Connery's newest fail favorite "A2AM"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNAFUS, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. phungus420

    I have read your posts and A2Am helping noobs by making them lethal is not the issue, why do you guys keep bringing that up like it's a problem?

    The issue is A2Am are too ******* good in the hands of experienced pilots. The issues get magnified to being simply stupid when groups use them in large battles because large outfit air wings litterally have invisible god mode cloaking fields that protect them while they are firing their A2Am!!!! Do you not see how rediculous this is a game mechanic?

    There are plenty of things that make A2Am broken. Lowering the skill floor like you guys keep complaining about is the one thing A2Am do that's a good, which is why I keep hammering on this point. You lot are focusing on the wrong thing, and for the wrong reasons.
  2. phungus420

    You personally, but you and the gang of elitists ESF players trying to get people not to use them does skew the stats. A2Am would have been fixed along time ago if more high skilled ESF players used them - because then they'd be noob killers and completely break the air game and the devs would be forced to respond.
  3. ZoeAlleyne

    Phungus420 does make a good point I have killed plenty of people with my vortec because they are trying to get a lock on me when they could have just blown me away with their rotary. Problem is when all the sudden there are multiple mossies up, I get a lock, pop flares and bug out only to instantly die 5 seconds later cause i got multiple locks and you cant drop the locks anymore.
  4. Herby20

    I don't have a problem with individuals using them. Hell, if you need to use A2AM to give yourself more leverage in a fight, more power to you. No, I have a problem when large groups of ESFs essentially mob a single enemy using them. It is incredibly obnoxious. I think part of the problem is how ridiculously long the cooldown timer is for flares. No reason you should spend almost 2000 certs to get the timer down to 25 seconds.

    That's the thing they are far from just noob killers they get everyone equally when used in mass. And it isn't the good pilots I am worried about that used them as that number is incredibly small. The issue is when you have 2+ subpar pilots have a auto hit weapon it completely ***** on the skill cap required to be good at air.

    That isn't elitism it is a desire for a more skill based game. A2AM have a purpose but currently are to powerful at making weaker players better. It should give them an advantage but not to the degree that it does. And I still refuse to abuse a mechanic I think is broken. If you and the rest of the community want to by all means knock it out. But I just really don't like fighting an in game problem that way. I will post here and the devs will see the reaction from there things may or may not change. But I have done my part the rest is up to the balance team if they think it needs tweaks. So please drop the attacks as I am handling this problem in the fashion I find to be more effective. Almost all of my previous post have come true to for the most part. I find no reason to believe these changes won't take place either as even the devs have said negative things about lock ons recently.
    • Up x 1
  6. Bine

    A suggestion to help even this out. To prevent a group of 2 or more aircraft from using the A2Am they could interfere with eachother. Preventing outfit groups from instagibbing various enemy aircraft. Though there -is- a counter to large groups of A2Am. Racer frame + afterburner secondary. You can outrun them easily with that getup. Which may be why the dev's havent bothered balancing it. Lolpods > AB for farming. AB counters A2Am. And A2Am counter lolpods ;D

    Sometimes you can sometimes you can't. All depends when the enemy aircraft render or when they decide to engage you Bine. If they close the distance before popping a lock on even AB and racer won't save your ***.
  8. Alexandrix

    Little back story for me.I've been purely a grounder pounder since the early days of PS1.infantry/max with some tank mixed in.I was perfectly happy staying on the ground and just pulling my burster max if too much air came around.I only rarely killed the air with the burster,usually just made them run away and repair up up.Everyone cried and cried that AA was to strong until the burster was nerfed into utter garbage.It is crap now.Dual busters,even with lockdown,are literally crap.

    So you know what,I said eff it and bought A2A missile pods for a mossie.I'm a terrible,terrible garbage pilot.A2A missiles are my only resort due to my low skill with planes.I just started flying less than a week ago.I've already killed more air in my mossie in one week than I have in a month in my burster.

    You should have kept your mouth shut about flak AA and just left my burster max alone.

