Either fix PPA, or nerf Canister

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mechwolf, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Mechwolf

    If the PPA can't kill in 6 shots with a 12 round mag, the Canister shouldn't 1-2 hit kill infantry. The complaining about the PPA has made y'all blind to the fact that NC has the fastest and tankiest ESTanks and the strongest anti-infantry top turret by far. Granted I don't usually use the PPA, I just feel it's unfair that the NC has a 1-2 hit kill anti-infantry weapon that has a ridiculous ROF for that much damage, (about 3 or 4 shots per second) and the PPA which did kill in 3 shots before has become so nerfed that it's more pointless than the original spiker.

    All you had to do with the original Striker was down the fire rate. All you had to do with the PPA was give it a COF. When you downgrade guns to the point to where they're useless. I'd really appreciate a refund of certs just so I don't feel as though I wasted 1k certs on a completely different gun than what I spent it on.

    Also... I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but I think infiltrators can get 1 shotted by the Enforcer. Might wanna check that out too.
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  2. Mechwolf

    Or you could throw TR a bone and not nerf everything they get into oblivion also.
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  3. SpruceMoose

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  4. LodeTria

    Just c4 the tank using the canister, that's how close he has to be for it to be effective.
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  5. Schizomatic

    Ran into the new PPA on a Harasser today. His first two shots were accurate, but after that he might as well have been using it as an anti-aircraft weapon. I actually had time to jump back into my Sunderer to cower in the old, learned, habitual ways of fear of the 'great and perfectly balanced and fair' PPA to drive the Harasser off with the Sundy's guns.

    Pre-'adjustment', that Harasser would have killed me, everyone around the Sundy, and single-highhandedly ripped my Sundy a new one.

    Thank Higby for some common sense.
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  6. Narukai

    You do realize the PPA cant damage heavy armor right? Even the old PPA couldnt damage heavy armor.
  7. Mechwolf

    Any Canister guy with half a brain can 1 shot you before you get a chance to get close, if they either hear jets, or they're in 3rd person, they can turn around and shoot you before you get a chance to detonate, not to mention it takes 2 c4 to kill a vangard unless he has his iwinshield up.

    You had to aim the PPA if it was in the air, now it doesn't matter how well you aim the PPA, it can't do anywhere near enough damage to stop anything.
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  8. Mechwolf

    And it's kind of unfair that only the NC guns can do something like that, but no other faction's guns can. At least now anyway.
  9. Mechwolf

    The original could do damage to heavy armor btw. And so could the original Canister. I think the Vulcan can still do damage to armor. Just can't 1 clip everything anymore.
  10. FateJH

    The Vulcan is AV. The Canister and PPA are AI.
    If you're going to compare the PPA or the Canister to something, you need to compare it to the Marauder.
    If you're going to compare the Vulcan to something, you need to compare it to the Enforcer or the Saron.
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  11. Hatesphere

    correct Vulcan is the TR AV option, not the AI option which is the marauder, that can not do damage to armor like all other AI options. .
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  12. Tommyp2006

    OH man, a Canister OP thread! That took even less time than I was expecting!
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  13. Hatesphere

    well nerf the PPA to just above the same level and people start to get surly and ignore logic.
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  14. Mechwolf

    The PPA and the Canister were on par before minus the fact that the PPA could snipe people, Now the PPA can't touch anyone unless it's burst fired twice while the Canister can shoot twice and kill anyone at the same distance you'd be aiming the PPA at. If you tried to snipe with the PPA the time it takes for your reticle to go back would be just as much time as the Canister to get its second shot off. Like I said before, all they had to do was add the COF, they didn't have to ZOE/Striker the gun.
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  15. Problem Officer

    Lol next you'll cry about Vulcan, Enforcer, Marauder.
    The intended targets don't need to match for the whine to continue.
    I'm surprised there isn't a lot of public shaming for when people just refuse to retreat from equipment mismatches.
    Don't like AI? PULL AV. Otherwise you charged into something stupid and should be angry at only yourself.
    Should my Medic be able to survive Bulldogs long enough to C4? NO, IT'S NOT A BATTLESHIP.
    Retreat to a terminal, not the forum.
  16. Mechwolf

    I almost never get to use TR's turrets, so excuse me for that please. And I know aknowledge the fact it's like the Planetside version of their, they're and there.
  17. Fellgnome

    What's kind of funny is that canister might now be the most powerful ES AI secondary now. Marauder has never been very good, PPA is now nerfed into the ground, while canister has received a fair amount of buffing.

    They've now intentionally limited all the ES AI secondaries to short effective range, but for short range the shotgun just wins. It's easier to hit targets with and kills very fast.

    Marauder and PPA really need to be the "SMGs" if canister is the shotgun. They need to be substantially better at a decent distance past canister's ideal ranges if they're not going to put out canister burst, but of course can't have enough accuracy at long ranges that we don't run into the PPA spam/camp nightmare again.

    The worry with that of course, is that more effective range on tanks usually just means better. Buff PPA/Marauder's effective range and canister becomes the loser again.

    Personally I think all of these ES AI secondaries should be harasser only weapons, they don't fit well with the playstyle of a tank and they're never going to be well balanced on a larger and slower vehicle that spends a lot of time camping out at mid-long ranges.
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  18. Mechwolf

    NC harassers parade inside bases with their Canister guns. I almost never see the TR even pull a harasser unless it's with the NS AV turret... wish i could remember that name...
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  19. Mechwolf

    I get what you're saying, and it would be better compared to what this new update is. But the Canister would not be the loser for the fact that it has that spread, with that fire rate, and the chance to 1hk if it's close enough. Range wouldn't determine everything about the ES AI guns because of those factors given to the Canister already.
  20. Schizomatic

    Trying to nerf the NC, now? Aren't there legless, utterly defenseless puppies still left to kick before we get to the NC?
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