[Suggestion] Drastically reduce AP damage from Rockets

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by orionite, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. TheEvilBlight

    That and rocket launchers that aren't soft launch will cook anyone behind it for several meters...

    But shaped charges with zero splash and AT damage would do the trick.
  2. Takoita

    We need Thumper for the tool slot. With different ammo options. Move faction-specific heavy weapons to it too while we are at it.
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  3. MarkAntony

    If you get hit by a rocket you deserve to die.
  4. Bejita231

    Sorry, but no, we have rockets that are meant for just doing tons of damage to anything, and then rockets that are able to lock on and hit things from massive range, pick what you want, lots of damage or more versatility, no reason to nerf the launchers
  5. Pikachu

    1 rocket is not enough to kill infantry. 3 times or so I have shot a rocket in the chest of an enemy 2m away and he survives and kills me with like 2/3 health left. Reducing damage would reduce logic and fun too much. I think the decimator should kill a HA with shield in 1 shot.
  6. Zaik

    I'm kind of hoping in the Heavy Assault class "revamp" they'll get around to probably last(which is fine imo, it seems to be the standard class for outfits atm) they'll give us a common pool weapon for the launcher slot that works like the indirect fire/grenade launchers they're going to give to the MAXes. I'd imagine they'll work pretty similar to the bulldog, decent AI and AV, but not amazing at either one specifically like the enforcer is for AV and that superaccurate machine gun is for AI.
  7. Taki

    Really, the fact that so many HA's default to the launcher against other infantry in so many situations, is a bit of a giveaway that it needs changing. It's not RL it's a game, and the rocket launchers should not be able to be used in this way to the extent they currently are. Damage versus infantry should be massively reduced.
  8. siddar

    Using rockets on tanks and planes is unproductive when you can smash infantry with them instead. By the way its not the direct hit that is the issue its the small area of 1000 splash damage that makes then into such effective infantry killers. I'm about 50/50 these days with getting a kill every time I fire a rocket at infantry and about 75% on getting a hit indicator.

    I predict allot of HA will be running with shotguns for CQB and using rockets for medium range combat.
  9. KyadCK

    You want realism?

    You just got hit in the chest with a rocket designed to kill tanks. You no longer have a chest. End.
    You just got hit in the face with a rocket designed to kill tanks. You no longer have a head. End.
    You just got hit in the crotch with a rocket designed to kill tanks. You no longer have will to live. End.
    You just got hit in the leg with a rocket designed to kill tanks. You no longer have a lower body. End.

    It's not like you die from a near-miss or anything, only direct hits.
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  10. TheEvilBlight

    An option may be to give us ammo swap options or certs for HE, HEAT, AP rockets. Present splash but lower damage for HE. Present damage but very small splash for AP.
  11. Rognik

    This is getting very off topic but if you think that WoT is all about luck, you are very, very wrong. I played in clan wars competitively for quite some time (my stats here). Despite a number of things that were kept intentionally unrealistic for the purposes of gameplay (hit points, module damage probability, spotting system, etc), WoT is one of the most realistic tank games out there. The game's "dice rolls" (including shot accuracy) are all done on a Gaussian distribution, so although you can theoretically get things like -25% armor penetration, the probability of it happening is absurdly low.

    Slightly back on topic, I actually wish games like Planetside 2 had things like module damage and armor penetration calculation, but you'll never see things like that because developers feel the need to keep things absurdly simple in combined arms games for some reason...
  12. KnightCole

    By WoT being luck I mean its not like PS2 where we actually aim the gun, compensate for drop our selves and we more or less determine the outcome of our shots. IN WoT we get what to me is like a musket shot reticule and the shot will disperse to anywhere in that circle. We do not determine the outcome of anything, the game does it all for us. So, more or less, we just fire(roll the dice) and the RNG determines the rest.

    I wish WoT's aiming was more FPS like PS2, where we get to aim ourselves. I hate the mechanics of WoT, the + - 25%, the reticule and shell disperson mechanics....its all pretty bleh to me...

    As for the skill in WoT, its more or less how well your team spams rounds together to score more hits then the enemy. You can point the gun at a weakpoint, but you in of yourself dont determine if you hit or not. You can learn tank armor and setups, where to shoot and what not, but even then, you cant determine if you pen or not. You can determine when you fire, where you fire, but the game determines the final outcome, damage and all of it. In PS2, we determine if we hit because the rounds pretty much travel in a straight line, we dont have a + - 25% chance thing on penetration and damage. Its pretty straight forward. PS2 takes more skill to play then WoT. WoT is all about a roll of the dice and having them fall in you favor more often then the enemy. Teamwork is simply giving you more shots to get them to roll in your favor.

    Im not just making excuses for my own play, I wasnt great at WoT, 53% in 4.5K battles, but I did well enough.
  13. Serathis

    Add semi auto nade launchers for the lulz.
  14. X3Killjaeden

    simple - if enemy hides behind cover you need to bring explosives... Grenades, Grenadelaunchers, Missilellaunchers, ... Guess why infantry still carries AT launchers in afghanistan? Because of those dangerous taliban-tanks?

    You die from shrapnell just as well... if you don't have flak armor. Surprise?

    And be glad that many start to run with the annihilator, because you have to fear little from it as infantry.
  15. Bill Hicks

    Sounds like you don't play infantry. I cannot even count how many times a heavy will try and shoot a rocket at me and do very little damage or none at all. If you are unlucky( stupid) enough to be standing for slow projectile to hit you........
  16. Bill Hicks

    OMG this people don't realize they have one of the best balances to rockets in any game. The Gustav was ridiculous in Bad company 2. Considering you can die just easily from all the tank spam,and aircraft spam- are you really worried about a random rocket?
  17. KnightCole

    Its called the Bulldog...
  18. Rhinzual

    Screw that, I want my Thumper.
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  19. Serathis

    Honestly not quite sure if that would make any difference. Base sieges are already pretty much just throwing warm bodies against the wall.