Gameplay suggestion: Kill cam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Analord, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Analord

    A kill cam is an instant replay when you die from your killer's point of view.

    Would this be too difficult to implement?

    It would be quite amazingly awesome if PS2 had it, and it bugs me slightly that we don't have it.
  2. Bags

    This is amusing, to say the least. ;)
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  3. Tooks

    It'd be nice to know when you die from a bullet that seems to have come from six hundred miles away just where it did come from :p

    Would make revenge kills more interesting, too.
  4. keqe

    I will try say this as friendly as possible. Go back to CoD please :)
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  5. FieserMoep

    Killcam? It sucked in every game. And what is the point of an awsome infiltration gameplay if every stupid guy can see your positon?
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  6. Isilith Tehroth

    God Damn it. Freaking CoD/BF kiddies trying to shape this game into those two games. You have already destroyed this game enough. Kill cams were going to be in the game, but the ps1 veterans actually got the Developers to listen and it was taken out for good reason. I wouldn't mind a kill cam when you die, but after "10+ minutes. (It would be more of a novelty thing to see what happened and what you did wrong.)" but to know exactly where your opponent is and with the way re spawning is, will hurt the game.
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  7. Fuse

    Thanks, I needed this.

    In fact, I'm bookmarking this for later.
  8. Jac70

  9. Genesisnx

    And suck the fun, no, the entire ability to outflank and remain hidden out of the game?

  10. NinjaPirate

    They tried the kill cam during alpha, Nobody wanted it so thankfully they canned it, And Good Riddance tbh.
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  11. Morro

    I hope you aren't serious. It gives away the position of the person who killed you. Plus it's pointless.
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  12. Tantal

    Kill cam? More like scrub cam.
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  13. Seltsames Vieh

    This nice little window that shows your killer was implemented as a alternative to the killcam. You can still see your killer and his equipment but not his position. Thats extremely important. Because this is also a game about manouvering and flanking and getting intel on enemy positions. You dont want kill cams that show the enemy your position. This also applies to bases. You might call it camping but i call it defending. If you dont like it you are free to choose the countless other fps on the market with killcams.
  14. Rylan

    Yep, it worked and we told them to turn it off.

    Kill cams have no place in these sort of games. If, with a great big red triangle above your head, you manage to find a good place to sneak up on the enemy, you deserve to keep that, not have someone respawning come and hunt you down to satisfy their rage.
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  15. PoopMaster

    No killcam. It's extremely cheap.
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  16. Analord

    Having a kill cam does not make this game like call of duty.

    Oh crap you guys I just realized something. This game has guns. Call of Duty has guns. THIS GAME IS A RIP OFF OF CALL OF DUTY. The guys calling me a COD kiddy are not brain surgeons, I can tell you that much.

    I thought the point of this game was to constantly move positions, not camp. It really should not be a secret where someone is camping.

    Besides I think 80% of the time the kill cam would not be used for vengeance killing. I mean there's no opportunity for such a thing when it matters most. I.e. Massive battles. And it's only one player getting your position.

    I mean if you're camping, and someone sees where you are before you kill them, they will respawn and get your camp spot, of course, but this is in 1 v 1 situations. Either pick better camp spots, or don't die in your camp spot, what can I say. This game is about skill, not camping.
  17. NoClipMyst

    Black Ops 2 is out now. I suggest you get it OP.
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  18. KorJax

    They had one in early alpha but they removed it because everyone told them they didn't want one in the game.
  19. BunnyBread

    This. Killcams are stupid.
  20. Analord

    I'm just unsure why any player with a shred of skill would object to kill cams.