Anyone else sorry they chose TR now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalNoob, May 8, 2014.

  1. EvilJollyT

    Lol. NC were clearly under-powered for the first 12 months of the game. Go check any cross-faction leaderboard you wish to choose (outfit or individual) and you'll see an alarming lack of presence from the NC....... for example, only one NC outfit in the top 12! (

    Yet now the worm has (slightly) turned the TR run straight to the boards to complain. Do me a favour....... come back in another 9 months with the same complaints and you might have a case. Until then, accept your turn at the *** end of the nerf/buff cycle with good grace.

    Added to this, TR are fine. We played one half of a community clash match as TR against an NC outfit and dominated them. TR's not even our primary faction.
  2. KnightCole

    Its not even a matter of the nerf buff cycle. Its just a matter of people's toys getting nerfed and them being mad with it. They think, I know im guilty of it, that cuz their weapon was nerfed a bit its now useless and they are UP in dire need of buffs NAO!

    TR are a bit boring but not UP.
  3. Mongychops

    Not really, around this time last year the NC was doing pretty well on most servers. The MBT rebalance had dethroned the Magrider as the king of tank vs tank, and the Prowler as the king of infantry farm, and the flinch normalisation for small arms combat meant that the NC was doing pretty well all around. It was only a bit after after the MAX patches (and I suppose also the forward grip bug fix / nerf) that NC started doing not so well again.
  4. EvilJollyT

    Go check the stats. They don't lie. NC as an average have worse stats than both TR and VS. This can only rationally be explained by the fact that the NC weaponry (as a whole..... I'm not suggesting every NC item is bad, or worse than it's counter-parts) has not been as effective over the lifetime of the game, unless you're suggesting that somehow NC got all the bad players?

    For the record, I'm not whining about this. Merely responding to the OP who is complaining about TR being "the handicapped faction" which over the lifetime of the game is clearly not true.
  5. SpcFarlen

    As much as forumside complains about faction imbalance, its not really there. I play all three factions, mainly TR of course, and i never feel "aww if only i was X id being so much better now". Its more of "Oh if i was in X situation rather than Y, id do so much better".

    Thats the real balance issue, which isnt even an issue, what situation you are in. VS and TR are both stronger at short to mid range across all their weapons. They are higher RoF than NC. Its less punishing to miss a bullet, where in CQC if you miss... you lost that engagement, unless of course your opponent misses just as much. But on the flip side NC have Scat MAXs and the Jackhammer .

    So where they may fall short in one or multiple classes, there is some slack picked up by another. Its asymmetric balance.

    AS for recoil.... (warning number are scary)

    Average recoil for TR:

    ~vertical: 0.37
    ~horizontal: 0.204
    ~First shot mult: 1.958
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.724

    ~vertical: 0.298
    ~horizontal: 0.2325
    ~first shot mult: 2.25
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.670

    ~vertical: .309
    ~horizontal: 0.228
    ~first shot mult: 2.025
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.626

    Average recoil for NC:

    ~vertical: 0.414
    ~horizontal: 0.180
    ~first shot mult: 1.817
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.752

    ~vertical: 0.313
    ~horizontal: 0.215
    ~first shot mult: 2.133
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.668

    ~vertical: 0.392
    ~horizontal: 0.200
    ~first shot mult: 1.608
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.630

    Average recoil for VS:

    ~vertical: 0.385
    ~horizontal: 0.206
    ~first shot mult: 1.967
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.757

    ~vertical: 0.239
    ~horizontal: 0.206
    ~first shot mult: 2.52
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.602

    ~vertical: 0.288
    ~horizontal: 0.210
    ~first shot mult: 2.525
    ~Vertical * first shot: 0.727

    (Numbers were rounded to the nearest thousandth. Numbers taken from recoil max value. These do not take into account weapons that have a biased pull)


    So which has no recoil again? o_O
  6. iller

    Last time I was on (connery), I saw the TR world pop at 43% ... at 1am in the morning.

    They hadn't had those numbers SINCE LAUNCH. Just a month ago, they were usually down around 21% most nights around 1am while the Vanu were generally ramping up from 35% to 45% world pop (we had tons of threads about this by the way.... atleast one every week and usually most of the blame was lumped at the feet of the Japanese)

    and No recoil on NC? ....something tells me the OP doesn't know what "Spread" is then
  7. Whatupwidat

    I think everyone has that "why the **** did I choose this faction!?" moment - I have it most play sessions lol.

