I never claimed I was effective. Stats are meaningless. In fact, in this case inflated in my favor. If you think this person's engagement practices were good, then go ahead... ... ...say it.
I'm impressed. You've been playing the same amount of time as me and you have 837 vehicle kills. I gotta step up my game haha You actually have much more of everything. Is Mattherson really packed? There aren't as many big interesting battles on Jaeger as often as I'd like.
Mattherson's a pretty solid server. We have a bunch of the veteran outfits playing, Azure Twilight, Sturmgrenediers, The Enclave, Ghosts of the Revolution, and my own SuperTroopers. Along with some new but massive outfits, Reddit's [TEST] and SomethingAwfuls [Goon], the ascended [TAS] outfits are also here. So There's definitely some good fights to be had.
I think those rockets should be hitting, and I think this is completely valid use of the weapon. I think the "Effective range" should be upwards of 30% larger than the lock-on range. I also think, that there's a legitimate issue with G2A missiles "htting" but dealing no damage, or simply missing when they should hit. Addtionally these rockets are unable to engage air that is at flight ceiling, even though that air can still kill your vehicles from that range.
Definitely needs more range. ~300m is pitiful (but makes them quite fun to use, finding the right spot, timing it just right). How about an ammo upgrade? Extended range ammo. 1250 dmg (compared to 1500) for a 600m effective range? Coming soon to an overpriced premium depot near you?
Most of the time infantry won't render at ceiling. This means that it is impossible to kill infantry from that range
You have 3 ground to AA solutions Sky-guard, Buster, and G2A HA rockets. None can hit a liberator at max height, while a Dalton can still pound turrets, tanks, and deployed sunderers.
At maximum range (extreme maximum here), no weapon system will be reliable. It is very unfair to the weapon system to be judged as that video judges it. About the hitting thing, I know what you mean. It only happens at extreme range, leading me to believe that these are not HEAT rounds, but are AP, which means they have no kinetic energy left when they hit- which is reasonable. I use the Annihilator- it is best against ground, but when given half a chance, it will do just fine anywhere. Get 2-4 together, looking at each other's shots, and its lethal. its a team game, and the Annihilator fits right into that fold for me.
God dammit, this thread isn't about the Annihilator. If SOE's long term business model is to release weapons, sell them, and then nerf them, after releasing the next version of it, I'm quitting the game. If I have to buy a new rocket launcher every 2 months, because they "balance" the old stuff and leave it in the dust, I'm done. The Annihilator is fine. It works, MUCH BETTER than the G2A against air. Additionally, I'm not judging a weapon's performance at "maximum effective range" it's the maximum lock-on range. Any weapon that can lock from 300m should be able to travel at least 450m to target while being effective. These are Not AP "kinetic" weapons, they're big explosive rockets, with tons of splash. Additionally, it wouldn't matter how many people you had, when 4/5 rockets miss, and it takes 8 to kill a liberator you'd need a whopping 50 people an ENTIRE god damned platoon to kill a liberator. that doesn't make sense. This thread is about the G2A specific launcher, that was nerfed into the ground after 1/2 the players in the game spent 1k certs or 700 sc on it. So they could sell the anihilator for another 1k certs/ 700 sc.
Its a team game. Everyone is relying on cumulative effects. Annihilator is G2A, and is subject to the same "best chance for positive result" paradigms.
This thread is about the HAwk, The Nemesis, and the Grounder, and how terrible they are. It's not about bursters, it's not about skyguards or the anihilator. it's about the fact that the official HA SAM, is useless against air. and is worse than the much more versatile annihilator.
This. If you're a HA then for crying out loud protect the burster MAX herd from armor and infantry. You know, things you can kill. Rather than waiting for after Mr ESF is hover podding your sunderer so that your missile has a chance to hit. And if you're close enough for the thing to work on a lib, Daltons or Zephyrs are in range and you're doomed.
I've been ok with the nemesis until now (despite what a lot of people say about it), but it seems like I'm getting a lot of dud rockets all of a sudden. Also, a fair amount of them seem to just fly on past their targets. In 1080 for your viewing pleasure: Anyway, I'll continue on using it. You don't get many certs for its use, but sometimes you just gotta swat some flies...
First shot - 393m at an ESF traveling away from you at full speed. Second shot - 430m. Slowly maneuvering target, uses afterburners to escape. Third shot - 333m. A Galaxy. By yourself. Fourth shot - A Lib at 255m and traveling away from you. Fifth shot - 481m, can hardly make out what your target is... then you try to lock it again at +500m. Sixth shot - 270m. Full speed ESF. Seventh shot - 135m, directly underneath a slowly drifting ESF. This one should have hit. Eighth shot - 270m, off to the side of drifting ESF. He accelerates into a sharp turn, dodging your rocket. Only two of those shots were in range, allowing for target's movement after firing (shots seven and eight. Four and six would reach max range before connecting). Eight was dodged (gfgf wp...) leaving Mr Seven the only suspicious character in your line up. Sorry mate, but this just isn't how AA rockets work. You need to be launching at under 200m, allowing for target travel during flight time (maximum range 300-350m). You're trying to solo flying tanks with a one-man pea-shooter. You might down the odd damaged ESF but bothering to lock a Lib or a Gal by yourself is a waste of time. But, yeah, mainly range. Range and positioning (go watch 'Black Hawk Down', especially the bits with the RPG guys hunting the helis.) EDIT: I think I also want to say that whilst ground-based AA does feel insignificant, the strict mechanics give me more enjoyment than, like Chestburster was attempting, standing on a hill miles from anywhere, locking abso-god-damn-lutely everything in the sky and blasting it down with a magic rocket of awesome. Having to get close and time your shot makes it more challenging and rewarding.
AA missiles should have 3x times the travel range they have today all they have to do is make it a cert
Got a mosquito with the default rocket launcher.... 1 hit kill. Felt good it was close, I was in a building and it was just outside hovering waiting for me to pop out. I fired first. When I tried the nemesis it took two rockets to kill the mosquito. Where are these magic rockets of awesome? I would rather have a rocket designed for AA to be better than the default rocket at taking down air; in both power and aim. Or, give the heavy something like the engineers turret but shoots rockets. Its stationary but shoots about 20 rockets in relative quick fashion.... even nerf the damage of the rocket, it would probably be more effective.
The bit that really, really annoys me, even once you catch a flier who's out of IR Smoke or never had it, and doesn't out run your rocket, I swear 50% of the time I see a hit... then nothing, no red X, no damage dealt. I don't expect to be able to one shot ESF's out the fky, far from it, the damage values are fine as they are, I just wish that a hit would be a hit.
Most definitely, yesterday i bought the anti air bundle. Extremely disappointed with everything but Bursters for Max. Played as HA + nemesis for like 3 hours, perhaps got 3 assists. I must say it definitely works as deterrent, but considering that sometimes i shot at one mosquito 3 times before it flew off, I expected to hit at least ONE missile, a satisfying red reticule indicator of successful hit would be good enough for me, but noo.
a lot of my rockets that hit doesn't deal damage. I found it odd as I trialed the Nemesis and thought, hell, it could do something. (I didn't have much targets to try it on) So I got the bundle as I really did like the MAX bursters. But the rocket just sucks though... It does, however, help make the air planes not near you. But then again, the MAX outperforms it by like... 99% The MAX actually puts damage on stuff. Sucks to do 80% of the damage then reload, then shoot again for the sure kill to only get an assist. lol