Game Update 13: What to expect and when.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Wariamu

    YAY for lattice :) Looking forward to it!

    I think implants shouldn't improve the player in a physical way in the sense of making them faster or stronger. Because then they're not implants. They're like biological improvements or something. I'm talking about implants like: Battle Hardened, Safe Landing, Sensor Shield, Thermal Reduction (makes no sense what-so-ever)

    I think those should be kept for either biological upgrades or whatever you can call that OR armor upgrades.
  2. TheRunDown

    Being back LLU Bases!
    LLU capturing was the ultimate outfit and platoon team work experience.
    Both side worked very hard and effectively to defend, capture and resecure the LLU.
    There were many Epic raids on bases to capture LLUs back in the day, and many Epic counter raids..
    PS2 will never be as great untill raids can be as big as PlanetSide 1's
  3. Kayth

    Advanced Shield Capacitor buff makes this my favorite GU to date.

    Super skeptical about implants. I really don't like the consumable idea. They also seem to have a large power difference for some.
  4. Bruce1

    Wow, all of this and still no Striker Nerf. I'm giving them 1 more month, and then i might just stop playing.

    3 rockets, 300 range MAX!!! and stop the glitch where it explodes on the other side of the rocks from your vehicle and still does damage to you. Then and ONLY then will it be Acceptable.

    Also very sick of all of NC's good weapons being NS weapons. SOE please fix this. Make me want to keep playing. This is why there is almost no NC players left. We or sick of getting Nerfed Every update while everyone else gets buffs.

    Well Ive have my vent for the day Goodbye
  5. Coldmeister

    Can we just get some server transfer tokens so I can move my TR (who was banished to a low pop TR server) to my main server where TR dominate? I've already put a lot of cash and certs into this characer and I just want to move him rather than start over to enjoy the overpopulated/overpowered TR faction on Waterson. I still question why you allowed multi faction on same server in the first place. Shame! The original Planetside is rolling in it's respective grave. I heard a good idea to put at least a cooldown on changing factions on the same realm to prevent alert fairweathering. An hour cooldown would be ok. I think this would be a good solution.

    Also, perhaps can we please get some help with character names, like a better system altogether? One name per game is sooo disappointing at this point and time in MMO history. You can link a handle to an email or something else to make it unique to something, but not EVERY server. It's kind of ridiculous that only one person can have a certain name across ALL realms. Especially in a free to play game. Please give some paying customers naming priority or expand the amount of names that can be in use at the same time via email attachments or some other method. It would not be impossibly hard. Champions Online already does it perfectly. Another free to play MMO game.

    Finally, in my humble opinion SOE should listen because you are a business and as a business you can make a lot of money on both of these ideas. (AKA selling realm transfer tokens and selling name change tokens.) You just need to implement a system that works for this and refurbish your game a bit.
  6. Sghignifiss

    Man... I casually saw the new Esamir:

    Now I really cannot wait to fight in it.

    It's just... just.... AWESOME :eek:
  7. urida

  8. Spaw 13

    Thank you SOE to not implant the implants !

    Edit :
    "When an enemy vehicle is destroyed via crashing, suicide or the player logging out the last player to damage the vehicle (within 10 seconds) will be awarded a kill credit."
    WHY ?! Must be the one who deals the most damages who will earn the kill !
  9. ZeckRow

    The new bases looks awesome, indeed. Can't wait to play on them.
  10. mblades

    Well first off transfer tokens would make it worse simply because you leaving under pop faction on one server to another server that has over pop on that faction doesnt fix anything. All it will do is have servers literally called TR/NC/VS servers with little to no enemies. And honestly always winning because there are no enemies is boring. So server tokens cannot be implemented straight away unless they give some sort of bonus to under pop sides first like slightly more health if you are behind the other 2 factions or something like that.

    Also I am fine with character names simply because if you pick a name it means you are the only one with it in the entire PS2 realm meaning that if you make a name for your self in a server and it gets spread across the realm you will be remembered as opposed to saying that redguy from server 1 is awesome and redguy from server 2 is terrible.

    SOE are a business but doing a decision that may shorten the game life to make a quick buck is a bad buisness decision in the long run especially for a FPSMMO. So before any server tokens or name change we have to address pop balance or get it close to it and adding mechanics that will give this game more depth before adding something that really wont promote this games depth in any way for example the resource rework may add a lot of depth similiar to ANT system in PS1.
  11. PresidentDaddy

    I completely agree with Alexandrix. I absolutely believe that consumable things like that just lower the game quality. If I am spending money on implants I want it to be a permanent thing. You wouldn't rent a gun would you? So why rent body enhancements? Think in terms of the Deus Ex games.
  12. Divinorium

    Allow me to completely MUTE individual voice channels.

    Sometimes i'm running with my squad just for the lols, so i turn down the commander channel. While i can't hear them i still get the effect of all the others sounds being tunned down while they talk in the chat.

    VERY annoying.
    • Up x 1
  13. Tekone


    PS2 already lost a lot of very talented players due to crappy implementation of 'features' that destroyed gameplay balance.

    Watch what happens when they release pay to win implants.
  14. RobotNinja

    Oh dear...Daddy is going to be absolutely devastated by this, since it's his primary tactic. He might even cancel his hags club subscription.
  15. Rhapsody

    so.. out of curiosity.. why did implants get 'yoinked' completely?
  16. Van Dax

    To be completely redesigned based on the negative community feedback.
  17. Rhapsody

    figured as much =) was just curious.
  18. Robert Patrician

    Here's why I don't play much Planetside anymore: The game isn't going anywhere. Look at the past severel game updates, and all they've done is 'polish' the game mechanics. They aren't adding new mechanics or new elements, which is what would keep me interested. Sure, the harasser was nice, but it was added to all factions.

    Here's the problem: Whatever you can do, the enemy can do. The factions are so 'same' that the biggest significant difference is their appearance. The game experience of playing any particular class or vehicle is 99% the same between factions, so why bother having multiple characters? Multiple characters means more likely to buy items in the cash shop, because it multiplies the value.

    There's a saying in business, "Do what you have the potential to be the best in the world at." Planetside 2 has the potential to be the 'best in the world' at asymetical warfare, but only if it pushes in that direction.
  19. Zar

    you can't really say lock on launchers in a sentence, then call the people they are aimed at no skilled.... cause you look like an idiot >.>. for the record I say this as a tr All fire and forget missiles "strikers included" are the single least skilled weapons in the game make them have to be aimed and a lock on with cross hairs kept on the target till the missiles hit. then we will talk about "skill".
  20. Zar

    they are doing what ps1 failed to due in the later years instead of fixing **** that was broken and trying to keep the game balanced they listened to people like you. Then BFRS came..... and the dark days started. they are fixing things then launching new stuff. good plan and what most games have failed at.