Debate thread: Should Mattherson and Waterson merge or not?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nregroepis, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile

    Population has held steady since last march.
  2. NoctD

    It should have already been merged a few months back. There's nothing to debate - its a simple no brainer.

    Really - at this point, it looks like EU can be collapsed down to 2 servers as well.

    Connery is proof plenty that more heavily populated 24/7 servers deliver the experience PS2 tries to sell - massive warfare on a massive scale.

    P/S - But server transfer tokens are an absolute must (Higby - you've lied for more than a year on these). Seriously - what are some folks going to do with 2 toons of the same faction on the same merged server?
  3. AssaultPig

    no game lasts forever

    If I got four or five good years out of a shooter I'd call it a big win

    anyway I'm apprehensive about a lot of the dudes on mattherson (I have an alt over there and I mean, jeez), but I guess high pop is better than nothing even if you wind up ignoring a bunch of them
  4. Badname707

    Really wish they had waited until Hossin released before going forward with the merger. Most of my outfit is waiting for Hossin to release to get back in, and it's the same story for most of the other NC outfits I know, at least. I'm sure it's like that all around.

    I for one HATE Connery. If I wanted to play on Connery, I'd go play on Connery. That we might end up like Connery with a Matherson attitude is pretty goddamn sad. There may not be a server left I want to play on.
  5. Rhumald

    Our player base isn't bad. Our general leadership is Horrible. We get people all the time, like say, that mellon guy, who thinks the best way to shape up the NC blueberries is to say things like "God, you all suck, if you'd ******* listened to me and all pulled [insert vehicle] when I said to we wouldn't be in this mess. Oh yeah, that's going to be a great help, have a flash race on esamir (very end of an obviously lost alert), great job **** heads. Your all a bunch of losers, I can't believe I play on Matterson, you all ******* suck"

    And it's just so constant, no one pays any attention to it... so with the lack of real communication, we falter, and drive our player base away... then you get people like the ****head above claiming we're all 4th factioning, when the truth is that we all log off, so we don't have to listen to his bull ****.

    VS has gotten the mesage though, and while they normally Zerg, I've played their faction a couple times just to get a feel for how their leadership operates, as I've done with the TR. they're both Vastly friendlier than the NC's leadership on Matterson, or at the very least more co-operative, so if there is a merge, you can look forwards to that... if your NC leadership is better than ours, don't let the majority of ours talk.
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  6. AssaultPig

    anecdotal ofc, but there is much more stupid trash talk in chats on mattherson than i've seen on waterson in some time; not super excited for more 'rekt, get good' etc and more creative attempts to get slurs around the chat filter

    really though I'm mostly concerned about server stress; as a west coast player on an east coast server my latency will never be perfect (lemme transfer to connery already, christ), but my ping still regularly spikes up to 10k+ for no reason I can figure out
  7. FireclawX

    Yeah, from what I've gathered, VS and TR leadership on Mattherson is pretty good, but NC... well... what can I say?
    That being said, we all do some pretty stupid things occasionally (zerging empty bases) and such. But hey, we can't be perfect, and I doubt you waterson folk are either :p
  8. Mustarde

    There is no debate. SOE is merging the servers... the question isn't should we merge, the question is what will the name be???

    And at the end of the day, I think the Waterson players will be fine. Some will get a bit of shellshock, but most will get the hang of the new environment.
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  9. Badname707

    I mean, there are good things about the Matherson server, but it's the attitude of, 'Oh, it's cool. Waterson will get used to the toxicity' that pisses me off. Waterson actually used to be pretty toxic (at least the NC), but we actually worked outside of the game to put that **** aside. We lost a lot of people, sure, but if Hossin and the resource revamp turn out alright, then those people who are waiting for Hossin (and there are very many) might actually stick around. I don't want Waterson to be a somewhat more competitive Connery with a worse attitude. The server I play on actually makes this game enjoyable for me to sit down and play for a while. I haven't really gotten that on the other servers.
  10. minhalexus

    I hope Waterson players would be able to adapt in the heated and competitive environment of Mattherson. ;)
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  11. TheShrapnelKing

    Well, you ain't scaring me yet.

    My biggest problem is trying not to download an aimbot and hack-kill all the ***** talking smack in /yell over and over again until they leave.
  12. Alarox

    Yes, and I think people who think the game is now "dying" solely because of it are silly.
  13. Badname707

    Like I said, Waterson wants a competitive environment. For a lot of us, we actually have that already. More players is a good thing. ******** are not, and I'd rather their spotlight get phased out over time.
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  14. Chipay

  15. ironeddie

    This is a game built around the concept of large scale battles. Unlike battle field or call of duty PS2 is supposed to be huge. To achieve that you need a lot of players.

    Clearly right now the game isn't attracting enough new players to swell the numbers up significantly. So it makes good sense to merge servers. Once done you'll get an experience closer to the devs vision.

    I just want to see EU server merges scheduled for July if the US merge goes well.
  16. Revanmug

    Why would we debate? The merge is going to happen that you like it or not. It's official.
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  17. Alarox

    Read my edit. Previously my post said "if you think that this game is 'dying' then you should have thought it previously". Not saying that they would be any more correct though...

    My point is people see "merger" and, without stopping a moment to think, say "GAME IS DYING ZOMG". And it is silly.

    I also think people who associate anything but growing population with "GAME IS DYING ZOMG" are silly as well. A dying game is one that will soon be dead. Dead meaning game is no longer considered worth the resources to maintain and is shut down.

    Is Planetside 2 headed in that direction? Obviously not.
  18. NeverWas

    A Game that lasted 4 years.

    Pretty Solid game IMO.
  19. Rhumald

    I Vote Soltech. I miss Soltech.
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  20. Astealoth

    We need server mergers because SOE used game balance as a sales crutch one too many times. Hyperbuffing the Lib to ascended godhood for a few months to sell dusters and daltons basically halved the playing and paying population. Best decision ever.