"Can I get a refund on my rocket pods?"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheArchetype, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. TheArchetype

    "Thank you for contacting Sony Online Entertainment. Unfortunately we do not offer refunds due to game balance. Yes some of the items have been altered, and they will continue to be altered for game balance. If you have any more questions or concerns, please let me know."

    This is your answer if you were wondering about SC refunds.

    SOE seems to want to hide behind this bull**** in-game currency to prevent people from getting refunds.

    I'm no legal analyst but I can look at this response and see that this not right. If something is advertised one way and your product is not as advertised after a week of use, then the consumer should be entitled to compensation.

    This is a video game however, so in-game products are not subject to deterioration. You can't excuse alteration by saying that the product was misused.

    The retailer has altered the product, and as such, the information presented at the time of purchase is no longer accurate.

    It may not quite be "false advertising" because this isn't a tangible product, and I'm sure SOE doesn't expect people to file a lawsuit for 1400 SC, but I wonder how they expect to inspire customer loyalty through these short-sighed, greedy tactics.

    PS: Post your thoughts quickly, I don't expect this post to last, if you know what I mean.
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  2. rumblepit

    is this your first mmo? the game changes, it evolves , and it grows..... its never a finished product. always expect change, and dont buy things only because they are the flavor of the month,. everything gets balanced at some point.
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  3. f0d

    you shouldnt get refunds because something got balanced

    if they started doing that then they would be hesitant to balance weapons which is bad for everyone

    is there ANY game where they refund money or ingame cash for weapons?
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  4. EvilKoala

    I'm fairly certain this is probably covered in the EULA. Best thing to do is just not give them any more money if you disagree with it.
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  5. Daedrick

    Couldn't have have said it better myself.
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  6. TheArchetype

    *Sigh* I knew someone would say something like this...

    This isn't a thread about rocket pods. It's a thread about customer loyalty and misdeeds on the part of SOE.
    Change my product? Refund me.
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  7. MiZrY

    Well we all agreed to their TOS, and it specifically mentions this subject. You can hire a team of lawyers to try and battle something you agreed to, good luck.

    Rocket pods still do the exact thing they did before, it's just far easier to take out an ESF now.

    Regardless, are people really considering about filing a lawsuit on a company that is trying to balance game play that a bunch of people are complaining about? Just can't make some people happy regardless of what's done. It's no wonder many game developers don't do a lot of communicating with the community anymore.
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  8. Isila

    Video games get balanced, stop whining and play. You chose to spend money on something you could have gotten for free with time. Caveat Emptor.
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  9. Dingus148

    Pay for OP product? Don't be surprised if it gets nerfed. It's a game. You payed for the unlock, not the performance. If they're so useless now, why did you buy them in the first place? I bought the G2A launcher, but did I complain and demand refunds when it was useless? No. I made the best of it, because noone twisted my arm into buying it. I chose to spend money to unlock it. They can do whatever they need to to that item. All I did was take the padlock off.
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  10. HadesR

    The retailer still own's the product .. Those rocket pod's, they are not your's, you can't take them home .. You are renting the use of them for the life span of the game.
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  11. TheArchetype

    Fewer things need balancing than you think, and many problems root not from weapon in-balance, but from grander, more consequential issues.
    And for your latter comment, there should be games that refund customers for altered items.

    I think you're sore because you were spammed by pods before the patch.
    Try and see past your personal opinion and look at the bigger picture.
  12. Aghar30

    The response you got from SOE is No, now stop whining.
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  13. Isila

    The bigger picture is that wanting your money back because your FotM unlock isn't so great anymore is mind-bogglingly petty.
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  14. Palor

    There is a problem with this notion that you should get a refund because you purchased a product that changed. The product you purchased did not change, you purchased station cash. Station cash worked as intended. Here is some more food for thought, Sony is a multimillion dollar company. They have an amazing group of lawyers on their payroll that double, triple, and quadruple checked the EULA, terms of conditions, and all those fun things you agreed to. Any thought of a lawsuit or anything along those lines is just a waste of your time and money, you wont win.
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  15. f0d

    i had pods pretty much from day 1 and i dont feel like i need a refund at all - its game balance
    you really think they were balanced????

    "there should be games that refund customers for altered items"
    theres none that i know of
  16. Stormlight666

    Says the guy who probably made the 2k certs back using them. So quit yer whining and learn to actually fly.
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  17. Flarestar


    A refund would only be justified if an item was removed entirely, or altered in such a way that the item's functionality changed to the point of effectively making it a different item. A great example is the G2A and G2G lockon launchers. A while back Higby proposed a change to remove their dumbfire capability completely, while not providing any substantial compensation to the weapon's performance. Going through with that change would've been reasonable justification for a refund - the weapons were advertised as having dumb-fire capability, they went all the way through testing with it, and they launched with it. Removing that capability would have effectively been replacing it with another weapon. The change was not implemented as a result. Other changes were made that preserved functionality of the weapon while correcting the balance issue (dumbfire mode had virtually no drop and traveled much, much faster than the default dumbfire launcher).

    You, on the other hand, are asking for a refund on rocket pods, despite them having the same base functionality as they have always had - they can be fired at will at any target. They've just had damage vs. some targets altered, and AOE radius values altered. That's called a balance modification, and it's entirely reasonable to expect that type of change, particularly in a new MMO.

    But by all means, continue prattling about MAH RITEZ.
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  18. MiZrY

    I still make people pissed with my rocket pods.... I just get shot down a lot more doing it.
  19. IMTasty

    F2P games live on impulse buying, would be suicide to allow refunds for this stuff. :p

    Also, Blizzard wtf, you nerfed/buffed this and that, you are ruining the world and you are the cause of world hunger and wars worldwide. I am quitting the game, my one subscription will be the death of you!

    Point being, competitive online games will have nerfs and buffs coming out all the time until things are at a good level.
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  20. TheArchetype

    Hmmm. After dwelling on your points, I think I understand what your getting at.

    Also, this.

    Perhaps if there was method where one can get a cert/sc refund on that item, except lose all investments into said item. I wouldn't be against that.