    Your burster max was OP beyond reasoning as any primary pilot would have agreed. And the changes that followed were a blessing that brought common sense to the AA scene making the vehicular based AA platform the better option now. A2AM have been an off on issue since they have been implemented. And many are fine with their existence but it needs to be balanced in a manor that skill can still win a fight. Not give an unshakable missile that follow our direct path through ridiculous turns and terrain. Hope you get better at flying Alex and learn to enjoy the other aspects the game offers.
  10. Thrix

    L2A is nerfed now and you complain about A2A? get the hell out of here please -_-;;
  11. shadowkhat

    tried this last nite... and agreed i'm a crap crap crap pilot my callsign should be lawndart 1 with A2A got 6 out of 7 kills with one plane life... only reason i didn't get 7/7 i got greedy fired too soon. i had no backup, i was not part of a wing, i was alone on amerish in the middle of enemy territory. i should have been shot down and wasted resources.. but the a2a noobishness made it too easy.

    BTW i'm such a crap pilot first 3 missles i had a hard time locking :D
  12. SNAFUS

    A2A was always an issue and has been a forum subject since its induction into the game. Just because one broken mechanic has been fixed doesn't mean the others don't need to be adjusted.
  13. smokemaker

    Been playing the crap out of it. love it.
    Accepts custom controls and IR headset
    good smooth graphics
  14. smokemaker

    Now back to A2A missiles in PS2
    If you use them correctly, they do what they are supposed to do.
    I see no issues.
    Just whiners.
  15. SNAFUS

    If whining equals valid complaints of a unbalanced weapon system then so be it. The same accusation comes with every weapon that has been nerfed in this game. Everyone wants to not lose the new favorite farming tool. And would rather have balance and game play suffer for it.
  16. Alexandrix

    How exactly was the burster max OP? it's an Anti air should kill AIRPLANES! it is a specialized weapon that is virtually useless outside of that role.

    A2A missiles are an anti airplane weapon...they should kill airplanes.They can't even be used on anything else.

    Look,you seem like a decent fella,and it's nothing personal,honestly.But,seems to me you think the only weapon that should be able to kill you in your aero is....another aero dueling you,alone,using nothing but his nose gun.

    Small edit.I can't type for crap today.
  17. SNAFUS

    Instead of writing a lengthy response I will ask you to read the thread I'm about to link.
    No one is disputing weather the weapon systems should kill or not. It is the capability and way they do it that is the problem. Video games,especially the online kind must have balance for fair and fun gameplay. Having weapons that are to good directly affect that balance and must be adjusted for the sake of the game. As they rightfully were with the burster nerf Alex. That sole weapon system almost single handedly destroyed the air game for PS2.
  18. Dis

    I've been clamoring from day one for some sort of immunity to lock ons that would have to be equipped on the secondary spot (no rocket pods while using this), thus creating a viable air to air weapon that rewards skill over EZ a2am.

    Surely I am not alone in thinking this would be a wonderful addition, and don't call me Shirley.
  19. SNAFUS

    It would be pretty cool, but as you can read in this forum many would object.
  20. nukularZ

    They absolutely should, but they should not do so in 3 shots. Two hits from an A2AM can be devastating. Once you're smoking and on fire, you cannot maneuver the ESF and get away.

    A2AM is a secondary weapon. It's as powerful, if not more powerful, than the primary, for many pilots. IMO, A2AM should do 1/4th damage on a stock ESF, and no more than 1/5th damage on a fully certed composite armor ESF. Allow is to be certed up to maximum 1/3rd and 1/4th damage (similar to how it is now), respectively, as a weapon utility option if the pilot wishes to do so. That way at least powerful A2AM can only be earned, and not just given for free.

    Vehicle stealth also needs lock-on time greatly increased. 1000 certs for an extra 1 second? That's some kind of joke. It should be 1 second per certification, for a maximum of 4 seconds.

    I'd rather have SNAFUS or any other ESF pilot dive bomb from the ceiling stealthed, with their rotary, so I at least have a chance to turn around and engage a little bit. Dogfighting and losing is frustrating, but at least fun. Having A2AM spammed at you is only the former.

    And, I'd happily trade in my rocket pods for a game free of A2AM, since some ******** COD infantry are still having a problem with rocket pod spam.