Another day, another Phoenix buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by St0mpy, Mar 29, 2013.

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  1. St0mpy

    Hahahaha, you cant even find the right part of the spreadsheet to back up one simple claim you made. Yet here you are berating me for mine which I can back up all day and night. Thats funny lol.

    Ok heres some data. You know, actual results from todays update. Since you have zero ability to provide any I did some work for you.

    MBT Front:
    • Phoenix - 5 missiles, TTK 25.7s
    • Striker - 18 missiles, TTK 39.7s
    MBT Rear:
    • Phoenix - 2 missiles, TTK 6.8s
    • Striker - 7 missiles, TTK 15.7s
    Lightning Front:
    • Phoenix - 4 missiles, TTK 18.5s
    • Striker - 14 missiles, TTK 27.9s
    • Phoenix - 5 missiles, TTK 25.5s
    • Striker - 15 missiles, TTK 28.4s
    • Phoenix - 1 missile, TTK 2s
    • Striker - 8 missiles, TTK 17.7s
    So its official, the Phoenix has it all.
    • Strongest launcher against vehicles.
    • Lowest TTK for _everything_
    • Able to fire without lock
    • Able to target infantry
    • TV guided
    • Adds 300m to draw distance
    • Allows firing from cover
    Its simply the best at everything. Enjoy your everything-op weapon, I wont be fighting you.
  2. Kuklakot

    Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  3. AnotherNoob

    Pleas list the counters. And keep in mind that they would have to be weighted in relation to how powerful other rocket launchers are/which drawbacks/counters they have.
  4. Winfield

    Infantry damage nerfed. People still whine.

    Figures. You guys are ******* unbelievable. You guys must have sleepless nights over all the "imbalances" around the world.
  5. MilitiaMan

    Still a flood of tears over the Phoenix, I knew this would happen.

    I would get so many tears over my Javelin in COD.

    Thank you Higby for this bountiful harvest of tears, Smedley will be pleased!
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  6. GamerOS

    Are you at all taking into account travel time of the Phoenix?
    The phoenix doesn't Magically start reloading as soon as you fire, you got several secconds of flight (especially at max range) before you reload.

    But of course, you'd rather ignore the facts that would not help your argument.

    Also you forget to mention the following:
    • It can't lock onto anything
    • It got the shortest range
    • Every Air vehicle has a higher speed then the missile.
  7. St0mpy


    Ive just printed up all the relevant ttks and you say its my opinion, what other opinion can someone have when one launcher kills EVERY vehicle faster than the other, AND has a bucketload of extra uses the others dont even have.

    Admit it, you just dont want your new OP launcher taken away and we all have lesser weapons in every way.
  8. Bobby Shaftoe

    A weapon that has totally incongruent 'stats' compared to its counterparts (1 hit kill on Infantry), now trades something it shouldn't even have in the first place for even better AV...
  9. AnotherNoob

    When something appears to be unbalanced, people are bound to complain, since most people like to feel that although the balance in this game is supposed to be asymmetrical, that it is still balanced. It is easy to say "oh stop your crying and suck it up" if you are on the long end of the stick.
    It is my firm belief that balance benefits everyone in the long run, even if some people don't get to feel special while it is their turn to have the op stuff.
  10. Antivide

    You're a bit late, they did nothing to change the acceleration. It's been like that since the patch before today's. Of course, if you BOTHERED to use the Phoenix beforehand you would know this.

    I rolled Phoenix this morning before the patch, it had the 1 second acceleration. It starts off SLOWER than the top speed and then ACCELERATES to the nerfed top speed. This was in place so the Phoenix could be curved around light corners.

    Acceleration =/= Top speed

    A striker has 5 missiles in a magazine. The Phoenix has 1 per magazine .Let's compare shall we?
    Hold on to your face, I'm about to rock it with REAL science.

    MBT Front:
    • Phoenix - 5 magazines
    • Striker - 4 magazines
    MBT Rear:

    • Phoenix - 2 magazines
    • Striker - 1.5 magazine
    Lightning Front:

    • Phoenix - 4 missiles
    • Striker - 3 magazines

    • Phoenix - 5 magazines
    • Striker - 3 magazines

    • Phoenix - 1 magazine
    • Striker - 1.5 magazine
    Absolutely lovely you ignore TRAVEL time for the Phoenix, rendering your "TTK" stat worthless in "science". Last time I checked the Striker had a much faster projectile speed despite the lock on time.
    TTK for anti vehicular weapons is an idiotic stat, vehicles don't die in .5 seconds like infantry.

