[Suggestion] Fix TR max lockdown

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brad seven, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. TheMish

    I found charge to be awesome to get away quickly, like for example, I use it on my Terran Max. If I spot an NC max, I know, even with Kinetic armor, I'll be torn apart by it, so I can run off, and fight it from a distance. Might not be too much, but if I can keep him from getting too close, I can win.

    I use it if I see a LA above me, almost always gonna drop c4, and I use it to get into a building quickly.

    I've only used lock down for my Fractures, and AA.

    Speaking of AA, I think mainly the reason why people turn on ZoE when they're using bursters, is just habit. Like, you just turn it on, cause you can. I know I've done it a lot.
  2. CapEnTrade

    Agreed. Buff lockdown again.
    Then... maybe have a glance at the others that no one cares about.
  3. Flag

    A ZOE kamikaze max dies faster than the non-ZOE kamikaze max.
    That's all there is to it.

    Especially when the rest of the ability doesn't really impact the situation, because you're right. The damage bonus isn't something you will really feel with the Blueshifts.

    The reason I say you don't know how to play the MAX comes down to how you seem to "always" go as the kamikaze max. If you really do die to the kamikaze you're not playing right.
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  4. TheMish

    Well that's because I didn't intend for my NC or VS Max to survive. I intend for them to take out specific targets, and that's it.

    They only survive long enough to get the job done, that's it, that's their only purpose to me, they only exist, and are equipped to do that for me.

    Rarely do I play them to last, maybe usually when I'm defending a base, I'll fight with survival in mind, but besides that, they're like a missile, just a one time use, to hit what it needs to hit.

    I don't see what's wrong with it. I'm destroying the enemy, they can't sustain themselves, and they will collapse. That's what you want. If you're just gonna play soft and pick off one guy at a time, you're not doing anything much than just collecting xp.
  5. DrBash00

    I think jump jets would fit well for maxes, and they are really easy to balance and give a lot of new ways to use maxes, maby give it only to VS but then the NC needs a buff and maby also the TR lockdown.

    Or just give all maxes the option for jumpjets...
  6. axiom537


    I'm going to have to disagree with you. The TR lock-down ability is easily the top max ability out of the group of worthless max ES abilities and it certainly has the most utility, it can be used to increase the effectiveness of all of the weapons, meaning it can be used in many different situations, the shield is fair at 1 thing, taking a bit of additional damage...

    If you have any sense of situational awareness, anticipation and positioning, you can easily use the lock-down in a variety of situations that in the end give you added firepower and even stationary you still have 180 degree of rotational coverage and with the addition of an engineer and good positioning you can be devastatingly effective.

    I'm sorry, but out of the three abilities I would take the lock-down without question...
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  7. Flag

    How wasteful...
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  8. Serialkillerwhale

    And the shield does something?

    Lets face it, charge is the best option except for a few cases.
  9. iller

    IMO, if it's going to immobilize the MAX, then it should also grant an additional 50% (factored, not additive coefficeint) resistance to explosives like C4, rockets, and Tank shells. B/c The #1 fastest cause of death in this game is that you just stopped moving....
  10. Takara

    You are crazy.... no penalty other than not moving is worth the buff it gives. The Mag boost is less than half a second and it rarely does much.

    To be quite honest...lockdown is as useful as ZoE......the NC shield is by far the best of the MAX abilities as it actually prevents damage and lets you reload in cover. I think ZoE and Lockdown both need some bonus.
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  11. EliteEskimo

    The majority of TR players who pull maxes which I don't see using lockdown would disagree. If you look for the amount of people from each faction using their empire specific ability the NC use the shield way more than the TR/VS use their ability. Situational awareness is moot when an HA or LA can pop around a corner/behind you/ or above you and quickly C4 or rocket you before you can unlock. Feel free to disagree, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  12. Bearded Wall

    The reason I hate lockdown is the stupid amount of time it takes to do the ******* thing.
    If I could just press the button and have it work I would use it SO much more.

    But no, its as big a pain in the *** as deploying a sunderer.

    Ready to lock down? Okay!
    Stop moving for a second till the server agrees you arent moving, then you can lockdown. But wait! It is time to play a little animation for 2-3 seconds. Okay if you havent been rocketed to death you are now locked down, enjoy being a target.

    Its the biggest pain in the *** on a prowler because you have to be deployed already or theres no point, and good work dropping those certs on a chasis which you cant use now for no reason. You have to be laying in wait for enemy armor and they will just back up the second they see you.
  13. Allin

    Ok, in all essence TR and NC abilities do something ELSE than charge. ZOE is CHARGE, but WORSE. If that's not logical enough for you, I don't know if there's anything I can do here.
  14. Takara

    Really....deploying a Sunderer is a pain in the ***? You...sir are funny. Well I guess we can depend on you to never bring an AMS for your team. That half a second deploy time...god it just kills all flow of the game eh? The fact that you think deploying a sundy is a pain in the *** makes me seriously skeptical of any of your opinions :confused: