Comment on new HC1 Cougar as of 04/10

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by lolB0b, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Phos!

    I really think that before they went adding new carbines they should have fixed the TRAC 5's recoil pattern. That heavily diagonal pattern combined with the high FSM means your gun jumps to the side of whatever you're aiming at.

    The Cougar, before it seemed a tad redundant, maybe with a foregrip and trigger discipline it could be an OK long range carbine, this version seems equally redundant as now we have a clone of the NC's T5 AMC analog, so for sharpshooting we have the T5 AMC or the Also T5 AMC. That's how I see it. Like all fresh weapons I'm sure this is going to cost 1000 certs, hard to excited for a weapon that I could get a better version of for 750 less certs by just playing a different character. For 1000 certs I kinda expect a SABR carbine, <1 FSM, 600RPM and all.

    I tend to think the bandit is in some ways better for the NC like this because now they have a CQC carbine that doesn't cost 1000 certs.

    Oh, we're also talking about SMGs in this thread? the balance here is comically lopsided. The hailstorm barely has the same max DPS as the solstice AKA not even a CQC weapon for ten extra rounds per magazine.

    the armistice has bad recoil, fast bloom, and long reloads for an extra 50 dps versus the cyclone.
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  2. MostlyClueless

    The NC's T5-AMC analog is the AC-X11, not the Razor. The Razor and the T5-AMC aren't that similar at all really. It'd be like saying the Rhino is basically the same as the TMG-50.
  3. Paperlamp

    Similar TTK, similar bullet velocity, similar accuracy Razor slightly edging out T5 although T5 has less vertical. Main difference is Razor's smaller starting CoF.

    TMG-50 is also 577, not 550, so it has more stopping power relative to Rhino than the difference between T5 and Razor.

    They should've just made the T5 AMC into a Razor clone rather than giving us another weak TTK long range focused weapon.

    Just because AC-X11 and T5 were supposed to be similar in role/function doesn't mean they succeeded in doing so - and they didn't.
  4. lolB0b

    You should've changed your name to "TotallyClueless" by now because of all the nonsense you've spilled in this thread and other threads about the cougar.
    The T5 is not midrange. It is long range.The slightly bigger ADS CoF just doesn't matter that much.
    It has not enough DPS to be midrange.
    How often do I and other people have to repeat that until you finally get it. It cannot compete in midrange, because you will die to weapons that have more dps. Only because you manage to kill people in that range doesn't mean that you won't get killed by someone properly utilizing a real mid-range weapon.
    You will die to Mercs, Trac-5s and even to X11s in mid range with the T5. Deal with it.
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  5. MostlyClueless

    Every in depth weapon review out there disagrees with you on this. Wrel and Zoran put it squarely in the mid range. The number of times I've been sniped as an NC by the T5-AMC I could count on no hands because it never happens. It has excellent Mid Range DPS because it's a headshot machine at that range, you can just lay a burst right into their heads.

    I mean the T5-AMC is virtually identitcal to the NS-11C and that means you're seriously arguing that the NS-11C is a long range gun comparable to the Razor. No way. This is a silly thing to argue.

    Hahhaa what? Similar accuracy? The starting cone of fire on the T5 is over three times the size of the Razor's.
  6. Paperlamp

    This is why T5 AMC is just a bad Razor overall, but yes they have similar accuracy. T5 just gets screwed a little more for being a 143 tier gun while Razor gets the superior 167 starting CoF.

    T5 AMC has a lot more velocity and advanced grip over NS-11C. I would like to see NS-11c get more velocity though, and the T5 AMC changed to be something else 'cause it'd then be pretty much obsolete.
  7. Epic High Five

    The TR getting a Razor is literally a thing that is happening.

    The TR are very unhappy about it because they just realized that their long range carbine may have to sacrifice some CQC killing power and I guess they aren't used to that kind of thing.

    As someone who actually uses long range carbines, the AMC is a very poor example of one and anybody who uses it as such is bound to be disappointed. Same story with the X11, for similar reasons.