Developer Thread: QoL Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Pikachu

    Feature: Fix flash roadkill collision. It has been broken since release. Flash doesn't harm enemies 98% of the time and when it does they still survive 90% of the time. Allies takes damage much more often and takes more of it.

    Reason: Because it's a super annoying bug when trying to use the flash for some simple combat.
  2. NoctD

    Feature/Bug: Weapon Stats Showing Ammo/Suppressor Effects

    Reason: No one can really tell what adding soft-point, high velocity ammo and suppressors do to each weapon. When so equipped, it would be nice if the weapon stats adjusts to show the new damage drop off and projectile velocity changes as influenced by attachments.
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  3. asdfPanda

    Feature: Explosives status HUD

    Reason: It would be incredibly useful if how your deployed explosives were doing would show up on the HUD. For example, you would be able to know when to place new tank mines after the enemy blows them up.
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  4. Bernardes

    Feature: Vehicle painel indicador for lumifiber/lights

    Reason: It would be nice to know if the vehicle has the limifiber/lights on/off. At night the lumifiber/lights call to much atention and in some vehicles (ESF e.g.) it is not possible to know if it is turned on without changing to 3rd person camera.
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  5. PWGuy93

    Feature/Bug: Team Killing. There gonna go for it and post as a bug as it's something that with proper moderation or a pick from thousands of suggestions could be cut down. Connery server is dying the death of a thousand Team Killing paper cuts. Today logged in and withing 3 seconds of entering the game was shot in the back in a spawn tube, ya way to go... this progressed throughout the day after witnessing multiple team kills escalating to warp gate vehicle destruction and a new low where each of the outposts outside of the warpgate had more team killers in turrets waiting for vehicles, esf or what ever. This shizznit needs attention.

    In the past GMs would announce themselves in game when they came on duty. Something, anything...

    Reason: Driving players away from the game
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  6. Ripshaft

    Feature: Seperate lumifibre/underglow functionality from headlight functionality on vehicles with headlights

    Reason: Headlights draw considerable enemy attention to your vehicle, at night or in shadow, while lumifibre or underglow is largely negligible as far as threat level goes. The current implementation has these features linked, so while I'd quite like to enjoy my lumifibre and underglow, this is simply not viable due to the headlights.


    Concession/Feature if above is not viable: Have auraxium lumifibre be "always on" - cannot be turned off.

    Reason: This ties into the above suggestion, but if the above is problematic in implementation, I'm reasonably certain that this suggestion could be implemented in the current build without needing to jump through any hoops. Additionally I think it fits the idea of a "prestige item" - demonstrates your mastery of the platform by rescinding the ability to turn it off when equipped.


    Feature: Ability to drag and drop loadouts to change order (ex drag loadout 4 to loadout 1 to swap or displace) - or simply "flag" a specific loadout in each class to be the "primary" (will be picked when switching class or spawning a vehicle upon logging in) This would apply to infantry and vehicles alike.

    Reason: People such as myself who play a variety of playstyles and switch up their primary loadouts on a regular basis are confronted with loadout 1 always being the primary choice in every other class chosen, which while it may have been the default/main loadout a month ago, is no longer the main one that you'd tend to want to use. I avoid suggesting that the game should simply remember your last loadout on each class over this suggestion as I think it'd still be more intuitive to have designated preferences, and lead to less tedium.
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  7. S3R4PHiM

    Feature/Bug: EMP grenade doesn't give any points or counts for explosive or playable distractions directive

    Reason: it does destroy, so could get counted imo

    Feature/Bug: How about EMP mines, as addition to bouncing betty, (and maybe do a stun 3 to 5 sec to vehicles or diffuse sundy shield)

    Reason: just so x)
  8. Fearsum Endjinn

    Feature: Reduce visual "effect" of medic shield regeneration bubble.

    Reason: The bubble can make it very hard to see enemies outside of it a lot of the time. When the bubble clips into an object it creates harsh glare lines, and overlapping bubbles compound the issue. Not to mention the tint can sometimes make faction colours appear confused.

    Feature: Mine counter.

    Reason: I'd like to see a small counter on the HUD that tells you how many deployed proximity and tank mines you have deployed, so you know when placing new ones won't remove one's that you already have down (unless you are babysitting your mines you will never know if a kill took one tank mine or a row of three, or if someone tripped a prox mine but did not die, etc etc).
  9. mefy

    Feature : Let Medics and Engineers see the 'need ammo' or 'need heal' icon above friendly soldiers heads in YELLOW, not green.

