Debate thread: Should Mattherson and Waterson merge or not?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nregroepis, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. DK22

    Anybody think this might be more about freeing up a server for PS4 version?
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  2. TriumphantJelly

    While they're at it, give vanu outfits on EU srvers the option to move to Miller.
  3. Aeflic

    Not at all
  4. Scr1nRusher


  5. KoS-1

    By the end of the year. The combined server will.....have just about the same numbers a single server does today. About a thousand. The server merger in the end will cause more people to leave the game.

    So say the FPS gods.
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  6. iller

    Probably shouldn't.

    Having to fight opponents way above their level is probably a fate worse than an empty Server for Waterson and it will empty out just as bad as Mattherson already has as those n00bs eventually get too frustrated to play. A much better solution would have been for SOE to invest in superior "A.I." for Mattherson where in NPC opponents would be generated with their own Aimbot accuracy and movement speeds based on the overall combat effectiveness of each player near a facility. ....basically giving the Tryhards and as-of-yet still-undected wallhackers a taste of their own medicine.
  7. Morchai

    I can't help but noticing how in the two merge threads the conversation is consistently about how Waterson players will cope with being thrown into the Mattherson mix. It goes both ways, you know. Mattherson players will find themselves having to deal with the Waterson population as well, but that doesn't seem to be a concern to anyone.

    Granted, I've never played on Waterson but how different can it's population be?
  8. Negator

    When soltech and Mattherson merged, it was like tossing goldfish into the piranha tank.

    A year later, and there is but a single Soltech outfit left standing. Their outfits couldnt handle what was thrown at them, while Matty outfits slowly assimilated the Soltech population who sought refuge.
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  9. Sagabyte

    Can we name it Wattherson?
  10. LT_Latency

    When the server merge do I instantly become a matterson try hard who is better then everyone else??

    How long will it take for me to become officially better then all other players??
  11. RenegadeHelios

    With all honesty, I do like the smaller fights, 12-24/24-48, but it does get a bit ridiculous when two continents are ghost capping, there's two 12-24 fights on Indar, and a single 48+/48+ fight on a biolab or something.

    I'd appreciate some smaller fights with the server merge. :c

    Also, Watherson?
  12. ZeroErrorz

    i vote yes,nc need a proper command (not a fkin comedy fest) ,vs is overpoped at matherson and i need watch my self killing more youtuber in their video
  13. ZeroErrorz

    can you name the goldfishes that died and the gold fish that evolve into a true piranha
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  14. Shadoiex

    IMO Wateorson NC will be a sight for sore eyes. The Mattherson NC is the most unorganized of them all...
    ...Maybe Waterson can shape us up?
  15. Casterbridge

    Waterson NC is a mixed bag, some will be real coordinated and organized and the rest will

    Though to be fair the few times I have played on Matterson NC it was really really bad.
  16. Aeflic

    If you play Mattherson NC YOU are part of the problem. Lots of complaints from NC on Mattherson, but 1. You dont have an outfit and if you do its so small you dont matter. 2. You are a solo player. So either help the problem or stop being part of the problem.
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  17. -Synapse-

    Part of the reason I stopped playing a while ago was because Waterson was so underpopulated, especially during the day. I think a merge with Mattherson would be nice, I'll just have to learn to ignore the chatbox.
  18. Casterbridge

    Small outfits don't matter? :(
  19. Chipay

  20. Luighseach

    Honestly it is not even a debate. It is happening now as I assume most people in this thread has already stated.

    I don't mind the merger and I am looking forward to it. Now the most veteran East Coast warriors must duke it out in an endless bloodless, full of /rage tells, till the end of time(well the game).

    I just hope that when the game starts to(hopefully) take off again they will add another server for newer players to play on. It is tough for new players to start in this game and having a new server if pop starts to get out of hand would be good for new players if they can build up the pop.