Adding Insult to Disrespect - The Horns. Thanks SOO Much SOE...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NevilClavain, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. NevilClavain

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  2. auxili

    When you spend 7$ in League of Legends, you get your money's worth. When you spend 7$ in PS2, you get a default horn.
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  3. NevilClavain

    Na exactly like actually lol. A standard feature that ought to be in upon release (forgotten sound file, think if they forgot to put in a gunshot sound and then charged you 10 bucks for it...) But ya it makes no sense.
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  4. NevilClavain

    lmewo wow lol, this^
  5. NevilClavain

    well as previous posters have said, it does have use for potentially preventing TKs. I don't know how many people on here have posted things like this:
    And also this:
    Edit: So I'm thinking there's definitely a use for this in game and a problem the way it currently is. Not working as intended.
  6. Hetzau

    Ba Dum TSSSS
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  7. Mahakar

    If you think horns are to expensive, dont buy them and be glad you get to play an amazing game for free.
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  8. Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    All of my this.
  9. NevilClavain

    1st - not amazing, far from it. Great potential but far from amazing yet. See previous posts and other threads for the GALORE of problems this game has:
    - base design
    - overpricing
    - render distances
    - item transfers b/w characters
    - server population
    - faction population ratios
    - balancing issues
    - the weird wobbling leg glitch that just became the hot new thing since the update

    To name but a few.
  10. NevilClavain

    agree to disagree
  11. Genghiskron

    I'd MAYBE pay 100 for airhorn upgrades that echo and ****.
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  12. NevilClavain

    seems reasonable enough
  13. Potterjames

    We were talking about this in team speak one night. I decided that they should add a horn for vehicles. but not just so you can honk a stupid horn.
    It needs a purpose.
    We have a problem with people crowding high traffic areas. Always running in front of people driving around adding to their grief, which leads to people just driving around getting weapon locked when they are trying to avoid the ******** masses.

    What do we have horns for in real life? To let people know the vehicle is there that way when you honk your horn and some people are still dumb enough to run in front of the armor your driving then you do not get the grief points for it.

    "oh but this could be abused"

    Well yea obviously there has to be a certain amount with in a certain amount of time so people don't go around mowing down there own team all day.
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  14. auxili

    OR you get a clone of the gun you already own that the developers didn't even bother to slightly remodel or reskin.
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  15. Genghiskron

    It does really feel like the customization options in this game were just put together poorly.
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  16. NevilClavain

    Right?! With just a few numbers changed around.

    OR, and this is a really good one, maybe we introduce a "fix and an update" that removes functionality from, say, a rocket launcher? But no no wait, here's the good part - we introduce a NEW weapon that does the same thing the old one did before the "fix" only now, you have to buy it!! Isn't it great?

    no. :(
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  17. NevilClavain

    Yeap, valid argument here, and as someone already suggested, all that's needed is a a short cooldown on the ability.
  18. Mahakar

    If you dont like PS2, dont play it.

    What really pisses me off is this entitled crowd of idiots(especially in this thread) which doesnt even remotly understand what a great risk SOE has been taking with this game and an how incredibly much you get for free in this game. Instead all I read on this forum is whining about the most laughable issues like overprized horns over soon 30 pages.

    Go take a look at the monetization model for SW:TOR or WoT before you ***** about cosmetics.
  19. Furian

    The prices are ridiculous right now. If they are trying to compare to LoL purchases.. $7 gets you a 'complete' character to use, all abilities included. Here, $7 gets you a base weapon that you then have to grind up to start unlocking all of the attachments on. For ONE of your characters. Sorry, I don't see how they can make a fair comparison here.

    I am a premium member so I have already put money into the game (including Alpha Squad) but I absolutely refuse to spend any more money until these prices come down to sane levels. If they are worried about not making as much money selling something at a lower price, just look over at Steam. I've read countless articles about X company raking in unbelievable sales (and profits) during the Steam discount events.

    Until the prices come down I guess I'll just keep hoarding my SC points. Or maybe donate them to some kind of NC soup kitchen =P
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  20. foam

    1. download program u can play soundfiles through microphone input using hotkeys
    2. get yourself a sound file: example
    3. play it over mic
    4. **** Sonys clear gouging.

    To anyone under 25 in this thread:
    -Yes it is okay to voice your objection to what you see is an extremely unfair price.
    -Yes we have a right to demand fair & honest prices for things from producers.

    Too many people these days would walk into a fast food joint, order a burger with no cheese & when the burger comes with cheese they say nothing because they are too scared to request their original & fair expectation be met.
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