every starting gun in the warpgate, also every avaiable from alpha squad unlock.

    I would exchange EVERY gun in my Vanu arsenal for yours. Some guns when controlled in 4-5 round bursts were hitting exactly SAME spot from across the wapgate... I can't replicate that with ANY so "superior" vanu guns apart from semiauto ones. It seems half of you just does not have a clue about recoil countering with a mouse, or shooting in bursts. Your guns do ton of damage, and are very accurate - apart from only ONE i found, that compensated accuracy for amazing rate of fire. Vanu guns might be better for complete idiots that are playing a shooter for a first time, but for anyone with experience yours are just bat**** insane.

    Stop moaning and learn to shoot. Considering the weaponry (apart from reaver, it really sucks) i regret i didn't go NC.
  15. Kyutaru

    While appreciative of your attempts to further the conversation, please never again post a picture of the results of a calculation without including the calculation itself. While math is infallible, the people who use it are not and often make incorrect assumptions based on the same data everyone sees. Please do provide the formula with which you arrived at your conclusions for analysis.

    Just as an example, the numbers listed here are pulled from space as the damage values do not coincide with the damage the weapon actually deals. The Gauss SAW can never deal 1149 damage at 100m range. It can deal 1169 or it can deal 1002. Likewise, the EM6 and GD-22S can deal 1001 damage, not 1024. This indicates your spreadsheet is not an actual representation of damage, but of a theoretical and illustrative scoring system for which you must have devised your own formula to solve.

    An analysis of weapon DPS is seldom warranted to be measured on a completely linear scale when you can easily portray it in the form of a plotted line graph that more accurately shows the value of each individual bullet. I believe that is what's causing the discrepancy between your expected damage and the actual damage the weapon is capable of dealing. You're using the trend line rather than the truth.
  16. KnightCole

    Lol, exactly......NC ROCK!
  17. HerpTheDerp

    Yes, let's make BR1 alts and dryfire some of their default weapons into walls at the Warpgate.

    This is how science works folks
  18. DramaticExit

    "Dear developer.

    Myself and other rock-users would like to complain about paper being overpowered. We have an amazingly hard time scoring victories against any paper users, who are also the least talented, most obnoxious and unpleasent scum one could ever hope to avoid. They smell funny and their mothers dress them all weird.

    However we would like to say that rock is perfectly balanced against scissors. It provides a fair challenge and yet properly rewards our skills."

    Self interest is a powerful motivation for lying to yourself. That should explain the phenomenon you are talking about
  19. CBCronin

    I regularly play VS and use a certed flare, but to figure out why the same level NC were so much more deadly than me I decided to try the NC.... this thing is a beast. Now I am used to controlling my fire with the flare, so I probably had an advantage to using this over a new player, but I have never killed so easily by just hitting the target.

    If you don't do head shots with the flare you usually lose against an equal opponent, the saw feels like it doesn't care where your head is... dead regardless.
  20. Haskaal

    Self interest more so being the primary motivation for self-centered rather than selfless thought, which makes more logical sense to me for these responses. So I would think it's more out of ignorance and personal opinion.

    Also, I like that analogy.

    Paper = VS ESF
    Scissor = TR ESF
    Rock = NC ESF

    Makes sense in terms of hitbox.