Dual Mercies, the best MAX OVERALL?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Narutobieber, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. SinerAthin

    I'd like to know too.

    Everyone is talking about Quasars, Cosmos and Blueshift, but I NEVER hear a mention of the Nebula.

    I'd try it if I wasn't too afraid I'd waste 700 SC.(1 trial, 1 buy = dual)
  2. Predatorv2

    I have double nebulas and they are very potent to shred whole groups of enemies in front of you (working on my second mag size upgrade right now). Although the cosmos "felt" a bit more accurate (trials), i prefer my nebulas as higher rof (although a bit lower damage) is usually easier to control on cqbs. Plus i have this feeling, that the Devs made a terrible mistake concerning the cosmos accuracy (i suppose the blue shift was supposed to have that accuracy, but they mixed it up) and gonna nerf (fix) it with an upcoming patch.

    Right now i am equipped with double nebulas (one with mag size upgrade) and rank 4 kinetic armor and with some occasionally repairs i can "unpopulate" whole buildings/complexes. I can only recommend it. Although cosmos may be more accurate, i really like the higher rof.

    The mercy on the other side is just like the nebula (damage, rof) but with much higher accuracy. Pure ****..
  3. Grievance

    i have dual cosmos on my VS max and i really like it. granted this may be because the max goes from completely noneffective stock to actually making kills with the dual cosmos.

    but overall i think VS max is still outclassed by TR and NC. but tbh not all factions need to be identical
  4. Takoita

    Default Cycler hits in really random within its CoF. You can usually score enough damage for an assist, but I've not tried it other than stock, so I have no idea if dual wielding them would give a real benefit.

    Maybe using it with some other cycler on the right arm? When I've scrounged up enough certs for my right-hand Mercy, I've got a noticeable boost in kills for the default one. Apparently it kills off wounded target more often then the other arm.

    And by random spread, I mean really random - I had it register a series of headshots on one target in a row at distance of ~15-20 m and kill an unfortunate player in less then 1 second. They must've reported me afterwards XD
    • Up x 1
  5. Quiiliitiila

    Same with VS weapons :p
    It's even worse because we have no bullet drop. I've been fighting in some cases with a bottlenecked platoon and shot a a sniper who was annoying me at the top of a canyon wall. I headshot and killed him. I bet that did not make his night :D

    So even though we have a random CoF, we can potentially hit things at CRAZY distances! It just almost never happens.

    • Up x 1
  6. Johan

    TR maxxes Are fine. I've never killed an entire squad before like I have in a clip with my hacksaws.

    Air was today, Inc nerf hammer on the 30th.
  7. Vorpal

    Yes, the VS AI guns are absolutely awful. In fact, the Anti-VEHCLE guns are better at killing infantry.

    I think all AI MAX except the hacksaw need a boost.

    The vast majority of the attackers died without you even getting an assist on them. I don't think mercies are very accurate? I don't have them yet, but I know the default AI guns are inaccurate as hell past about 20-25 meters.
  8. Eric Smith

    They're reasonably accurate. One of the issues I faced was that through most of that I was standing behind a fence which offered me partial protection from incoming fire but prevented me from squatting - and squatting reduces CoF by ~33%, increasing effective accuracy. The other problem was that there were at least 10 people firing at any given time (there must have been 30 or more people on the pad, including at least 5 Maxes); to get an assist you have to do something like 25% damage and to get a critical assist it's more like 50%, so when 10 people are each doing 10% then nobody gets an assist.
  9. Talizzar

    I have more kills with the mutilators than the Mercy's and the mutilators are 100/700 each arm.

    Neither are very good past about 50m.