    I think it's less that and more that a lot of the truly brilliant players play for TR or VS - or maybe that's just how it seems to me on the ground getting my head stomped into the dirt by BRTD. Again.
  8. randomusername146

    dude, thats how SOE makes their balance decisions... :eek:
    • Up x 2
  9. Maljas23

    TR is a powerhouse atm, OP. We have gone from arguably last place in the Special Heavy Weapons catagory, to arguably first place in it with this last update. I do wish the Striker got the same treatment, however.

    Don't get me wrong though. Some of our guys are still kinda "meh" but I think we are in a good spot now. The MSW-R and TMG really need new first person models.

    Actually, the TMG needs it more because it is functionally different from the rest of our LMGs. The MSW-R is just an AR version of the Carv for the HA, so I can understand those guns looking the same I guess.

    TMG tho... needs model changes.
  10. Mongychops

    You made a specific claim the NC was the worst faction for the entire 12 months after release, despite in the post GU02 to NC MAX nerf period, NC doing very well, and maintaining a 40%+ prime time population on many servers for this period, that is what I took issue with.

    The stats you supplied to support this in your original post was just to look at the top 12 outfits by score in the world (of which my own is in there), which is so easily skewed (in our case by being a farmers club), that is why I am a little skeptical.
  11. TheRunDown

    The Bull used to be way better, but it got nerffed in GU07, Now I just roll with the Stock T9 Carv, I consider it one of or even the best TR HA weapon.

    I agree, TR can't have good things :) but we have "OK" things, not great but ok.. :3

    The G30 Vulcan is useless on a Anchor mode prowler, both NC and VS ES secondary weapons work at all ranges, TR's only at 100-200m, the recoil patch a few weeks ago that supposedly made it work at 400m, but were still talking *1 Bullet* out of of 10 in a 60 clip. The beta Vulcan with the long range was perfect, it did little damage, but was able to keep a string of fire on the enemy, but again, this game is broken when you compare numbers to hit ratio. So people who could actually aim, destroyed MBTs.. but true to the matter the G30 didn't actual do that much damage Bullet for Bullet..

    Our Prowler is broken because of Numbers on paper.. Most of us are forced to use the Halberd for it's long range AP vs AP..
    Anchor mode is supposed to be OP, its Anchor Mode, it's a Static Target, our AP and Heat has been nerf to the point where 2 Bullets = 1 VS or NC AP or Heat.. because people whine about TTKs in Anchor mode.. but all it has done has reduced vanilla Prowlers to useless scrape piles on the battlefield.

    Originally the Prowler had the fastest speed, which allowed us to use the G30 and AP rounds at CQC, MBT vs MBT.
    But Reload speeds and Damage Per Round has been reduced to make Anchor mode more fair on Numbers.. making none Anchor mode Prowlers fall short of damage as front line MBTs..

    I don't know where the Devs have got the idea our ES trait is More Bullets, but it's really killing us.. especially if they Nerf the damage to compensate for more bullets..

    Don't get me started on ESFs, Mossy ware supposed to be the most agile ESF.. but Reavers (The most Tanky) can perform manuvers far easier, and Scyths can literally do zero point turns in the right hands. But I guess I shouldn't complain, Daddy does make it look easy to kill everything. So I and none veteran ESP pilots suck.. I guess..

    The only thing I consider OP on TR, is the MCG attachment, but to be honest, if you Nerfed it, it would be the Worst ES HA weapon, I think the MCG now is well done, the Jack Hammer is 99% there, and the Lasher is about 50% useful, right now.. I don't consider a Lasher a threat compared to a MCG or Jack Hammer, but the behaviour of the Lasher would need changing, as it is, simply given it more damage would make it way too OP and unbalanced. It's a good door spammer ATM, but it could do with Radiation aura like it did on PlanetSide 1. So even if it misses it still does little damage. I would like to see very low range for the weapon (longer it travels the less damage it does, so it doesn't become a Turtle Weapon), and give it Splash damage and Radiation Aura.
    • Up x 1
  12. jiggu

    yeah lets disregard rate of fire, look at one stat and yell which are OP. Right?
    jesus christ the levels some will go to.

