Congratulations Higby!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drealgrin, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. DashRendar

    No, but other things do.
  2. Phrygen

    don't include that. A warping fix is not a movement speed nerf.
  3. Eyeklops

    Pretty sure they actually added momentum to the ZOE strafe. Yes it helped the netcode deal, but it's still a nerf.
  4. Kastrenzo

    I dunno, I'm still seeing lots of spam.

    NC MAX spam,
    TR Tank spam.
  5. Kevorkian

    Video in my comment was the night before GU11 hit. I don't run Flak or KA. I'll have to record something post GU11, but I assure you, I kill multiple people at once without ever turning ZOE off.... frequently.

    The increased resource cost was temporarily pacified the forum complainers of ZOE and Fracture maxes.

    You'll be dead before you can swap to the LMG and get those shots off.
  6. Xasapis

    One could argue that it was the numbers that caused issues and not zoe itself. Now that numbers are considerably down, the complains have all but disappeared.

    At this point I'm more interested to a balance discussion over harassers than maxes. I'm also worried about the balance of everything new introduced. It seems that they constantly overbuff the new stuff, either to raise the cool factor or to counterweight the learning curve that everything new has to go through.
  7. Kevorkian

    No, it was ZOE. People only tolerate it now because instead of having several dozen ZOEs in a hex making their life a living hell, they only have 2-3. I still get hate tells and people jumping on their alts to TK in retaliation for farming them in a ZOE.

    I do agree right now Harassers are far bigger offenders than maxes. For starters, repairing in the 3rd seat has got to go.
  8. Metaltoys

    One could also argue that the increased resource cost and constant balance issues have caused a lot of players to all but disappear along with the complaints.
  9. Xasapis

    Population has been steady since May. Besides, it's summer time, a time mmos traditionally suffer in terms of population.
  10. Drealgrin

    assurances don't count for much.

    that 5% increase in damage recieved actually counts for more like 20% increase in damage recieved.

    i appreciate your criticism but let's be honest now. it's not op anymore by any standard. it may still be a bit more useable than the other two but that doesn't make it unbalanced.
  11. Roarboar

    Get an education before ever posting again, it helps.
  12. The King

    You play on an overpopulated VS server.
    Of course ZOE will appear OP to you.
    It's not OP though, they're really easy to kill..
  13. Kevorkian

    Then we agree to disagree.
  14. The King

    no it is not.
    Charge would actually save you. ZOE will get you killed.
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