    Reason : It would help support players and the player getting healed/ammo by allowing the medic/engineer to easier distinguish players in need. Especially in large fights when there are green names everywhere and trying to find the medic or ammo icon in the exact same color can be very difficult. Making the icon a simple yellow color will provide an easy fix.
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  10. mefy

    Feature : Let all vehicles swap out loadouts / different armaments when rearming at ammo towers / air pads.

    Reason : PS1 introduced this half way in and i'm sure everyone enjoyed the results. Hard to abuse, albeit there will be some tanks camping near ammo towers, but I doubt this will be a game changer at all.
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  11. Zotamedu

    Feature: Improved squad and platoon lead tools

    Reason: We just lost a fight at an Amp Station because the platoon lead crashed. That meant that platoon lead went to some random guy that did not respond. When you have a system where outfit tags are shown with the squad/platoon, why on earth is lead not passed to someone in the same outfit? Game crashes and connection problems are too common and when they happen to someone who is leading, then you might end up in a situation where you have to completely abandon and reform a platoon. Then you have a bunch of guys running around with your outfit in the description that you have no control over. This really needs to be fixed.

    Two features would solve this. First of all, only pass lead automatically to someone in the same outfit. That would solve a lot. Next feature is the ability to set second and maybe third in command manually. Just add it in the menu in the squad/platoon pager. That way, the lead knows exactly who gets lead when his game crashes. No more orphan squads running around.

    You want better squad play? Give us the tools! We don't need more XP for leading, we want good tools to do it properly. Please please please fix it.
  12. HadesR

    Feature: Remove the predictive firing route from lock ons and return to the missile firing straight at the target

    Reason: It's more hassle than what it's worth and annoying as hell having a clear LoS to the target and the missile flying off at a 20 degree angle into a tree / rock / wall / friendly, just because it predicted the target might pass there in 3 sec's time .. :rolleyes:
  13. Yuki10

    Feature: Flash handling improvement
    Reason: still feels like a bar of soap in an oil bath

    Feature: Remove delays on every action/function
    Reason: getting rezed and not being able to move= death, hitting exit vehicle when it is on fire and not exiting=death

    Feature: Improve ESF low altitude handling
    Reason: flying low increases inertia and causes other problems, which makes no sense

    Feature: Fix client-server-client code
    Reason: When locking on with a launcher on ESF, it can take up to 10 seconds (with no obstacles) ...but when flying - lockon indicators only warn for 5 seconds at most

    Feature: Disable hover on ESFs
    Reason: Biggest complain from newcomers and casual players is hover dog-fighting, something that causes them not to fly nearly as much as they want.
  14. zaspacer

  15. Robag

    Feature/Bug: Outfit Logging (toggle option)

    Reason: In big outfits your chat aswell as the bottom of your screen get constantly spammed by people of your outfit logging in and out. Chat is usually completely occupied by all the logging messages and chat also pops up each and every time.

    This feature is already in the games options for "Friend Logging" and it would really help, to have the same thing for outfit mates! So that chat and screen stay clean for more interesting stuff.

    Would also be nice, to be able to turn off voice callouts [V+1-9] - just the chat message for them, not the actual callout.

    Link: -
  16. Whatupwidat

    Feature: Bonus XP for kills/assists acquired while under the effects of concussion/EMP/flash grenades
    Reason: Every actually killed anyone under those conditions? It's harder than I am looking at pictures of naked men.
  17. Sandpants

    Feature: Teleporters

    Issue: Not noticeable enough and people don't know where they go

    Consequence: Majority of people don't know what the hell they are and usually take them for random props

    Ergo fix it fix it fix it
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  18. HadesR

    Feature: The Connection indicator on the HUD change it from Good / Poor / Bad to show the actual ping number.

    Reason: It's not a very clear indicator as to your actual ping and having to TAB every time you wish to see your ping is wasteful considering you have the indicator and thus the means to place it on the HUD ..

    Also make it one of the features to disable for those that want it off the HUD
  19. mefy

    Feature : Make PS2 music play for longer periods of gameplay.

    Reason : It seems only the last minute of a base capture plays any of the soundtracks, and occasionally when im flying over a non-heated area do i hear some random ambience music for a short while. Why not make the game music perpetual if players have the music sound turned up? And with that being said, I think the composer for PS2 would need to make more soundtracks for the game... but that's a good thing. Right?! Game soundtracks improve submersion a great deal- how many of you remember a game you played 10 years ago? Can you instantly remember the game music playing in the background? I sure can... <3
  20. BetAstraal

    Feature: remove the continent edge interdiction or move it further
    Reason: we can't run anywhere to hide anyway and there's lots of land in many places; besides, the water is a natural limit

    Feature: stop swapping chats in between alive mode and dead mode
    Reason: it's annoying; if i want to communicate with my team i could have 'squadsay' set up to talk and when i die it sets itself to whatever channel i last spoke into