Anti air rockets useless?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Fugean, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Nikolai_Grosnii

    It's not the ultimate defense against aircraft, but so far I've managed to down 3 full enemy libs with the G2A Rocket launcher. :)

    (Out of a total of some 50+ launches, but hey... )
  2. Dubious

    G2A worked when it 2 shot
    after the nerf it has been broken and im not talking about the 3-shot
  3. Baldrick-18

    Lock on G2A missiles are useless. 1000 CT for a weapon that dooesn't deter aircraft in the slightest.

    How is it that when they do hit (miracles do happen) they do so little damage. A bird strike can down a aircraft and yet a rocket packed with high explosive just scratches the paint. I hit a Liberator and it did about 5% damage, maybe less . Does anyone think a military crago plane would need to be hit with 20 sams before it was destroyed ?

    Two or three hits should down a ESF maybe 5 for a Liberator and 10 for a galaxy.
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  4. Chestburster

    Honestly I don't mind the mechanics the way they are at the moment, but lately (had a break over Christmas) about a third of the rockets hit but do no damage at all. Iit's hard enough to land a successful hit anyway, but then having them be ineffective on contact is pretty damn frustrating.
  5. 13lackCats

    Sorry, didn't mean to be obfuscatory, I've learned over the years that its best to be succinct in these forums.

    The quote I used from you sounded a lot like the "woe is me" crowd. I'm sorry, I misread the true meaning.
  6. 13lackCats

    The G2A missiles are pretty agile, but the pilots are getting better and better at dodging them.

    Its best to use them while the enemy is engaged with other dangers- just pile up the complications on him, something will break.
  7. Krave

    rofl... sorry but the lock on launcher is crap and thats all. there is absolutly no "skill" needed to dodge a lock on missle at the current state of the game see this footage of me...

    thats what it looks like every time for me. for those who are unable to recognise whats happening: 1. shot hit -> no dmg, 2. shot dodged by slight up and down hovering, 3. same as second shot, 4. hit that deals dmg jehaaaaaaaaw, 5. shot missed again while beeing insta gibbed by a lib...
    this blody thing was soooooooo worthwhile the money i spend... NOT!
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  8. 13lackCats

    Yes, at those ranges, and that situation, you were doing nothing but calling attention to yourself. You got what was coming.

    So many people get their wig split by just firing blindly.

    I have a few checkpoints before I engage:

    1: Range. I want my missile to be able to chase him for awhile. The range must be close.
    2: Situation. Is he engaged with friendly air? Is he engaged by other friendly ground? Has he popped his flare lately? How fast is he?

    Your video is good, in that it shows how *NOT* to use the G2A missile.
  9. Deathcapt

    This is pretty much my experience as well. If you wait for ESFs / libs to get close, then they kill you, if you engage at max range, your missile misses.
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  10. Krave

    so firing a lockon missile on a rather stationary target(litle bit of up and down hovering) in lockon range is not how it is to be used? thats rubbish. the launcher is broken nothing else in that situation it should be 5 out of 5 and not 1 of 5 dmging hits.
  11. Deathcapt

    As is, the G2A would be balanced if it did 75% hp in 1 hit, due to how easy it is to dodge, and how frequently it duds.
  12. Neurotoxin

    Missile speed, maneuverability, and travel distance, all need a boost for G2A rockets to be effective against ESF. They are just fine against any Liberator or Galaxy though, just sometimes they can't lock onto a Liberator while the Liberator can fire down at the rocket user (IF they draw for the gunner).
  13. 13lackCats

    Maximum range against an otherwise un-engaged target.

    Worst possible odds for you to be successful

    Well, actually you were successful- at telling everyone where you were.
  14. Krave

    wel its more like 60-70% of max-lockon range, and who cares if he is un-engaged at that moment beside my self, he is hovering on that position for nearly the whole time not doing any agressive movement that would dodge or prevail a rocket from hitting but 3 rockets simply miss, the 1. missile did 0 dmg even though it hits and thats simpy rubbish/bad coding call it what you like. and even if you can touch the belly of an enemy plane G2a rockets do 6-7times more often miss/do no dmg than actually deliver dmg. cause those planes that actally do move while doing their attack pattern are used by expirienced players and for those its an ease to dodge those rockets 100%.
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  15. 13lackCats

    I use G2A all the time.

    Your engagement decisions were horrible, and left you with no chance for success.

    To boot, without making any positive impact on the battle, you got yourself killed.

    A wasted sortie by any stretch of the imagination.
  16. TheBloodEagle

    Yea that's what I don't understand. The regularly hit ESFs with my default launcher, which destroys them in 1 hit. It makes them go low red and they explode from fire damage. The default does 1700 damage. The G2A launcher does 1500. That should be low yellow / high red health. But some how it takes 3 HITS to kill an ESF. There's a problem with hit detection and damage transfer for sure.
  17. smoke eater

    Tried the G2A in demo. Not going to buy it, its crap. Whenever I locked on, the plane would take off, it was more of a scare tactic. When I did fire sometimes it hit and sometimes it didn't (aircraft just had to veer a bit) and I was close range. Close that I was only able to get one shot before the aircraft would mow me down while I was reloading. Its not worth the 1000 cert points or buying station creds for it. G2A sucks. It happens.
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  18. Funzo

    They are pointless. Not only has using them convinced me they are pointless, but I can't remember in over 30 hours of flying in a Scythe actually being shot down by one.

    If you want to kill something in the air, use an ESF or a dual burster. No other AA is worth spending money on. And you people who think "scaring" and "deterring" are good things, all they do is kick the can down the road and make pilots look for you on the next pass. It's like an engraved invitation to find the guy standing in the open for three seconds trying to get a lock.
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  19. TheBloodEagle

    While it's true that the G2A generally sucks ***. It's not a pure selfish thing to do. They do deter and scare. I've seen so many ESFs bug out and disengage because of the Lock-On alone. That helps save your team, yourself and makes the ESF waste time, especially if he is a rocket spammer. It's not a totally useless action. Of course there are situations and pilots as to where it doesn't mean **** but more often than not it does help. It just sucks that you don't get EXP for the effort.
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  20. Deathcapt <- you
    Your stats say that you're not as effective as you claim. <- me

    I have less than 2/3 of your play time, and just over double your vehicle kills. 1/5 of my kills are vehicles, a decent number of those are ESFs and it's almost always dual burster or AA phalanx turrets for kills.

    For being a specialized G2A rocket launcher, it sucks. It's on par with LMGs at deterring ESFs, and it's slightly better than the default launcher at killing liberators.

    I unlocked the G2A launcher on day 1 and basically fire it every chance I get, and I don't even expect to get hits anymore, I usually don't even try to hit the same guy twice.
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