Does anyone even care about MLG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Yuukikun

    One way to force people would be locking all the non-desired weapons in an ''isolated'' mlg server
  2. Silver Fox

    Lol I personally don't see the point in arguing the nuances of the KDR statistic in any form. It boils down to people acting like school boys on the playground trying to see who is better at _________.

    Bottom line, this is a video game. Why people care what others think of them in this context is beyond me. He's wrong for trying to swing his virtual dick around, but you took the bait.

    Please, less drama.
  3. Yuukikun

    I'm in forums for drama, i never expected really constructive discussions on internet video game forums <3
    But i agree with your first point, i myself like to see my K/D, but i won't cheese to increase it. And it's my own K/D i don't care if other people know or not. I like to argue with people bragging about their skills in forums though, for entertaining purposes <3
  4. travbrad

    None of those are nearly as popular as SC2, LoL, etc though. They are reasonably popular player wise, but the number of spectators is pretty low.
  5. Phyr

    What would the spectator count be if we removed Asia from those numbers? Esport in America/Europe is relatively new, while Korea treats professional gamers like boy bands.
  6. Earthman

    South Korea also chews up and spits out professional gamers in a few years each, a bit like the rise and fall of each boy band.

    It's not a very wise "career" if you're considered to be too old and obsolete by your late 20s.
  7. Phyr

    Sure, but they still view it as a real sport, where as the english side still has the stereotype that it's just a bunch of teens with too much time on their hands.
  8. Earthman

    It doesn't matter how it's viewed regarding what I said.

    Not many real sports (yes, I said it, REAL sports. Even freaking Golf takes more physical exertion) have a 6-8 year career span for their athletes.

    It's a candle burning at both ends.
  9. Phyr

    Physical effort doesn't define a sport, and their career lifespan has more to do with marketing and popularity.
  10. GSZenith

    you wanna play forumside with me? codeak quit so need a new partner :(
  11. Earthman

    If you want to play that game, I'll dance for one post.

    Let's assume your premise that "sport" can mean just about anything if it gets enough attention and enough people are into it. I guess that means eating contests are sports, too, as well as bridge clubs and slot machines, but all right let's go with that premise anyway.

    It's still a very short candle burning at both ends, and faster than any "sport" before has went straight into the toxic egomaniac stage.
  12. Phazaar

    I'm not sure what Pre-CU you played... CH was a joke from about day 10 to revamp (and 2 days later removal)... Wasn't it? :S I worry that it's so long ago (10 long years :'( - **** I'm old) I'm forgetting...
  13. Phyr

    The longevity of an individuals career is largely irrelevant, since there's always more competitors stepping up.
  14. Earthman

    You're following nostalgic memes said by other people for the most part.

    There was a solid 6 month block where the old Anchorhead/Bestine border struggle became impossible to compete in without slotting creature handler. Saying "it was a joke" is a false attempt to add validity to your opinion, because their nerf was a long time coming and well deserved.

    Yeah you may have even been there and loved being invincible to anything but another creature handler, but that's definitely perception bias there.

    In other words, my point still stands. The personal obsessions of single designers can lead to the ruin of games, and for that reason simply bowing to them is not wise if their decisions are poor or narrow ones.
  15. Earthman

    That's a very dark, bleak, and cynical point of view. And it is actually a huge part of the problem.

    Like most of the corporate economic world, it has a very high churn rate. By churn, I mean the frequency of taking current members of an organization and removing them in favor of newer ones.

    These are people we're talking about here. If you want to bandy about sociopathic ideas of "people are just numbers", it only works out until it affects you.

    Funny that you're supporting MLG and "professional" gaming yet at the same time you're just fine with the individuals involved being chewed up and spit out on a rapid fire basis.

    Thank you for showing the ugliest part of this entire franchise, right there.
  16. Phyr

    If someone thinks they'll get more then a few years out of an MLG career then they're blissfully ignorant of many, many things, the gaming market being one of them. Like every televised (streamed) sport, it's about the entertainment that we, the consumers, get from it. The skilled stick around, or get replaced by better players, just like football, baseball, or any "traditional" sport.
  17. Earthman

    That's why I have zero interest in it and find the entire idea to be toxic and destructive, even to those who participate in it.

    But then again I used to live with a drug-addict, so I know all about how indignantly self-righteous people can be about the stupid things they do.

    Such as wasting several years of their life going "pro" or for that matter trying to go "pro" and having nothing to show for it after their very narrow prime.
  18. Phyr

    Just like every sport. Why would e-sports be any different?
  19. Phazaar

    Which server were you on? On Bria+Chimaera, we had buffs from about a month in that made CH completely redundant as far as I remember? As soon as people had hit on dodge stacking and combat medic, I don't remember seeing someone seriously play CH in PvP again... And in PvE, whilst it was still viable, it was definitely the slowest and most irritating grind, compared to just FlushingShotting nests, or SpinAttack3?
  20. Earthman

    Though the topic of this thread is a little too absolute in its "no one cares" statement, you definitely demonstrated why I and many others have zero interest in it.

    It has even less to offer than even the worst of real (yes, I said it, real) professional sports. Almost all of them have constructive health benefits just for practicing them at even a hobbyist level. This definitely is not the case for "professional" electronic gaming.

    Worse, many of its proponents and players want the WORST parts of "sport" culture first. They want huge salaries, they want to be lavished with praise and attention, they want to look down on everyone else and wring their hands with self-importance. Yet their "sport" is still in its infancy and what an ugly infancy it is.