As a MAX user, it's obvious MAXes are overpowered

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WorldOfForms, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Whatupwidat

    I kinda like that MAXes are overpowered to be honest in a weird way - makes C4ing them sooooo much more satisfying xD

    But yah, in seriousness I agree with the OP :D
  2. Spoof

    It's stupidly easy if you know what you're doing. Most people don't.

    They have poor situational awareness, no sound, are ignorant of the class strengths and limitations, or just don't care. I see MAXs standing their ground against tanks, or charging off into battle with only 10% health all the time.

    It really depends on your opposition. You can run rings around uncoordinated casual players... but even an experienced MAX will be cut down in two seconds by a proper outfit on the point.
  3. WorldOfForms

    If this is in response to what I said at the start of the thread, I'm thinking you didn't actually read the post.

    I basically said, "I uses MAXes a lot, and I utterly destroy people with little effort, which is kind of silly."

    If you think that's whining, I don't know what to say.
  4. WorldOfForms

    You might have missed the part where I said I can chain-pull MAXes for an hour straight as a member. That 450 resources is literally meaningless to me. The last few times I've played, I was in a MAX suit, non stop, for my entire play session.
  5. FateJH

    With the current resource system quagmire, being able to chainpull something, not the least over the course of an hour, really isn't anything worth yelling about.
  6. Akeita

    Actually, just aim for the head, a full clip of SMG is enough to put that MAX out of the battle for a good full 5 minute unless there's an engi pocket the guy
  7. WorldOfForms

    I wasn't yelling about the resource cost in my post, but it's a factor in the large recipe in what makes MAXes overpowered. I said, "I mow down tons of infantry with this thing." The response was, "Yeah but it costs 450 resources." My counter argument to that specific response was, "Resources aren't a factor here, so yes, the unit itself is overpowered still."
  8. xxxdevilsownxxx

    Those MAXes killed me so much that I was going to uninstall, but maybe it will
    be better after I play a bit. I only played this game a few days and I don't know how
    to kill them, even if I hit with a rocket they just kill me instantly
  9. Idoubts

    You obviously didn't read who I quoted.
  10. FateJH

    "Yelling" wasn't the word I wanted to use but I couldn't think of a better one.
    What I had wanted to convey was that being able to chainpull something is a trivial point to make for or against something with how the game is currently set up.
    If you do want to throw resource cost out the window, separate from chainpulling, then you need to establish an argument regarding why anything else that can be chainpulled, whether it costs resources or not, is not also a flavor of overpowered. Heavy Assaults, which a lot of people spite, can be chainpulled with all their flavorful arsenal, at little to no cost. And C4 can be just as destructive to a group of Infantry and is less than half the cost of a MAX (and it is also viewed with spite, by some).
  11. WorldOfForms

    You need to treat a MAX as a slow moving infantry death zone. This means never engage them head-on. First, you need to know where they are. Watch your minimap a lot - a MAX appears as a triangle with lines around it - they look different from other infantry. Also, listen for them. They make very loud, mechanical sounding footsteps.

    So, let's say you are running around a corner and you encounter a MAX. Most of the time, you should just turn around and run back around the corner. If you are right on top of the MAX, you can try running THROUGH him, then find a corner to run around.

    Okay, so now you know where the MAX is. You need to gain distance from him, then play peek-a-boo, aim down sights, and aim for his head with your primary weapon. If you are a Heavy Assault, swap to your rocket and aim for his feet. This way, if you miss, you will still hit him with splash. If you think you are good with the rocket, you could aim for his body.

    Remember - you need to expose yourself to his fire as little as possible, and stay at a distance. Often times you can wait for him to be distracted by another target, and then you can just plug away at him. Regular bullets actually do good damage to MAXes.

    Run away, keep distance, play peek-a-boo. That is the key.
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  12. Reltor


    now come kiss my M3 Pounders :p
  13. MadInkhorn

    I'm confused, So now you are saying they are not OP?
  14. OldMaster80

    This is working as intended since ps1. The problem here as usual is the resources system. You shouldn't be able to pull a Max at that rate forever.
  15. DrBash00

    If your Point of few is, that K/D is what the Game is all about....

    YES then the Max is OP.

