AF-8 Railjack Review

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by DrankTHEKoolaid, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. GunsmithJoe

    Yes, a video was made. Woot! Then, *gasp*, an opinion was given. How is that not a standard format for providing a review? Did you perhaps notice that the only kills with the railjack were all stationary targets? Perhaps there's a reason for that, and I don't think it's because Koolaid is lacking in skill...

    I can't decide if you really are trolling, or just clueless.
  2. DrankTHEKoolaid

    I could make a video of all the misses and deaths I had using the gun, but I don't many people would find that entertaining.

    As for the delay not being .3 .5 1. or any other "Wah this gun isn't a straight upgrade exaggeration" it doesn't matter. A delay is a delay and when it comes to sniper rifles or really any weapon for that matter, it can have a huge impact. And in this case it basically cancels out the one of the supposed strengths of the gun. Not to mention just makes it feel off.
    • Up x 2
  3. HadesR

    Since we are stuck with a 300m render range and the RJ has a comparable drop to the Longshot then it really has no strengths over the Longshot to justify it's weakness.
    • Up x 1
  4. Inex

    But it might be informative. If the problem with the gun is that the delay makes you miss, then show us some footage of it. 8 minutes of "Well, this gun has {headshot} some problem with the {headshot} way it compares to {headshot} the Longshot." muddies the message you're trying to get across.
    It can. I'm not convinced it does for this one, but either way I'm equal parts amused and saddened by the people who just seem to be so angry about this gun that they'll make up stats on it.
    But it has to cancel out the strength to some degree. Having a straight upgrade to the Longshot isn't a good idea, no matter how many MLG no-scopers flock to the forums to say it's exactly what the game needs.

    Right now buying the RailJack gets you a flatter trajectory at the price of a firing delay. Drop compensation is easier, movement is harder. You're right in your video; drop compensation on the Longshot vs. the RailJack isn't much different. But then, as your video showed, movement compensation isn't a big part of long range sniping either as you generally need to wait for your target to stop before you take the shot.

    So if you already have the Longshot, then it's true there isn't a huge reason to get the RailJack. But the reverse is also true. And that might be the only real failing of the RailJack. The last BASR pass gave reasons to pick a particular model depending on your expected encounter distance, a distinction the RailJack doesn't really have.
  5. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Valid points. I am however not angry about the gun itself, but more about the delay not being on PTS and going straight to live. I can however see why some people would feel let down. I don't think (most) people are asking for the delay to be removed and everything else be left in place. But the delay itself was just a bad way to go about balancing it. There is a number of ways they could have gone about it without putting that delay in.
  6. Inex

    Really, I like the flavor of it even if it does make the gun feel weird. I'll side with the TR that they got the worst of this patch as they were basically given the SABR.

    So I'd rather they go the other way: Fight to keep ES differences alive, and add something to the gun to give it a unique niche in the rifle lineup. The Phaseshift is a great gun, not because of its stats (in spite of its stats, really), but because it offers a weird flexibility that fits in nicely with the VS. What can they do to the gun to keep the offbeat mechanics, but make them worthwhile without replacing the Longshot?
  7. Epicstrat

    I would kill for an assault rifle on my infiltrator. That's a complete unique thing, and effective too. Higby tweeted something I can't be bothered to look up about the TRAP performing the best so far too. Willing to trade Railjack for Reaper DMR on infiltrator though.
  8. Rigsta

    I see, fair enough.

    I'll have my own tests regarding the pre-fire delay and travel time up in a new thread shortly. It basically echoes what you said in your review, and is based on measuring the time by taking shots with the guns in VR, recording it, and noting the frames & timestamps in a video editor.

    Wanna guess the magic number? :)
  9. DevDevBooday

    Be aware the guns ONLY downside is something that can actually be compensated for.
  10. minhalexus

    If you add live-gameplay and strategies that would be great.

    I was using the Railjack in VR, and it felt like heaven.
    I used it in live, and it sucked.
  11. DrankTHEKoolaid

    If they were to remove the delay there are a number of things that would balance it back out. The easy route... add an even longer chamber time, increase reload, decrease mag size further, decrease ammo pool. Not necessarily all of those but you get the picture. But for a less generic route they could do something like increase the scope in time, add in extra scope sway, reduce the time that you can hold your breath, make your overall movement speed slower, restrict it to only being able to use 10x and 12x optics etc. Those would be all things that would keep with it's role of being a beefier gun that is dedicated to long range.
  12. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Same can be said for almost gun.
  13. DrankTHEKoolaid

    It's 1.5 isn't it?? :p
  14. DevDevBooday

    not true, for instance: The TRAPs weakness' are that it has a tiny clip
    and its horizontal recoil. (cant be compensated for)
  15. DrankTHEKoolaid

    I said almost. And a weakness for one person could be no big deal for another. As for the TRAP I could easily say that a small mag could be compensated for as well as horizontal recoil.
  16. DevDevBooday

    Yes but I am comparing it to its equivalent for another faction.
    Horizontal recoil CANNOT be compensated for by definition (its random left and right per bullet)
    Also how can a tiny clip be compensated for?

    But thats completely besides the point.
    The Railjack delay is tiny, and consistent, which takes minimal compensation, its only weakness is the users experience with it
    Either way if they buff it, those who can compensate for the delay already will get an even better sniper.
  17. GunsmithJoe

    So let's go the other way. Increase the delay, give appropriate audio and visual cues as to the progress of the firing sequence (delay) and give us an appropriate reward for learning how to use the delay properly. A reward that's significantly more substantial than what amounts to the equivalent killing power of a sniper rifle that doesn't require lag timing.

    I think this is the key issue. The RailJack, for pretty much all intents and purposes in the current game environment, is just a Longshot with a long and immeasurable firing sequence.
  18. DevDevBooday

    Thats exactly the issue, SOE cant make it any stronger because those that learn how to use it will have a better gun than any other empire.

    Though increasing bullet velocity by 33% and adding an extra 100 damage is a pretty good pay off for the delay.
    For some they think its worth it and use it without complaining, for others its not and so come onto the forums to whine.
    If you honestly think the Longshot is better (for you) then use it.
    Others will use their Railjack and enjoy it.
  19. GunsmithJoe

    Currently the damage bonus for the RailJack over the Longshot is listed as only 50hp.

    As I metioned earlier (I think it was this thread), what would make the RailJack really unique and hold it in it's extreme-range sniper class is to give it an inverse damage falloff. Having a minimum damage out of the barrel and then increasing in damage at range (somewhere in the range of 400@50m to 750@250m. (personally, I'd like 900@280)
  20. minhalexus

    Mate as i said in other threads:


    BASR do decently well in ranges of 50-130 meters.
    This Railjack does not.

    This railjack only has an advantage if you are at long ranges (150m+). The advantage is nullified by the charge time, so basically it doesnt really have an advantage there either.