Are freakin Anti Personal Landmines supposed to be INVISIBLE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McDonaldsMaster, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Spookydodger

    I've tried putting land mines on the steps right next to the door. It doesn't kill people.

    Maybe they need to be partially clipping through the shield door to do it. I know that C4 explosions clip through and kill, but mines typically bounce off the shield and detonate from the proximity of the victim on the other side of that shield.

    Maybe I've just had crap luck and then didn't try again *shrug*
  2. Arrowfaster

    Well that's your own problem then. Game is not supposed to be played like Rambo. This is a team game, not COD. Anyway from your posts I see that you have a ego issue, calling yourself badass is totally not cool and no offense but how old are you? I mean that kind of stuff I usually hear from teens and kids.