    Also on "Farming" the Max is superior to other infantry classes.

    If you see the GAME as a GAME that contents also Strategy and point capturing, the Max is a TOOL and it is a powerfull tool.

    If you join a Gunfight, and you have only a knife you have equiped the wrong tool.

    A max can not spawn directly into a galaxy, infantry can, a max can not fly on buildings or get invisible, infantry can...

    And YES in buildings in close combat the max is stronger, BUT THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT about the unit!!!
    Maxes belong to the game!!!! They are one Point that makes PS2 special!!

    Of course you can always discuss about some tweaks etc. to make infantry fights better.... (and it is not perfect now)

    But stop this "Max is op" ****, it only leads nowhere, stop this "xy is op" **** in generall, really....

    STOP IT!!! NOW!
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  16. Leftconsin

    Quite the opposite, actually. Chain pulling MAXes just means YOU aren't losing frequent fights, taking too many bad risks, and managing to keep yourself alive long enough for your nanites to replenish. You are getting good return on your investment into a MAX and complaining about your RoI is too high.

    I'm looking at the last point you made in the original post:

    If I'm investing 450 nanites into something and not getting a return on that investment then there is no reason to pull a MAX. You should just stay as nanite free infantry. Or throw a grenade. OF COURSE you should be getting more kills by jumping into a killing machine.

    Also keep in mind that this game isn't necessarily JUST about kills. For example, in my last play session of about two hours I got killed A LOT. 34 times. I killed 14 people. Terrible, right? But I wasn't playing for kills. I got a few incidentally. I was in Mani Biolab getting revive ribbons. In those two hours I got about 270-280 revives. I made 504 certs. I wasn't playing for kills. I was doing other things. Other things that might seem really imbalanced for 0 nanites, reviving people.

    My point here is if you are only focusing on the impact of one number: KDR then yes, MAXes are crazy bonkers and you should be getting better than 1:1 and OMG how do you balance that? MAXes are meant for killing. You can't revive people, take points, repair, supply ammo, you need to resupply to change loadouts if you want to be good at AA or AV or AI, you don't sprint well, you're a giant target, you can't arm generators or SCUs, and so on. MAXes are there to kill. It is all they do. And if you remove their ability to efficiently win 1v1 combat then they are useless.
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  17. SpaceZeal0t

    Issue is if we nerf maxes further we end up killing them in the vehicle/esf vs max area which then encourages more esf spam and vehicle spam since there isn't a viable forrm of defense against those kinds of heavy weapons.

    Its not maxes that are OP its infantry that are UP, buff the damage resistances against max weapons a notch and thats it.
  18. SpartanPsycho

    I have killed a max with a knife while running around in circles.
    They are OP when in groups of 2 or more. It's called "more boom then you have, so you lose" or the "f u russia we will stick it up you if you attack" <--- we had several thousand nuclear weapons of mass destruction
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  19. FateJH

    Infantry don't have "damage resistances against max weapons" outside of the damage resistances they have against each other's weapons, via Nanoweave and Flak and such. The only way to resolve this situation to match the goal you are trying to reach, and only throw out of wack the least number of things, is to make MAX weapons weaker in base damage, separate their weapons into their own weapon category, and then upscale the "against Vehicles" resistance values for that weapon category. And even that is a relatively troublesome pill to swallow because some MAX weapons are actually already not ideal against Infantry, while others are appallingly good.

    Edit: you can give Infantry a column on the "against Vehicle" resistance table and make the game check against that but I have no clue what kind of precedent that starts. And you'd still need to segregate MAX weaponry into their own damage category(ies).
  20. Alan Kalane

    Maxes are UP and I am 100% serious.
    Everything you pull for nanites is UP right now. Maxes are, ESF are, Tanks are, nades are... everything is UP right now.
    BUT they also don't fullfil their intended role just yet. They do exactly the opposite. Higby said they want force multipliers to be a factor favouring outpopped factions. They want them to counter zergs instead of creating them. So outpopped defenders can pull more force multipliers than zerging attackers, making it a little bit more fair and discouraging zerging.

    We need further phases of resource revamp for this to happen. And then force multipliers could get buffed because they will be serving the right cause (and will no longer be so spammable).