EXE- Execution

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by Arc, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Arc


    [EXE] we do organized play, you've seen us around. we dont require and dumb stuff to join.

    if we've run 49 galaxys into you sorry.... but not really.
  2. RepublicMuse

    Cool. Was with your platoon last night. I will never think of the Ride of the Valkyries the same way again. And next time, somehow needs to have that music ready to go! :)
  3. CamboRambo

    Needs more drunk narration from Arc. Fun group of guys to squad/platoon with.

    - JSK (CamboRambo)
  4. GuilotineGustav

    Very fun with EXE platoon's the last two nights.
    I'd be interested in joining.
  5. kchimko

    Id be interested in joining you.

    TecktonikVertigo is my player name

    send me an invite
  6. Nozferatu

    For anybody who's interested here's the air shenanigans we were doing the other night with galaxies. If it looks like fun trust me, it's a lot more fun in-person so look us up ;)
  7. Fluffer

    I was down on the ground, looking up like... crap i hope those arent full of infantry lmao.
  8. Nozferatu

  9. Patchey

    **** that Galaxy run was epic. We had a pretty sick Flash mob earlier today, until half of us suicided off of a mountain side.
  10. Arc

    just to be clear this is OJSimpsun. if your interested in joining the outfit shoot a member of EXE a message and they will direct you to a officer.
  11. CamboRambo

    Here's the Flash Run. Sadly, I didn't make to far but I took some of you with me haah!
  12. Arc

    bastard! nobody video tapes my deaths!
  13. Kukuguy

    I wanna join, name: SirPineapple
  14. Llaf

    Can I join? Running solo is getting old and I've see your outfit all over the place.
  15. SaphyreWinds

    I was with your tank platoon yesterday, great stuff. I'm with the two guys above me.
    Name: SaphyreWinds
  16. Nozferatu

    Bump. If you're interested in joining add Archcraig and shoot him a message, if he's not on you can add any of the other EXE members or me and we'll try and hook you guys up. If you're really desperate just hit "P" in game and look for one of our usually many open squads tagged with "EXE", join and ask in platoon chat whenever there's nobody else talking. :)
  17. Nozferatu

    We need to spiff up the first post a bit, needs a little more RED
  18. Compass

    Can you guys please learn to aim your Prowler guns so they actually hit on their first or second shot? D: It's kinda awkward being the only siege unit who can actually hit the stationary targets dependably ;_;


    -Burger Tank
  19. Nozferatu

    SeaNanners was doing a live stream on our server today. One of our outfit members took him out at 34:03, I rolled in a couple of minutes later with my lib and bombed him and his buddies to kingdom come it was pretty sweet :D

    On another note - join up while you still can! We're getting closer and closer to the 500 mark!
  20. Tathis

    Hey, my name in game is "Tathit", I would like to join. I don't have a mic, but I'm a team player.