Anti air rockets useless?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Fugean, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. DemoEvolved

    I spent 30 minutes at a biolab airpad with 3 aa maxes and one other A2A HA. Think about that, that is 5 infantry, plus 1 engie for ammo and 1 medic for rezzes.
    Plenty of ESFs. A couple Libs.
    Zero air kills, zero air denial, they sniped us with rotary and came back over and over. We were not denying the area, we were indicating our position ie. telling the pilot where viable targets were.
    Finally the zerg started to show up and we had to go inside to defend the points.

    AA is totally broken atm. It should represent a threat to air, not an opportunity.
  2. Dr4gonGu4rd

    Anti air is useless, I mainly play HA, lib gunner, Prowler secondary (anti armor) and ESF pilot, It's ridiculous how ineffective anti air is.
    I can easily get tons and tons of kills in a lib or ESF, just flying around an hour or more with a bit of luck.
    The only thing thats remotely effective against air is either other ESF's or actually anti armor tanks.

    If you ask me that's just a joke, maxes and rockets are nothing to be afraid of as a lib and as an ESF I'm more afraid of anti armor tanks and anti air ESF's than anything else, because I know I can shred planes my self in those.

    Flak tickles at best unless in high concentration and ground to air rockets barely scratch a lib.

    On that note the Lib's anti air rear gun is also a joke, you have more luck taking out ESF's with the mortar.
    The front mounted minigun for the lib on the other hand shreds EVERYTHING (I think it's the same as the prowlers anti armor secondary?).

    On the note of people ringing up vehicles/planes costing resources, this is an invalid argument in my opinion.
    The resource gain is so high that me and my friends I play with never run out of resources to spawn stuff, the only time you get "cockblocked" from getting what you want is in the off chance you happen to die and the timer stops you.
    But even in those cases we just pop a different vehicle.

    Infantry is BY FAR inferior to being inside a vehicle, there is pretty much no reason not to be in a tank or plane as it is now.
    The game also doesn't prevent you from doing that either, it gives you enough resources.
    Imo having a tank/plane should be a tactical choice, not just the better option, infantry is just xp food, except for indoor spaces for obvious reasons.
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  3. Bringbeer

    AA as defined by a PS2 player: Fire your ASP-30, watch it chase an aircraft, watch it go by said aircraft... rinse and repeat! I spent station cash on that P.O.S and frankly feel completely screwed over, as do most of the people that purchased it. It needs a fix, soon.
  4. Deschain

    Any Lockable Launcher is defunct in its primary design, thats chasing said target and actualy hitting said target.
  5. LeanV

  6. JackD

    Yeah the G2A rockets honestly suck, i can´t remeber getting killed by them in my Lib. I think i get actually hit more often and harder by the rockets from the default launchers.
  7. Bloodlet

    I've noticed better behavior from my Annihilator vs air since the patch last night.
  8. CBCronin

    Yep, I've actually taken down some aircraft with it now.

    ESFs have their flares and the "longer to lock on" cert (more will probably get this soon) to avoid or hopefully escape before lock... so it feels pretty balanced. The GtA missile makes it more dangerous for air to operate in a hostile area, but not impossible. Using this in concert with max AA, Skyguard, and or Turrets now provides area deniability to aircraft flying at upper medium to low range.
  9. Armchair

    The GtA missile launcher does nothing as long as pilots can evade the missile with this amazing and complicated evasive maneuver.

    Fly in a straight line faster than the missile.

    In order for GtA launchers to deter anything, they need teeth. The combination of low damage and poor chance to hit cause these to be terrible AA weapons (even by "deterrent" standards). The HA is practically better off firing his LMG at the sky.

    In order for GtA missiles to accomplish anything, they need one (AND ONLY ONE) of the following properties:

    1: Agile enough to hit aircraft consistently.

    2: If they must be slow and easy to evade, their payload should be enough to severely cripple with a single hit.

    Until then, the only thing GtA launchers accomplish is make a target fear that they've been spotted by an ESF with A2A missiles.
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  10. CBCronin

    Have you used it since the patch?..... because everyone of your concerns was my own until this latest patch: two-three missiles drop an ESF now, the missile is now agile and hits are registering. If you try to hit a plane at full range the plane can escape with speed, but that is only fair.
  11. Stormlight666

    They did fix it. I took out an GtA launcher on trial after the patch and the missiles actually caught up and hit the target for once.
  12. Armchair

    Every time I used it against aircraft, it was just as terrible at tracking as it used to be. The only difference is that it actually did damage if it managed to connect. As far as I'm concerned, the "G2A missiles are deadly now" is a mixture of placebo effect and airchav propaganda.

    When facing them with my lib, I casually evaded them merely by pressing the spacebar.
  13. JesNC

    That'S wierd, I pulled my Hawk G2A launcher out of its retirement tonight and every shot hit (apart from the few ones that were countermeasured) and did damage.

    Mind you, I didn't get any kills with it, but a ton of assist.
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  14. Pino71472

    I found that it takes too long to lock-on and the warheads are too slow. And I have too solutions:

    1. Heavy assault should stealth attack. The pilot is not aware of the incoming warheads. I usually locate some poor drivers who are kept busy by my teammates and then I launches lock-on rockets behind a cover.

    2. Play light assault and use rocket rifle with sabot ammo, which has increased projectile velocity and auto-lock on. I smash this weapon with guerrilla strategy. Since infantry almost always notice the aircraft before being noticed, I just hide somewhere and wait till he is close enough and use the 1-3-2 pattern to hit him 6 rockets in a roll (with sabot ammo). In most cases, the pilot is surprised and adjusts his position or runs away. But I never expect to take down any aircraft instead of harassing.

    Anyway, heavy-assault weapon seem only be useful to vehicle driver who doesn't make any observation at all or don't have a good habit. In most cases, the aircraft either pull up in a high attitude such that your rocket can't lock or keep wandering in a speed such that you can't either lock on it or your warheads are not fast enough to catch it.

    BTW, I really find it funny and entertaining to see heavy-assault stand still and raise their large rocket towards the sky, like a sunflower or a journalist.
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  15. TR5L4Y3R

    ehhh sir .... watch the date of the last post ...
  16. JustGotSuspended

    LOL people complaining about g2a lockons and this is from a time where they actually dealt some damage

    Imagine now, even with a direct deci you can't even kill some aircraft now