Balance Pass Post 2: Nanoweave and Related Features

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Giggily

    actually you know what SOE, seeing all of these tears on the official forums has changed my mind, i am all for these infiltrator changes even though they're basically a buff.
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  2. PrinceDusk

    That explains why i have 47% accuracy with my longshot, over 600 kills and over 500 headshots, and engage from 200-600m on a daily basis. Oh wait it doesnt. Yes, some people cant hit the broadside of a Sundy with a bolt action, then theres others who can hit a sprinting light assault at 200m
  3. IIXianderII

    I think dying from something you had no chance of fighting back against is just their excuse. The whole point of this game is massive combined arms, which means there are some things that you cannot fight but that your teammates can. If they were really against dying to something without being able to fight back the TTK in this game would be much higher and every class would have an AI, AV, and AA option. I find it strange that SOE seems to focus so many negative changes on the infiltrator class when it is no where near as powerful or as complained about as things like AV turrets, Strikers, ZOE maxes, etc.
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  4. TheBloodEagle

    I don't even use Nanoweave but good job all you incredibly whiny people for making it quite boring now.
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  5. Wrek

    While i do love that nanoweave changes are finally coming, If a guy manages to head shot me insane distances, kudos to him, he deserved that kill. Completely removing any chance of such kills seems like taking it a bit far.
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  6. y3ivan

    overall good change for nanoweave.

    But a few inquires regarding to resist bonus stack for nanoweave and resist shield.
  7. Van Dax

    Infantry stop rendering at 300m, are you headshotting sunderers?
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  8. EWarren

    Should this logic apply to AV turret and AV weapons landing hits on vehicles outside of render range?
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  9. Zcuron

    They found that nanoweave-users were not dying to certain explosives that they should die to, so they increased the damage of said explosives to make nanoweave a non-factor.

    Now that they are reworking nanoweave armour, they will also remove this nanoweave armour-induced explosive damage buff.
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  10. Kid Gloves

    To be fair on the developers, this is not coming from a personal grudge.

    This is coming from a fair amount of existing 'design lore' from a variety of games, and the history of this particular opinion (one that until recently I shared) is an interesting tidbit of games development history in and of itself.

    Basically: it's been shown that dying instantly to a threat that you have no way of seeing or perceiving is a somewhat negative experience that can cause people to give up in frustration. There's no clear counter-play.

    In PS2 this isn't nearly as true as it first seems. There's a lot of people running around, and even a tiny bit of situational awareness will let you know that a sniper is operating in the area (or whatever other threat) - from the ping-zing of a bullet just missing or the sudden death of your team-mate a couple of meters in front.

    So I'm going to come at this with some suggestions on how to introduce counterplay to OHK sniping (and other OHK sources):

    * introduce a new feature on the deploy screen that shows both your own death location and the location that your killer as at when they dealt the killing blow. This is an icon on the 2d map only; providing no height-based information.

    This reminds the dead person that their killer was actually present at the battlefield. It lets them go hunting for revenge if they so choose (which they will probably fail at, but at least we've turned their feelings of frustration at the game into feelings of anger at a player) or simply lets them avoid the area the OHK occurred in.

    This means a sniper can remain effective, but just acts as further reminder that after a successful kill a sniper really should relocate. Which all good snipers know to do anyway.
  11. MurderBunneh

    Ya I'm willing to bet that won't last long. Mana av turret is one of the most broken things in the game. All I have to say is if the Phoenix can't get a OSK then the turret should not either. I bet everything that it gets a heavy nerf when they go to balancing explosive damage.
  12. MurderBunneh

    If I know that some people will not be wearing NW and I can bypass it with aim then I will be inclined to use something else sometimes I think that is the aim here.
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  13. RuinyourDay

    So in the End were still getting ***** by Zealot Overdrive(Zoe) maxes due them already overpowering than anything else. BTW we are taking away nanoweave armor to help you die faster, cheers.
  14. PrinceDusk

    Yes, I'm a big game hunter.

