Developer Thread: QoL Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. RadarX

    What Quality of Life changes would you like to see? Post them and get some answers from the team!

    Please note, we will be moderating this thread so please format your post like the following to ensure it stays:

    Feature/Bug: Pony Spawning

    Reason: I'd like the ability to spawn magical ponies from my Galaxy. I feel this would help motivate other soldiers and strike fear into the hearts of my enemies.

    Link: Link to video, Reddit post, forum post which discusses spawning ponies and it's advantages in further detail.
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  2. Chaen

    Feature: Select default class to respawn as after MAX suit is used

    Reason: No offence to the light assault players around here, but I'd much rather be respawned as a class I choose rather than having it auto-default to being a light assault after running around in a MAX. Yes I'm aware that you can choose your class before respawning, but it's often times forgotten and I expect to go back to the class I was before I pulled the MAX. So QoL change would be to either select your own default class / loadout to be auto-selected, OR if possible automatically select the loadout you had prior to equipping the MAX suit.

    Link: Er, sorry, this is something that came up in Teamspeak in my outfit recently. Not sure if there's a thread somewhere regarding it.
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  3. Diggles

    Feature/Bug: Players muted in voice chat and channels with no volume should not trigger audio ducking

    Reason: Should not have to deal with audio ducking after already muting mic spammers and should have the ability to effectively mute 'command chat' without it triggering ducking. Keeping in-game voice chat on is beneficial and this would make it an overall more positive experience.

    Link: PS2 Forums, one of many threads mentioning this problem

    Edit: are we allowed to post more than one issue on this thread?
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  4. Ownasaurusrex

    Feature: Lock-on missiles functionality tweak

    Reason: making A2A and A2G lockons more fun to use and be hit by. Perhaps allow the angle of attack influence the targets ability to dodge the missile. Making the missile dodge-able by sharply banking and accelerating with all vehicles besides galaxy. This would necessitate a damage buff so 2 missiles will put an ESF on fire.

    Feature: flares tweak

    Reason: How about making flares a reloadable resource so you have to disengage and reload your flares and ammo. Cool down is certable to use flares every 6 seconds. Good against coyotes finally!
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  5. Conscripter

    Feature: Vehicle refitting

    Reason: Mostly so skyguards aren't stuck just watching the battle after air flies to another hex, but also allowing MBTs to switch secondaries to better adapt and all vehicles to immediately equip certed upgrades (which is nice for low BR).


    Also, if I could get greedy for a moment..

    Feature: Animation after calling for medic or repairs

    Reason: In a big battle sometimes people can't hear you and the HUD might be cluttered

    Feature: No grenade clipping on friendlies

    Reason: It's annoying when someone walks through you from behind and catches your grenade

    Feature: Grenade priming

    Reason: At least for the flash grenade this would be nice, so the enemy has less reaction time

    Bug: Delay when performing 'use' on vehicles, turrets, and terminals

    Reason: I really notice this when using the AV turret and trying to get out fast enough to avoid a headshot, but there's this weird delay. Not sure if it's intended and search didn't give me anything.
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  6. LordMatt XLVIII

    To elaborate on this, I'd like to mention that if you even SELECT the max suit from an infantry terminal, it will also set your deployment class to Light Assault when you next spawn, regardless of whether you actually pulled a MAX or not.
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  7. HadesR

    Feature: UI FLUFF Toggle's

    Reason: The UI is becoming more and more cluttered and a lot of the things taking up the room are not needed by many a player .. So to be able to filter out the icon's / Tag's / etc we do not personally want would be great ..

    Reason MK II: Might even help with overall performance
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  8. Tommyp2006

    Feature: Clocks - toggle between game time (for day/night cycle) server time (for time where the server is based) and local time (based on your location)

    Reason: Would be nice to be able to predict the day/night cycle better, as well as not having to alt-tab out to check the time

    Feature: Customizable chat channels

    Reason: Would be nice to filter out the spam of /y chat while still keeping the other chat channels all in one chat box.

    Feature: Customizable hud colors

    Reason: At times, elements on the hud can be hard to read, particularly the reticule, when in bright places such as Esamir. The ability to change this color woud help some of us see the hud better, as well as might improve visibility for the color blind. Would also be nice for reflex sights, though I assume that's something that might be done with custom sights in Player Studio.
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  9. Kaska

    Feature: Option to disable killscore in chat, as well as disabling bases captured/lost, and few other things.
    Reason: To reduce the chat spam in General tab.

    Feature: Option to recolour your crosshair (not scopes or sights, but non-ADS crosshair).
    Reason: Personal preference, I would just like to have a green crosshair instead of white.

    Feature: Having crosshair or even a small dot as a non-gunning/rumble passenger (Galaxies, Sunderers).
    Reason: It's rather difficult to actually spot vehicles or infantry without an actual marker, you get "Q-locked" fast because you can't really spot anything.

    Feature: Bigger FOV for vehicles.
    Reason: I have no idea why the camera is so close to a vehicle. Half the time you can't really see if there is infantry around you. It's the biggest problem on a Magrider.

    Feature: Option to select bigger verical FOV (or horizontal FOV) if your monitor is not widescreen.
    Reason: I have to play in windowed 16:9 mode because I have a 5:4 screen. I get motion sickness because my horizontal FOV in fullscreen is 85, and I usually play on 105.

