Dear SOE...Population

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SenorBeef, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Tenzin

    Next time show the Continent population. I'd guess that VS were >50% at the time this was taken?
  2. SenorBeef

    I'm curious to see how the winter break injection is going to hold up. After a few days, post your server and your during/after double XP experience.
  3. Rockit

  4. yarpirate0920

    The population imbalances and lack of high servers in the US is really killing the game for me. I miss not having to look at all three conts trying to find a fight.
  5. Tenzin

    You just reminded me of what it felt like on launch day, you could be on any continent and there would be constant fights. It was glorious.

    Too bad it doesn't happen anymore.
  6. Gavyne

    They most definitely should merge servers soon, not because they have a failed game, but because this game requires a lot of players to be fun. I always thought Warhammer Online waited too long to merge their servers at 5-6 months in. Due to that, a lot of people, even those that liked the game, quit because there simply weren't "wars everywhere" as they advertised. WAR suffered from a lack of endgame and too many servers.

    I would hate to see this game suffer the same fate so the quicker they merge, the better. They'll have to have thick skin to not get distracted by people laughing saying "ha ha merging servers already, dead game". On the contrary, by merging, you would be making the current existing playerbase happy. Not only that you would pull back some that quit due to lack of action.

    It's a FPS game, so there needs to be lots of action. Without action, FPS games are just not as fun.
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  7. Cymoril

    One of the main reason I think many go to the Crown is its instant action. I cant say that I enjoy roaming around the continent for an hour or so to cut off the enemys resources. I understand the strategy but I may not have the time for that or want to do it. Places like the Crown seem to upset alot of the die hards that want to take over a continent as opposed to farming certs.
    On the flip side afterawhile you get tired of the same battle and just log off if you still have any sanity left and boredom sets in.
    The servers are having trouble with their current loads of people playing. I cant see them mergeing just yet. My suggestion for you is find a main battle hub and just grind til u hate the game and log off awhile or fly. I am currently trying to fly cause the boredom is already there and Ive paid for 3 months sub.
  8. SenorBeef

    Well, I didn't play for 2 days, but now I pop onto Genudine at 6pm PST on a friday - primetime - and I proceed to go to Rashnu biolab, on the front lines of NC and TR territory... and then I cap it. By myself. Two NC made a token effort to stop me, once, and then I just flipped it alone.

    This is not a good start.
  9. SenorBeef

    How are your servers doing on population after the promo period ended?
  10. Gav7x

    Agreed. look at waterson, either overpopulated by tr +45% or a ******* ghost town.
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  11. SenorBeef

    I heard a rumor that we're looking at a merge after the big January patch, but no real source on it. Anyone heard anything about that?
  12. Noxx(ia)

    You should pay more attention to the community. The devs have stated they know they can't be the next wow and it hasn't been in their sights. Who knows what else you're saying just to say it. I play on a big server, so I can't speak towards the small ones, but I could see the frustration. Small ones merging together might work.

    Here's part of the problem though. People write hasty posts making wild accusations because they are sitting in a queue on day 1. Sony responded to the demand to create new servers. Now you guys are crying about low pop. Since when is day 1, for any mmo, not a day of sitting in the queue. You joined a server with no queue for instant gratification and are surprised that a server with no queue on day one is lower pop??

    so what do you want???
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  13. TheEvilBlight


    I didn't create my PS2 account on the very second of release, but I was there on opening day and there were already four servers on US East. My main was Mattherson (on Very High with a queue), but I went with Soltech for my secondary because it was merely High and had a short queue. After I put in too much money into Soltech I'm out of luck.

    How soon did SOE create multiple servers/region? Anybody know for sure?
  14. Noxx(ia)

    they had extras ready to go if demand was high enough. The first few additional came out several hours after launch during prime time, I believe
  15. TheEvilBlight

    I wonder if they'd set the queues a little too high just to protect precious game performance. More shards is a band-aid.

    Then again, this is all water under the bridge.
  16. Quickscope

    this is most likely what they tryed to do but failed anyways.

    As of right now Mattherson use to be a high pop server and now it feels like a ghost town and i cant stand to play anymore because of it. This is unacceptable. At least i got a fun week out of this game when the server was high pop for most of the day. Now it BARELY reaches Medium at prime time and is low during most of the day.

    Biggest player decline in video game history :(
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  17. SenorBeef

    This is all nonsense. No one was complaining about queues on day 1. Sony juts decided to expand on their own because they over-projected demand.

    Besides that, you assume that I would somehow be a person complaining about queues if they were happening. I would not. You say I chose a server based on instant gratificaton - nonsense. I never saw a queue in this game, ever, on any server, in any context. When the game launched, all 3 west coast servers were at high population. I made one character of one faction on each server. I then decided I liked playing TR the most, so I stuck with that one. It just so happens that I had the misfortunate of having my favorite character on what would eventually be the lowest populaton server.

    This is blaming the victim garbage made on completely unjustified assumptions.
  18. TheEvilBlight

  19. Noxx(ia)

    well, I don't know how you're a "victim", but there are also issues with merging servers.

    A) outside of the player base and within soe, there's been little marketing. They can't help exposure from other places like ign or gamespot, but there's still potential growth. Almost any time I play a different game there are people who haven't played ps2 yet and are debating it.

    B) given a, merging servers is a bad idea because if growth happens, they have to open new servers, and now they're even MORE empty. There will also continue to be surges on major patches, which WILL happen.

    I think given that, the low pop servers will begin to balance out.
  20. Mister Gee

    it's 2013, our accounts should *never* be restricted to a server.

    My Kids play Club Penguin and it handles accounts and players better than this.

    No question Planetside 2 is an amazing game, hard to get into, but it has such depth and variety. Those of us with lower spec cpu's need quieter servers (8-15fps is unplayable on a q6600 and 460)

    What they need is an account that can go on any server at any time. They then need to list the servers in order of say location and population.

    As some servers have very low populations, shut them down until needed

    This way it's best for everyone, some servers are always very busy, some medium and some low. No-one cares what the population of a particular server is, because you just play on which ever you want with the same characters

    Is that really too much to ask?