Fun with Anti Tank mines, a video about explosions! :D

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dvine, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Dvine

    I run a totally uncerted engineer, outside the 100certs spent in Anti Tank Mines.

    I wanted to throw together a quick n dirty video and show everyone how effective and disruptive an Engineer can be!

    Basically my tactic is to flank the offensive/defensive enemy force, and stay out of sight of veichles then blow them the hell up! :D

    I am the first to say that I make a lot of mistakes as, no doubt some of you will be pointing it out. However you can see how ignorant most players are currently. Noone protects their sunderers and you will see cases where noone gives a flying frack when I blow up their stuff then pick them off.

    Im sure there will be a lot of QQ about AT Mines being OP and people will cry nerf like babies... IMHO AT Mines are fine, the real problem is tunnel vision and the fact that everyone feels safe frominfantry once they are sitting in armor!

    There were countless times when I completely shut down an offense just by blowing the sunderer up as noone was protecting it!


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  2. Dvine

    Vid uploaded
  3. klaptafeltje

    No No take it down please don't let the mass know about this neat little trick XD

    I have such a blast lately with these puppy's especially with the jumping on the road and let them try to run me over tactic
  4. Dvine

    Nopey Im not taking it down, everyone should have fun :D

    Plus less tankspam is good mmmkay?
  5. Village

    Lets hope they fix this and require the mines to actually be driven over, shot at or have a grenade explode on them to actually detonate. And also the repair tool disarms them without an explosion.
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  6. Freyar

    I know what I'm certing next..
  7. Kubor

    Awesome stuff :)
  8. Goats

    That's when I'll start using sticky grenades. :D

    I love doing this so much. I single-handedly broke a siege on Eisa yesterday by charging into a huge group of TR and suicide bombing their Sundy. I got something like 10 certs from all the kills, too.
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  9. Dvine

    They are proximity mines, you deploy them and they blow up if there is a veichle in the vicinity. Nothing to be fixed here, its a counter for tankzerg and a hard counter of horribads who think 55 tons of steel makes them invulnerable for infantry.

    It isnt! What Im doing in the video shows you how lillte **** is given by people to their surroundings, hell there is one case where I blow up a Sindi with no less than 5-6 guys standing near it and one guy in the turret...
  10. Dvine

    Thanks! I will make more :D
  11. Juni

    That explains how an engineer was able to instant-kill my sunderer!
    Thanks for the video =D
  12. Takoita

    That was good. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Dvine

    Pay attention to your surroundings, or I'll come to town with 2 exploding suprises :D

    Alternatively you can cert into Mineguard for 50% damage reduction from Mines and make me look stupid !
  14. Udon

    So why didn't you use C4, HA rockets or grenades instead? The answer is because tank mines are more powerful than any of those things. They are more powerful because SOE intended them to be setup before the vehicle arrived not after. I won't speculate on if SOE is going to change this or not and I would hate to see mines damage nerfed. If SOE decides to fix this I hope they do so by adding a 30 second setup timer or something instead of nerfing damage.
  15. Dvine

    Well I can carry 2 and they cost 75 certificates a piece meaning, that I can take out 5 veichles (you need 2 for each) and my whole infantry resource pool is gone.

    I use them because they are the best bang for the buck (-sic-), and I can use them any way I see fit. Rockets suck, C4 is stupid expensive and grenades bounce like they are made from rubber. I remember you crying your little heart out in the other thread about this and all I can advise is:

  16. Dvine

    Thanks! :D
  17. Garfboy

    Love this! Was going to post a video myself of the AT Mine fun - it's nice to finally have something effective against tanks! And yeah, if anyone bothered to cert Mine Guard it would ruin our day =(
  18. Dvine

    Im sure there will be huge QQ about this from the Armor Driving Crew and it will eventually get nerfed if they cry long enough.

    In the meantime I'll keep blowing them up :p
  19. Baby

    Only annoying thing about Tank Mines is you can put them under immobile objects and make them explode and you can place them directly under vehicles rather than where you think they will go.

    There should be some strategy involved rather than instant kills. I say this as someone who is certing mines and as someone who drives vehicles regularly. Most of my mine deaths have been from someone placing it directly under my vehicle of which I have no defense from it and that is pretty broken.

    I respect dying from mines that were strategically placed on paths to stop vehicles from entering.

    I don't respect the broken mechanic of tossing mines under vehicles and having them immediately go off, that's not even what they're for. If that's what you want then you should have C4.
  20. Dvine

    Except you let me and infantry guy, run up to your damn Sunderer/MBT while youre busy doing whatever and blow you up...

    Cert into Mineguard or keep moving and noone will be able to blow you up with 2 mines!

    Alternatively pay attention to your surroundings! :p

    Oh and last but not least, they are proximity mines according to the Planetside Wiki, and that means if they get deployed/armed and there is a veichle nearby they go up.

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