Enough is Enough Higgles - We need the magrider buff NOW

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BeefJerky, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Phrygen

    why would you do that? The vanguard has higher front and side armor values. I don't recall if rear is higher or not.
  2. Chris Bingley

  3. Nhilys

    You seem confused as I wasn't talking about or quoting you but Johari/VDX, the same person you quoted earlier.
  4. Phrygen

  5. Nhilys

    It is.
  6. FriedRice

    If mbt vs mbt battles were ACTUALLY balanced, then these values should be the same:

    But OH WAIT, they're NOT. Not only it shows that the mag is underperforming in vehicle kills, it also shows a TEN PERCENT discrepancy
  7. TheFullCologne

    this only proves that vs dont use magriders as much as other factions....
  8. Chris Bingley

    I'm not sure what you're refering to here, but yes I do! :D
  9. Nocturnal7x

    lol mag is the best tank in the game. Most mobile/fastest, and you can actually fire your cannon while moving...
  10. raw

    Exactly. Can't count the times I have spilled my coffee because I threw up my hands in the air over those ****** lock-ons anymore.
    • Up x 3
  11. FriedRice

    Please don't be a fool


    435,497 Prowler HEAT Drivers
    475,482 Vanguard HEAT Drivers
    472,728 Magrider HEAT Drivers
  12. Halon

    retracted, goddamn this forum loads slow.
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  13. TheFullCologne

    how many of them still use it?
  14. FriedRice

    I know right?

    I like it when I (in a maggie) surprise a vannie in the bum but then the vannie puts on his blue condom and waits 8 seconds for me to finish, then shoots back and rolls all over me
  15. Halon

    I must have goofed. Sorry.
  16. Chris Bingley

    That's because the downside of the Magrider is that it has to turn the entire tank to aim, which means it suffers in larger tank battles. 1vs1 is where it shines, and those situations don't show up much, but they do happen.

    If you changed the Magrider to be better in larger battles then it would be OP as it would still dominate 1vs1 and you can't change that without completely changing the entire flavour of the tank.

    As I said before and you completely ignored, it's a rock, paper, lizard, scissors, Spock sort of balancing. If you want everything to be exactly the same then go and play COD, TF2 or BF3. Planetside 2 relies on asymmetrical balance so that it has a different flavour for each faction, if everything was the same, we'd all be using NS weapons, tanks and aircraft. and MBTs would be nothing more than larger, 2 man Lightnings and I don't ever want to see that.
  17. FriedRice

    So it's fine for the maggie to be down 10% than BOTH the prowler and the vanguard while it's fine for the prowler to only have a 0.01% difference between the vanguard?

    Asymmetrial balance =/= this _|
  18. Chris Bingley

    So, you want the Magrider to own every other tank in the game in 1vs1 situations (which it currently does) and be competitive in larger battles? That is not balanced! That all advantage with no disadvantage and therefore completely unbalanced.

    I'm starting to see why people complain so much about VS players, and you're giving me even more reasons to delete my VS character. Well done! I didn't think it was possible for anybody to make the VS even less appealing.
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  19. TheFullCologne

    spot on. wish you were nc on briggs...
  20. FriedRice

    I don't see how you got "equality" to mean " MAGRIDER SO OP I WANTZ MAGRIDER TO WINZ 1000000% PERCENTAGGEEE"

    How does being EQUAL mean OP?

    Seriously? You are definitely NOT enlightened. Please delete your VS account.

    looking at your accounts, I see you found your true calling to be TR. Please stay there. We VS do not tolerate Ignorance.