    The one shot against ESFs? Works if the idiot pilot is hovering. The Scythe goes 225 KPH top speed, the Phoenix goes 50 KPH. THE GALAXY CAN OUT RUN A PHOENIX YOU FOOL. The Striker can lock on to air, the Phoenix cannot. Essentially the Phoenix is only good against Liberators and floating Galaxies. The Striker brings ESFs to 80% with ONE magazine.

    Phoenix has higher single shot damage as can be seen against weaker targets such as the ESF. The Striker has higher sustained DPS as can be seen against the Sunderer and the MBTs.

    The Phoenix pre-patch was a bad AV weapon but a good anti infantry weapon. The patch has now made it an AV weapon as INTENDED.

    Working as ******* intended. Move on you idiots.
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  11. GamerOS

    Again, your numbers don't take into account travel time.
    Your numbers would work at point blank range...
  12. Gavyne

    We should probably give it a bit to see the stats, because as far as we all can tell, prior to today's nerf, Striker was doing the most damage per hour out of the 3 empire specific launchers, striker was getting the most score per hour, and striker was killing most vehicles out of the 3 launchers.

    Now that the main complain about Phoenix is nerfed, the part about it 1 shotting infantry, we should see if Phoenix catches up to Striker in anti vehicle effectiveness.

    Of course personally I still wish they would just delete all 3 launchers as I liked the balance before much better.
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  13. Zerran

    I don't know if you're just trolling, or if you seriously believe the garbage you just wrote.

    Phoenix has a long *** travel time that has to be accounted for. Using it at close range is a great way to get killed, so you need to be at a decent distance where the travel time is going to be at least 5-10 seconds.
  14. Armchair

    Well of course he does. He's Stompy. That's all he does.
  15. GamerOS

    True enough, he's been on a crusade against the phoenix for a while now.
  16. Silver Pepper

    If the Phoenix was fast enough to hit ESFs, people would QQ that it was too hard to stear to hit tanks / infantry / anything else. Possibly the speed (and therefore distance to turn) would also prevent firing it from behind cover, as stearing it AROUND the cover would result in it not having the turning circle to get back on target.
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  17. AnotherNoob

    Damage or score per hour is hardly relevant stats, as the striker is only brought up when there is a vehicle nearby, it is not something you walk around with, or shoot randomly over a hill in the hopes to find something to lead at. If anything, over all score/hour by people equipped with respective launchers that fired at least one shot from them in the last hour would be a more comparable way of deciding how useful they where, and that would be a questionable at best stat to use as well.
  18. DestructShawn

    Well St0mpy, it looks like from your stats you haven't been playing at all. Also, I don't see you having been killed by the Phoenix ever, not once. Why not try playing instead of whining on a boards, might be funner.

    Also, take a look at the leader boards sometime, NC is not at the top of the leaderboards and not even in the top 5 for two of them, not exaclty OP'd. It does look as if TR dominates the leaderboards in every category, followed by Vanu. I think this is becuase TR and Vanu play to political meta game and manipulate SOE into buffing of nerfing and that is also how they dominate the strategic maps.

    Pure butt-hurt strategy by little girls that can't sack-up and play the game better. If you look at these whiner's stats, they haven't even been killed by the Phoenix at all or hardly any compared to other weapons. Maybe they are just jealous we got a TV-guided missile and they didn't? ;-)
    • Up x 1
  19. Silver Pepper

    I'd also like to point out that I can see the Striker being far superior to the Phoenix when used in an organised group, due to the ability to coordinate volley fires with it. This cannot be as easily achieved as the Phoenix, I imagine, as the Striker has the advantage of people being able to get a lock, then wait until the fire order is given.

    ... I'm perfectly fine with this. The TR is all about military discipline, loyalty and unity. The NC is about freedom and money, or something. Seems to suit the factions perfectly!

    Higher skillcap on Phoenix, and more potential for damage when used en-masse. However, because of the skillcap of the Phoenix and trying to coordinate people being like herding cats, the Striker will be easier to organise to be used en-masse, and therefore excell. Expect QQ as a result.
  20. Antivide

    By your logic the Scattermax is not OP, the and Reaver is not UP.

    Choose one, TR. Select and choose.

    You have not seen what a squad of Phoenix users can do. Unlike the Striker the Phoenix has no warning.
    Get 10 Phoenix launchers on a light hill, fire over, insta-gib MBTs. All from safe cover thanks to CAMERA MAGIC.
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