    TR are fine, stop crying and start shooting.
  13. SpcFarlen

    Im not complaining at TR at all, or any faction at that matter. All faction are withing 10-15% recoil values of each other. I posted the stats on recoil because there seems to be a lot of people screaming that TR/VS/NC have no recoil. This was to illustrate their different average recoil patterns.

    Im fairly certain everyone know the RoF of each fact and can put one and two together. Im not going to hold everyone's hand when that information is around for the world to see, recoil is not show anywhere in game. So therefore, i posted it.
  14. Kunavi

    I'm not exactly sorry I chose TR, in theory they should be the Faction I'd play best as and their story and supposed traits suit me. I expected more visually but I can handle "Bland" if the rest works, I thought back then. Red and black looked good, goggles are fine, breathing masks are fine and Eternal Crusade wasn't out so I'd get the closest to Chaos/Space Marines I could. Cool stuff I thought.

    Now I'm finding I really don't like how TR play. In fact I'm starting to realize it may be PS2 I don't like- The whole set up, the Spawn System, the purpose right now, perhaps how it's coded or how it handles HitReg or its TTK. I don't know. As TR this whole experience feels a bit off, while as VS or NC I can at least say I'm not fighting an RNG but the whole thing feels just broken IMHO, or handled badly? I don't know which.

    I'm left with the thought that it's F2P so why should I analyse things so much? Log in with the Black/Red "Empire" guys because I can't bother spending 2-3 more years ranking up my NC and VS, get some KD, log out, until the next SciFi MMOFPS happens(Again, probably until Eternal Crusade). And never pay SOE 1 more $, because I did that and I don't like where it went, why nor how.

    Now if you ask me if that negative opinion would have remained the same if I liked VS or NC(Their Lore is the issue for me) and invested in them, or if I had not played and someone described PS2 to me... I'd say it wouldn't. I'd say I'd probably be a lot more interested in playing and subsequently paying.

    I can only deduce that PS2 is a typical case of "Concept Gone Wrong", it seems. And if not PS2 as a whole then definitely the TR, at the very least in relation(To how PS2 plays as a whole, as an FPS) and in comparison to the other Factions(IMHO again).

    I also don't like all that +Bullets but -EVERYTHING ELSE direction, nor how generic(If I want to be polite) TR are. TR look good on paper, in theory if you will. Even to me, as an idea it appears intriguing but I can't stress how it just didn't work out, doesn't play out well.
  15. Chris Bingley

    This has nothing to do with our weapons. This has to do with the NC having the most team killers, and our engies and medics not supporting people outside their squad/platoon/outfit.

    Seriously, 2 outfit platoons fighting at regents rock today and people are only healing/reviving/repairing their mates and not bothering with the other platoon. you wouldn't get that from the TR or VS. Everytime I play one of my alts I'm shocked at the amuunt of support I recieve. Ammo everywhere, my MAX lasts longer than the cooldown timer and I never have to use my medkits.
  16. KnightCole

    That gun is missing a car battery to power the 8 barrels, the BRRT attachment and Laser....
  17. EvilJollyT

    Riiiiiiight. It's not the weapons it's the players. NC got all the bad ones.
  18. Prudentia

    just the worst of the worst ones.
    an average player who likes teamwork will most likely join TR
    an average player who is into Star Trek/Wars/Gate/whatever is more interested into VS
    an average player who doesn't care about other people is more likely to join the rebel freedom faction aka NC
    In higher level play this balances out and TR get more of the oppressive scum while NC stay the nicest, but the low skill levels which make up a good part of the player base have a mixture not in favour of NC.
  19. Epic High Five

    The NC is the only faction with fun flavor "FREEDOM WOOOO USA USA USA" and the truckbed hillbillie muddin' ethos that is just downright fun, so we kept the players who are downright fun to play with. For whatever reason all the MLG-tier streamers went to VS, and all the crybabies went to TR.

    I dunno, I play all factions and have the most fun by far on NC. Plus TR and VS weapons are sad little peashooters and you should all be ashamed to call them primaries
  20. LibertyRevolution

    I really hate TR weapons.. The horizontal recoil, RNG feel of them just makes it no fun to play since about GU01.
    I really hate playing NC... I suck at it, every other faction kills me in any fight under 20m.. (I refuse to use the OP NC max)
    I really love VS.. Everything about them is better, accept their vehicles, but I don't use ES vehicles so I don't care.