Friday janurary 4th(waterson): Let the BRIT drop vs The Vanu Alliance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Obscura, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Excidium

    NC on Indar can't fight out of a wet paper bag on Waterson, why would you want to get in a threeway? Would end up with TR initially warpgate locking you, then VS coming in and destroying everything.
  2. Obscura

    And indar is where we'll be fighting, but your delusional brethren in this thread somehow think they're going to be able to get in the mix as well and "destroy us". Those are whats called pipe dreams
  3. Waxxon

    Here ya go again talk all this talk "Mr. Space Mexico". When we all know this game is just an expansion pack for world of tanks but i guess you didn't get that memo. Mean while over in "Space Canada", and "Space Amerisha". Where the Space British and Space Amerisha fight for the good stuff, not some 3rd world continent.
  4. Obscura

    The good stuff? I guess if you play armor and air alot, which I don't. You can have esamir and amerish lol, indars continent bonus is what I like.
  5. Excidium

    Wait, do you think I'm NC on Waterson?
  6. The Funk

    Lol infantry bonus. I'm constantly maxed on infantry and I crap C-4 and grenades out of my LA like I got the runs!

    Also I'd like to reassure any peace-loving anti-violence types out there that no one will actually be hurt during this event, as one side will strictly be using laser tag guns and the other airsoft rifles.
  7. Sinist

    I will be there fighting for the Terran Republic.

    The Vanu made a very big mistake stirring up the hornet's nest.
  8. Protential

    All NC must spawn liberators, and trial OP weapons, we can just destroy any continient they go to
  9. The Funk

    There's plenty of other threads for you to ***** about libs owning you dude. ;)
  10. Sarmane

    Enough with the NC jibber-jabber and remain on focus here please. VA and BRIT are having a wonderful little space tea party which the NC can invite themselves to if they wish/dare and we will all have an interesting duel to occur on the 4th. If all goes to plan this can spur further challenges and make regular large outfit battles occur. :D When the dust has settled we can settle our disagreements on why Indar is the best and NC are scrubs.

    Also if this gains enough attention. it may help spur/galvanize outfits on other servers across empires into banding together and playing with each other. :)
  11. HerpTheDerp

    NC should wait till fighting reaches the Biolab, then organize 12 double Hacksaw MAXes and 12 Engineers and crash the party.
    • Up x 1
  12. Spartan 117

    So much NC hate in this thread. We must be doing something right.
  13. jack mehoffer

    This is good. Hopefully DVS will be able to spoil as much as possible. We are going to need some scouts to locate and mark the biscuit for termination.
  14. Uben Qui

    Let's face it VS on our server is usually stuck in the corner of Indar while NC and TR play around with ownership of Amerish and Esamir. I cannot remember the last time I seen either of those Purple... So they need this for morale. It is a good thing. The more VS works together the more likely it will be that they leave that little corner and take some continents once in a while. It benefits us all.

    I also think that VS are the only ones that will do a 'RP fight' with anyone. Getting NC to recognize rules other than the natural laws, would be quite a feat. We don't really do glam battles for the most part and BRIT would be hard pressed to get the 'winning' footage they need for TBs videos to promote the big event. So although I hate to admit it, this really is the better option with the VS.

    That said, I am all for this. ;)
  15. FireWater

    Should be a good time, I'm going to try to stream the game (I have a pretty decent set up) so we'll see what happens. Looking forward to a great fight.
  16. GuraKKa

    I swear, on that day, I will shed no NC blood... I WANT TR BLOOD!
  17. Yil

    Does Tardbuscus even play this game? Wish we had some 'leader' that wasn't a ******. :cool:
  18. Yil

    What in the **** are you doing in this thread if you're not?
  19. Uben Qui

    One question now that I have had time to think on this a little more...

    Why is this an event where one TR guild goes against the whole VS faction? That is about the only complaint I can make. Why is it not TR against VS? I think that would have been more inclusive to say the least. Unless they are trimming the numbers to get a better fight, and I cannot blame them for that but I think it would have been better to try to make it a faction thing rather then a one guild glory thing. :(
  20. GuraKKa

    Who cares about these false leaders?
    As far as I know, SeaNanners has started playing a week ago or something like that (checked on YT, 4days ago), and had no clue about the game mechanics
    I found some "Tardbuscus" PS2 videos from only 2 days ago.
    TotalBiscuit is the only one actually giving a shot to the game.