Can we get an official Statement on why .75x LMG HA exist? SRSLY?We need a true answer after 2 years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Apr 3, 2015.

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  1. Scr1nRusher

    "doesn't even matter more".

    It matters and thats the thing.

    Now as for repeating the same thing, well the keep asking the same questions.
  2. Mythologicus

    It doesn't matter. You're ranting and raving about ADS on a heavy with a shield active. How does this make this any different to anyone else using a weapon with the same benefit?

    This is the question you are explicitly dodging. And if you've read my previous posts at all, you should know where I stand.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    Ranting and raving? 0_0 I've been pointing out the fact that 0.75 ADS and the HA class's ability downside do not mix.

    Also it does matter.

    BTW I did say before I don't like 0.75 ADS speed as a mechanic in general.
  4. Rhumald

    OK, so contrary to what you said earlier, I think it's clear you believe the Shield is an issue then, I mean, if it makes no difference weather or not the HA pops the shield, why even bring it up, Right?

  5. Mythologicus

    Then why are you singling out HAs when the issue is global?

    A Medic with an H-V45 is going to have an ADS speed advantage over a Medic with a T1 Cycler. The VS Medic is going to be harder to hit than the TR Medic.

    If the fact that it screws with the HA shield is literally the biggest problem, then this entire thread is arguing over tiny, tiny semantics.
  6. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS + shield = shield downside is mitigated.

    THATS the problem.

    Not the shield, the shield on its own is fine & its downside is a negative to using it.

    0.75 ADS mitigates the shield negative, and thats a problem.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS screwing with the HA shield is the biggest and most mainstream issue with 0.75 ADS.

    0.75 ADS generally speaking has caused more problems in gun play then what you know.
  8. wrenched

    0.75x doesn't seem to translate directly into OP average K/D for any weapon:

    0.75x ADS assault rifles are middle K/D at best. The Darkstar has a nice lead.
    0.75x ADS carbine comes second. The Eclipse has a nice lead.
    0.75x ADS heavy is a weird category but yes the Jackhammer has a nice lead.
    0.75x ADS scout rifle is beaten by the HSR-1 and Nyx VS31.

    0.75x ADS LMGs are a little bit of all over the place.
    The Betelgeuse dominates by miles. It performs 42% better than second place (godsaw) by and 281% better than last place (gauss saw).
    The SVA-88 performs well (4th) only being trumped by godsaw, butcher and betelgeuse. Pretty nice for non-directive.
    The NS LMG should be performing worse due to most HA being CQB and the DPS of the NS being so low but having high accuracy. It could be argued that high accuracy is not as important for CQB. It comes in 6th.

    The Orion is middle of the pack with everything else. The worst LMGs are all NC and TR variants (EM1, Guass, carv, rhino, tng-50, gd-22s). Maybe there is good reason to give the TR and NC heavies a better default gun or the VS a worse one.

    Based on the dasanfall stats non-VS need to upgrade to the MSW-R/bull or EM6/SawS to get something on par with the Orion, or upgrade to the carv-s/anchor to match NS-15M stats. SVA-88 does not have an equal on TR or NC. Directive also has no TR/NC equal.

    So after all that, maybe it's not purely 0.75x ADS. But VS directive and non directive LMG choices are getting better results.
  9. Shanther

    I have never looked at or considered the slow down when shield as any degree of meaningful downside. It is entirely irrelevant to me.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    Yet that is the downside of the shield.

    So if you don't consider the downside relevant and the complains about 0.75 ADS mitigating it a non issue.....

    Then why are you still commenting on this thread?
  11. Shanther

    Because I like many other people in this thread are trying to get you to provide actual proof and data that support your argument because thus far you have done no such thing. All you keep saying is how 0.75 LMGS mitigate the HA shield downside. So what? That doesn't mean anything. It doesn't translate into anything. With the exception of the Battlegoose which is an outlier due to heat ammo, 0.75 ADS weapons are not out performing anything. If it was such a "broken" thing as you claim, 0.75 ADS LMGs would be dominating everyone and there would be data to back that up. This simply isn't the case. No one here is arguing that 0.75 isn't a nice thing to have. They are arguing that it doesn't give you any massive benefit. Data by and large supports that argument.
  12. Serin

    If it was broken from a design perspective people would exploit moving even faster through hip fire, they don't. If it was broken from a balance perspective you would see it in the stats, you don't.

    If you turn on the shield you get a 25% movement penalty which is the same across the board aka balanced.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    "its broken, but it doesn't mean anything if it is broken"

    Flawless logic.
  14. Scr1nRusher

    How can they exploit it through hipfire if 0.75 ADS speed is only aiming down sights?

    Do you not even know the difference between ADS & Hipfire?
  15. Shanther

    Good job ignoring everything I said since I never said anything even remotely close to that, try again.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    I was summing it up.
  17. Shanther

    That isn't even remotely close to an accurate summary. It, once again, ignores everything that was said. Your argument of it "being broken" doesn't actually translate into data to support it.
  18. FateJH

    At this point, we may as well abandon this thread. No one is making any progress and the whole thing is just silly.

    Scr1nRusher has probably forum ignored me a while ago but I think it's worth point out that, at this point in the thread's life, there is no argument to be shut down. There's no one else but him and the people who want more information on what metrics indicates that this is a nail that needs hammering.
    • Up x 3
  19. Rhumald

    Let me ask you a related question:

    How hard, would you say, is it to hit someone that's walking, not running, just casually walking around in a circle?
  20. Scr1nRusher

    Not hard, but with this games clientside issues.......
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