Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ozarkamax, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. nickkeane

    I can't log in either and have yet to get past G37. They're working on it, dunno how long it's going to take though.
  2. Kaezer

    Guys, G37 is a server side issue, not based on your graphics... Read the sticky thread about it, it's in bold and right at the top of the board !

    I'm having this one as well, and I'm glad they at least ID'd where it came from. I'll patiently wait then ;)
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  3. AbuMujtahid

    The developers are working on this issue. It may be that for some ppl, it is fixed, like me. But maybe for some the issue is still not fixed yet. So I guess you should put in a lot more patience. :)
  4. F U P S

    I'll tell you what it is.
    It's all a marketing ploy.
    They are probably getting too many users and not willing to spend the $$$ on a larger server.
    Since it's a F2P game, they require a certain amount of users to actually spend money instead of a flat subscription fee.
    Until they reach their $$$ cap, they wont be "fixing" this "error".

    It's all BS, and unless you can prove otherwise, so are you.
  5. Skadi

    actualy got to character screen on one attempt, crashed afterwards
  6. Veratu SOE

    We're deploying the fix for this at the moment. It will be resolved in about 10 minutes. Thanks for your patience.
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  7. jamspammer

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  8. Twist

    We believe we're very close to resolving this - it is indeed server based. Also, the twirling bird sig is giving us headaches so we'd rather close the whole thing out quickly. Part of the resolution here will disconnect people who are sitting at character select, so if that happens, don't be surprised, just log back in.
  9. Langdale90

  10. Bosjem

    I manage to log in a couple of minutes ago. So it's pure luck to be able to log in (before the fix). Logged out to actually unlock the stuff i bought with my 4000 station cash from Alpha Squad (stupid mechanic i would say, hope they patch it) and again g37 error. I'm glad that the problem has been solved quickly.
  11. nickkeane

    "Bout time."
    *Logs on. Bypasses G37 error*
    *Gets on character, crashes. G403 HTTP Forbidden Access"

    EDIT: In all seriousness, still getting the G37 error :(. Fix applied yet? ETA?
  12. Southern Bell

  13. hostilechild

    Well atleast no more G37,
    now stuck at character creation. Click finished, just sits there!!!
  14. Veratu SOE

    We have to revert this deployment as it introduced a new issue. We're working as quickly as we can and will have the error resolved soon. Thank you for your patience.
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  15. jamspammer

    Cheers for the communique, we appreciate it
  16. themadmonk

    We appreciate everything you guys and gals are doing. We appreciate the updates.
  17. Cristari

    i guess i'm off to play something else then for a few months. If I remember PS1 it was a patch to fix the patch that never ended from there on in. PS2 on launch day has had nothing but issues that weren't there in beta and now are here in live and I can just see the Patch to fix patch to fix patch starting from here on in.
  18. BlingKaChing

  19. nickkeane

    New twitter post about G37:
    John Smedley
    It will be rectified quickly. It's simply insane load.
  20. Veratu SOE

    The proper deployment has taken place, we're monitoring the G37 error but it should be resolved now. Thanks for your understanding while we work through these launch issues.
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