    Bug: Motion detector is consumed if, when the placing animation starts, goes red but it's not actually placed.
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  10. PKfire

    'Last Spawn Location' needs to be an option on the death screen.
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  11. eatcow0

    Feature: More outfit ranks
    Reason: 5 is way too limited as several people have asked about over the last year. It also allows for outfits to grow more naturally

    Feature: Outfit ban list
    Reason: because some people just need to stay out

    Feature: The entire squad/platoon leading thread on the roadmap
    Reason: This needs to be done sooner than later as this game relies heavily on people taking up the burden of leading groups w/o much compensation and with little tools to deal with it effectively. This would be a major QOL thing.

    Bug: Outfit only squads/platoons
    Explanation: If your squad is set to private and outfit only, it will recruit outfit only. If your squad has private unchecked and outfit only randoms can still get in. This makes it harder to spam invites to members to get them in the squad when it is set to private when you want to keep the scrubs out.

    Feature: Redoing squad settings in a platoon
    Reason: What I am asking here is for the platoon leader to be able to set the flags for private, outfit only, enable recruitment, etc such that it affects all the squads. This way the squad leader has to worry about naming their squad only and resolves a lot of headaches when you have someone trolling your platoon and people not knowing how to set up a squad correctly as the UI is misleading. It is misleading in that bravo squad lead can see alpha squad's settings and think he did his correctly when in reality he may have done something wrong which causes the squad unable to properly be open for recruitment. Either that or fix the UI so the platoon lead can see each squad's settings so he knows what is incorrectly done and be able to address it easier.

    Feature: More scopes/sight options for rocket launchers
    Reason: Some people prefer iron sights like me, some want other scope options for their lock ons etc.

    Feature: Harasser back seat repair
    Reason: 30% repair rate is beyond bad. Something between 50% and 75% seems reasonable.

    Feature: Outfit leader com channel
    Reason: So that outfit leaders across factions can do events together easier

    Bug: Fix the in game video capture
    Reason: because having audio and a black screen sucks when you thought you captured that epic moment

    Feature: Give a little love to all factions max ability
    Reason: Everyone agrees they need some lovin

    Feature: Platoon/squad lead swords and flags w/ outfit decal
    Reason: all hail T-Ray!
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  12. PWGuy93

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  13. Nagant

    Feature: default camo for every continent.

    Reason: once you switch continent the first thing to do manually is to change your camos - usually the one that you always use on the cont (unless you stick to one camo at every continent for outfit/personal preference). No fun, just boring mechanical task to do (at least you don't have to do it for every loadout)
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  14. Dimachaerus

    Feature: max travel mode please.

    Reason: We have been unable to redeploy for ages now, and must find either a sundy or gal to get us to the next fight. After all, when was the last time you saw a harasser without an engy in the back for repairs? let us slowly ramp up our run speed to something aproximating a slower vehicle, but make it like PS1 where when you start really chugging along you cannot fire and take a seond or two to slow down from your run. A bit of increased jump height would not go amiss either.

    Link: Have you even looked at the max forums lately?

    Feature: Give maxes more weapon/utility attatchments.

    Reason: More utility than simply "me shootum gooder!" non darklight floodlights, IRNV, ZOOM, carry extra consumables for friendlies, unhook ammo cannister certs from the ability category, the list goes on...

    Link: once again, just look at the max forums, there are many threads on this topic.
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  15. Nakor

    Feature: Despawning Vehicles
    1) Sometimes you want to get rid of your vehicle.
    2) SOE indicated they would fix it and bring it back.

    Feature: Fade HUD Elements When Moused Over With Crosshairs

    Feature: Menu's That Aren't Designed By A Committee Looking To Change Things So They Can Justify Their Paychecks.
    1) Having to look through three different pages to find all my certs is a bad design.
    2) Having miscellaneous class certs stuck under a button buried at the bottom of the screen is also bad.
    3) Having buttons that link to nothing -ex: flash certs- that is.... ummm... lets go with... uh.. bad.
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  16. Tommyp2006

    Feature: Squad/Platoon player banning

    Reason: Allows us to permanently kick troublesome players out of our squads, where they can't join again and keep harassing us, while still being able to keep the squad public. People like this get really annoying.

    FEATURE: Change costmetic options across all loadouts in a class at once.

    REASON: Get's REALLY old having to change a helmet or decal slot for 6 loadouts per class every time I get a new one. Probably the QOL change I want more than anything.
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  17. HadesR

    Feature / Bug : Working / logical / better spawn options
    Reason : See below

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  18. Rohxer


    Feature: More Infantry Terminals in bases

    Reason: 1) You promised months ago!!!! 2) They used to be there. 3) Allow for more tactics, fun, and randomness.


    Feature: Full 3rd person view on ATV Flash for occupants. There must be a way to do this without breaking the weapon firing arc.

    Reason: Last time I drove a real ATV I was actually able to look around behind me.


    Feature: Customization of the killfeed (that thing in the top right of the screen) - duration, length, etc.

    Reason: It is completely useless now as it scrolls too fast. Allow us to set a total length (0 to scren height) and duration of each kill display. Maybe scrollable.

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  19. DFDelta

    Seperate audio volume bars for each voice channel (proxy, squad, platoon, leader/command, custom).

    I don't want to listen to the most recent dubstep in proximity during battle, but I still want to be able to listen to the fellow squad leaders on the commander channel. Currently the volume is an all or nothing thing that sets the volume for all channels.
    I know there is the option to mute whoever is talking right now with numpad-enter, but if you have people talking on several channels at once it can lead to accidents.
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  20. HadesR

    Just pick up on this and hope the off topic is allowed :)

    You can .. Right clicking on a name either in the chat box or the chat screen brings up an option list .. Send message / Invite to squad / report etc ..

    ( Pressing alt brings up a cursor that allows you to interact with the Chat box )

    Might be a bug with your client if you can't ..
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