    I wish each faction could just choose short, mid, long range attachments that were all similar.
  10. exLupo

    The Cosmos kinda gets the best of both worlds between the Mercy and the Mutilator. High mag and still good accuracy (for a MAX). On a fence whether or not I'm going to buy 2x Muts, the huge mag is just so tempting but I'd hate to lose the CoF. Big area difference between 1 (0.7857sq/in) and 1.5 (1.7679sq/in)

    The real suck-a-ducks are the Blue Shift and Onslaught. Nice, you get a RoF bump but at the cost of low damage per mag and bad base CoF. Neh.
  11. Xasapis

  12. Azzatai

    God why do so many people say that... no they are not! :p

    You can snipe better with the comets at say, 100m, in case the enemies stand still. But close to medium range on moving and standing targets dual cosmos are a whole other universe compared to comets. Normally it takes around 2-4 seconds to kill infantry in my effective range, I've won most midrange duells vs other maxxes alltho its always hard to judge skill and equipment and pre-damage. Close range vs NC maxes can be won but it comes down to positioning and countercharging. It's pretty vital to hear/see him first. I have no problem getting eaten up if the player plays his advantage well.

    I won't say I am completely happy with the AI guns, especially because the cosmos seem the only viable option to take, but apart from rebalancing them a bit, most problems could propably be fixxed by giving maxes faction specific special abilities. I like charge, but i'd probably let NC have it and trade it for an energy shield or something that supports my guns better, like charge supports the shotguns.
  13. Takoita

    What about other AI options for TR? I almost never hear about them. Is there any reason to use a combination of different arms?
  14. Takoita

  15. LameFox

    AFAIK the only benefit of the less accurate ones is how much they can fire before reloading. MAX don't really have many effective options unfortunately, there's AA and AV which don't even have options, and then one better anti-personnel type. Though I guess the NC MAX infantry weapons might be different, I'm not sure any of those have long range functionality.
  16. Vansoth

    VS and TR AI max weaopns are almost identical. The blueshifts look to be broken/bugged so I don't even count those,

    The Cosmos and Mercy are the equivalent weapons to each other. Mercy is slightly more accurate while moving and they have identical accuracy while crouching and standing still. Mercy has 2.4 percent more dps than a Cosmos and the Cosmos has a 75 clip size rather than a 50 for the Mercy. Also the quasars are very close to the same effectiveness of the heavy cyclers.

    I think the perceived problem with the VS MAX is that you can actually see the projectiles better and with the TR weapons you don't really see the bullet trails all that well so you don't know just how much you are missing.

    MAX vs MAX will come down to luck and headshots given all other factors are equal.
  17. Chreighton

    Everyone seems to be talking about mercies, i have one and though i like its damage i like my dual mutilators far more. You can fire forever and rip apart infantry, i dont even have them with extended mags yet. Added bonus, you dont run out of ammo clips :)
  18. Snarkyfoo

    I say fair trade for the curse of the Pounder.
  19. Daswen

    Hey Eric ;)

    First of all, i dont want to troll you or anything...

    I watched your video with attention, and it seems to me that you dont aim very well. Very often your are near the target, or above, but 85% of your shots are miss. 10% on the feet or the target. Am I the only one to notice this?
    Your sight isnt on the target while you are in full auto mode (I know it isnt very easy to aim with this tiny white dot). You should burst and aim. This is my opinion, and again, I dont want to offence you.

    What do you think about your performance?
  20. Vansoth

    Heavy Cycler - Stock Gun, 60 rd clip
    Onslaught - Higher Rate of FIre, less damage per bullet, same accuracy as stock. Overall lower dps than Heavy Cycler
    Mutilator - Heavy Cycler with 100 round clip instead of 60. All other stats equal.
    Mercy - 50 round clip(10 less than Heavy Cycler) Same ROF and bullet damage as heavy cycler. Much greater accuracy while stationary and moving.

    Quasar - 50 Round Clip, same accuracy as heavy Cycler, slower ROF, higher per bullet damage, slightly faster relaod time. comes out to slightly lower(2.4 percent) less dps than as heavy cycler.
    Nebula - This gun is a clone of the heavy cycler with 50 rounds per magazine and a slightly faster reload time than the heavy cycler.
    Cosmos - Better accuracy than the other weapons besides the Mercy, features a 75 round clip and faster reload speed while dps remaining same as Quasar and Nebula
    Blueshift - 40 rd clip, worse accuracy of any TR/VS AI weapon, 351 ROF vs 337 ROF for the Quasar, same bullet damage as Cosmos and Quasar