    But seriously, engineers on AV turrets render with vehicles, which render at 600m if i'm correct
  15. Tolas

    if your going to be adjusting the sniping mechanics in such a way, might i recommend you do something else as well

    allow the players to adjust their scopes for range, ala red orchestra 2.

    so instead of doing the whole Kentucky windage for everythime we shoot at range, we can actually set the sight to where the bullet is hitting, so if my target is at 200m, i set my scope for where my bullet is landing, so it hits point of aim at the distance i set it for.

    its actually a very simple concept and it would remove a bit of the guesswork when players are using suppressed snipers, and those that dont understand how scopes work in reality, this will not be something that will make snipers GOD SNIPERS THAT CAN HIT ANYTHING AT ANY RANGE NOW.

    all this does is let you adjust the scope to point of aim, if a target is closer to you than point of aim you will have to conversely adjust for that, meaning if i have the sight set for say 300m, if i shoot at someones head at 50m the bullet will go directly over him missing completely. and it still keeps the extremely long travel time (yes extremely long, the bullet velocities in this game are a joke) so leading the target is still going to be a hindrance, unless of course they make it a little easier if they want to add high velocity projectiles in the magazine slot for the snipers and scout rifles.... (pretty please)

    And face it, how often is extremely long distance snipers a problem? a sniper does less for his team standing out in the distance in a desperate attempt to get a one shot kill than most do running around providing support with darts and such in the middle of the fight.

    how many times can you remember thinking in this game "oh god, theres a sniper some 300m out and he's wreckin our **** with these constant OHK's"

    Not once have i actually considered them a threat, more of a speed-bump if anything.

    Though how many times have players thought "GOD THESE ******* SMG INFILTRATORS"

    I have yet to see a platoon actually WANT and call out for someone to go infiltrator to engage in long range shooting for them, let alone spotting, i have always heard outfits yelling at infils to hack the dam terminals, or use the darts that they consistently forget about.

    If anything i think the infil class, at least in the long range department, needs to get some love.

    I dont necessarily mean a buff either, because this will allow them to solo, but i mean simple things like providing covering fire from a distance, allowing them to gain more XP shooting enemies near their squadm8s than they currently do. they still arent that useful but it at least will encourage infiltrators to use the semi auto snipers again to actually provide cover fire over actual kills.

    Another could be to actually give them a decent tool for long support, look at the scopes for example, why not allow these supposedly HIGH TECH factions to be able to have high tech scopes, for example a scope that for a brief period of time, will spot enemy players in the reticule for the rest of the squad to see. and the enemies spotted by the scope that are killed grant the infiltrator a modest XP bonus of around 50-75xp, hell it would actually allow them to provide a proper scouting roll, like in assisting a friendly lib by lighting up targets. Though this would require a good amount of cooldown so its not abused.
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  16. MurderBunneh

    This will sell alot of aimbots too. You will see a 5x increase in headshots and it will all be "skill".

    Off to VR to begin my new training to learn to aim headfirst.
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  17. Brisk

  18. RHINO_Mk.II

    Needs a reinforced helmet cert path that has damage reduction to headshots only, and remove this stupid, arbitrary 150m limit on infiltrators. This coming from someone who hardly plays as an infiltrator, and certainly not a long range sniper. At 150m my Gauss SAW can flinch-lock and kill infiltrators without them getting a chance to fire back.
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  19. Kid Gloves

    Aha! I see what you're up to!
    Well played, sir. Well played. I would argue, but you've stacked the deck you sly devil.

    I'd post a picture of a ship anchor, but I can't be bothered finding one. :D
  20. Sardaukar

    This is the best buff to infiltrators yet. If you are a sniper and upset about this you are bad and need to get out. Good snipers are going to be very pleased because they know how to do things like:
    • influence the battle meaningfully
    and also understand what it means for some of the better sniper rifle options, as far as damage thresholds go.