Gameplay suggestion: Kill cam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Analord, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Gavyne

    No kill cams please. Just what people need after they've spent the time to sneak up and find a good hiding spot, kill one person, then your spot is blown. It's lame as heck. That's why I've always played on "hardcore" servers in BF3 and BC2, because there's no kill cams there. If they want to somehow open a server and call it softcore, have kill cams and whatever else people may want, that's fine by me. But please don't change how it works on the regular servers now.
  2. Vanath

    Kill cams were left out on purpose.
  3. Rane

    This is one of those things that would be cool, but ruin the game. I just had to remind myself that, when I can't find who hit me after being hit and able to tell the direction it came from that he probably sniped me and cloaked before I turned to see what he was going to hide behind.

    The way it is now you can make your own "version" of the kill cam. Not in a sense that you watch yourself die, but you can tell where you got shot from, and you can also see where you died before respawning. So as far as revenge kills I can still track down the area you came from rather easily. Yet its better because I can not find your exact location.

    I could argue either side of this...By the time I respawn you should have already moved, and if not I'm probably coming to get you if I'm annoyed enough or I am just going to avoid that area.
  4. SnRside

    No thanks.
  5. KlyptoK


    The devs took it out and it's not coming back. Period.
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  6. cavedog

    no no no no no no kill cam the infiltrator class would be pointless then because when someone dies there friends kill the sniper. think about it the whole point of the class is not to be seen!!!
  7. water fowl

    they had one, and they took it out. Magically knowing where people are because you get killed by them makes no sense brah. It ruins strategy.
  8. MrRadicalEd

    I'll tell you what needed to be removed... the lame condescending "you died" music that is played after you died- especially as NC!

    yes I have turned off music.. not needed anyhow.
  9. Dornez

    I support the kill cam for one reason, root out hackers.
  10. Rane

    Out of like 300 deaths, I have only died once or twice where I didn't know the area it came from anyways. "Damn someone is over there near those rocks and just pwnd me." Also the NC sniper is the ONLY class that can kill me without me knowing where it came from. Its like the only person with no bullet tracer...I don't think kill cam would make much of a difference because you rarely just are fighting 1v1 so it doesnt matter. If you kill the guy next to me and you are hiding up in a mountain with your 200$ worth of SC gear for 3 hours trying your hardest to get 5 kills without dying guess what, I am coming after you for killing my team mate kill cam or not.

    No matter how well you are "hidden" for instance a player like me who is inside the enemy base can still only kill 2 or 3 people before someone notices me picking them off and I get gang *****. No kill cam only really benifits the people who hide really far away from where the battle is happening. And no one is going to come rushing 100feet from the base to attack you anyways.

    It would get really stupid though when people can respawn and just shoot a rocket or throw a grenade at one spot because they are 100% confident thats where you were at without even having to see you.
  11. KenFGX

    I think kill cam should be an optional choice, since it will lower down fps or even crash the game
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  12. LcdDrm

    No thanks. Better off without.
  13. MrRadicalEd

    an option to replay your final moments before death is a pretty darn good idea.......
  14. Kediec

    Killcam is a crutch , and a terrible one at that , for those who are unable to work out where or why they died .

    Big NO to having it implemented .

    If a player is sniping and gets into a good position without being spotted , why the hell should you be able to see him automatically just because you died and failed to spot the direction the hit came from despite having BIG RED annoying directional hit markers on your screen ...............
    If someone flanks you or gets round past you and starts picking you off from behind , why should you be able to see where they surprised you from , not their fault you can't pay full attention to where you got hit from ...............

    Just NO , NO , NO .

    If kill cam was added it would become needed whether optional or not , because of the advantage it gives the person who died ....
    There is ZERO need for a killcam . It really isn't that hard to work out where you got killed from .
  15. joe smo

    because, like a lot of other people have said it gives away the shooters location and in a game were skill in positioning can quite literally change the course of a battle, is just a bad thing.
  16. Isilith Tehroth

    The only form of a video I would be alright with is toggle in game that saves your play session and catalogs it so you can view it in the game lobby or when you are playing if you select it on the game menu. Heck even allow players to upload amazing their videos that players can view on a terminal in a base. Would make bases more of a social hub instead of Kill...kill. take over base.

    However you would need to log off in order for this to happen. So you can't just see the video right away. It would help formulate strategies and show what people have done wrong. However No kill cam! I am an HA, LA and infil.
  17. Rane

    Ok OK aside from the imbalance it would cause. You have to admit, kill cam is cool. I mean looks cool etc. We all understand it gives up the campers position.
  18. Zapon

    I bolded in red some critical points - there's a lot of stuff already that actually might hurt people sneaking around, as it is.

    Plus there's one more thing people forgot about

    so even if someone is hidden, they're screwed and can do nothing about it

  19. MrRadicalEd

    you make a good point
  20. Kediec

    Can't mash the spot button if your dead , how-ever , if a killcam was on it would show the direction the person who killed you moved off in , so you could much easier find them by heading that way and mashing it .
    While there are still ways to find the enemy , it at least takes some work and situational awareness on the part of the person killed , whereas a killcam is just lame .
    Now , i don't agree with the spotting system as it is fully, but it doesn't give away all elements of surprise as it requires someone to actually be looking in your direction actively searching . If you have got round the back of someone , they won't be doing that.