AA max is ruining the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by holycaveman, May 4, 2013.

  1. Xind

    As long as infantry have to deal with snipers, land mines, and air vehicles suddenly interrupting/ruining good infantry fights, pilots have to deal with Flak. At least Flak doesn't suddenly one shot you and you get a warning whenever any lock on missile is priming to fire at you.
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  2. Sedisp

    What do snipers and proximity mines have anything to do with the air vs AA balance?

    It sounds like you just want to nerf anything that has a chance of ruining your CoD clone.
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  3. Joseywales

    Air is still OP,most pilots only want easy kills, infantry/Armor out in the open, but as soon as the infantry changes to an AA MAX most just run away they only want the EASY kill, so yea I have no sympathy for this thread or pilots. However there are some superb pilots that will not back down and continue to strafe the area regardless of the AA I respect these guys cause they are competing and not just looking for easy XP/CERTS my hats off to these pilots for showing the cojenes it takes to be an AIR STUD!
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  4. Xind

    No, too many pilots are complaining about Flak ruining good fights, like Infantry don't have to constantly contend with interlopers ruining their desired fights. I didn't say anything about nerfs, either.

    The reality is all combatants must deal with an outside force ruining the fun of their combat...why should air have it any easier when it's one of the number one ruiners of ground engagements?
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  5. Sedisp

    Because infantry is free and takes ten seconds to respawn. Vehicles are not and take twenty minutes to respawn.

    Stick to the biolabs if you want your corridor shooter.

    No pilots are complaining that a handful of cheap easy to pull easy to use infantry are able to keep the sky completely free of close to unlimited air.

    While having no ability to counter attack said threats. When prox mines are invisible let me know. Last I checked they all got a nerf so now they glow to keep you special kids from running over them. Would you like them to emit that truck backing up noise too?

    There are not many pilots who are advocating just removing AA maxes from the game if you'd bother to read the posts. We're asking that the skygaurd and the AA max switch their ability to engage air.
  6. Xind

    Thanks, but I'll stick to my Flak Max making people like you whine about how unfair that a dedicated anti-air unit can occasionally bring down aircraft.

    Until infantry don't have to deal with what they don't want to deal with, why should pilots get any different treatment?
  7. Sedisp

    And infantry can be rezzed a vehicle cannot.

    The second I can pull my ESF as easily as I can my LA I will concede to your point.

    If you are only occasionally bringing down aircraft you are clearly not making me mad as you are terrible at using a MAX and this is coming from someone who's highest score per minute is in fact on a MAX.

    Considering that you are clearly mad about snipers (lol) and proximity mines I would be willing to say that you are actually the one who is whiny. Considering your signature I don't think you can even deny this. You are an angry person who wants to be able to play CoD shooty mans with nothing interrupting him.

    And before you try what I know you're going to. My most played class by an obscene margin is a LA.

    In any case try not to throw a tantrum when the pendulum swings back towards the ESFs.
  8. Xind

    *shrug* Only truly incompetent, hover podders, lose to a single AA MAX. Most players have gained enough competence to see they're taking fire and seek cover while after burning away to repair themselves.

    I'm pretty tired of snipers to be sure, it just gets tedious having to run around and jump and crouch and pretend I'm suffering from parkinsons while having a seizure just to make it a little harder for them to hit me. *shrug* But I deal with it...much like ESF and Lib pilots needs to deal with MAXs.

    I hate to break it to you, but the pendulum is only going to swing further and further away from ESFs...they have to make the skyguard good, eventually....one day...for sure...maybe.
  9. Sedisp

    Actually you tend to cry about things You are clearly not dealing with rocketpods or HE!

    The skyguard is good it's just nowhere near as good as the AA MAX which is why it's bad. Usually that means something gets brought down while something else is brought up.

    Which is exactly what almost every pilot in this thread has suggested.

    I know that's a horror for you since you don't want anything that may require you to be in a vehicle!
  10. Xind

    I'm sorry you think splashing an enemy is as skillfull as actually hitting them with your weapon. Missing to most people is an issue to overcome, but not to podders or HE spammers, it's just a standard part of combat for them which changes little to nothing.

    The only thing that will be brought down is more and more ESFs in mighty gouts of fire and pilot tears.
    Besides, who said I don't like vehicles? The only thing I don't like about vehicles is how their geared towards farming men instead of fighting each other.
  11. Anantidaephobia

    What's 20 minutes when all you have to do is hover, unload buckets of missiles for XP, flee at 1st damage to realod ammo/repair, rinse and repeat ?
    That's exactly what used to happen before AA got buffed ... not anymore ...
  12. Sedisp

    And I am not suggesting we go back to that. I am suggesting that the AA Max and the lightning swap places.

    Since ESFs can't insta pop lightnings anymore there is really no reason to not do this.

    So basically you don't like vehicles that effect you in any way shape or form. GOT IT.

    See this crazy thing exists where if vehicles are only useful against each other... there becomes no point in pulling them as anything other than sunderer farmers.

    If I have to deal with AA MAXes that are infantry designed to kill vehicles certainly should you have to deal with vehicles designed around killing infantry.
  13. FatSheriff

    Your gif is just the dogs you know what's :p
  14. Xind

    I like how you just infer what you want to from any statement. Kudos. That ability will let you believe anything forever, kind of like schizophrenia! :eek:

    I'm not saying vehicles shouldn't fight men, but considering how many people roll out a tank with HE round, it kind of illustrates that they could care less about combating ARMOR and are there purely for the man farming aspect. Do you think I ignore infantry when I'm in a tank? No, that would be daft. But I do try my damnedest to take the fight to enemy vanguards and magriders, and the occasional allied lightning that thinks it's okay to shoot me.
  15. Sedisp

    I assumed you used logic it appears I was most incorrect.

    Why in the world does it matter if the person is pulling a tank to fight infantry? It's a combined arms game for a reason. I'm not going to pull an AP lightning if the enemy is zerging. Don't like it? Then remove the incentive for zerging. People roll out the HE round because HEAT is pointless for everything and AP can't trim down a zerg.

    I don't get why you care flak armor exists for a reason and HE has the longest reload time out of the three.

    Basically you're either entirely fallacious in your reasoning or you really are upset at the notion of being killed by tanks and are trying really hard to show you aren't. Because nothing you have stated says anything about a logical reason for why Infantry should be able to hard counter vehicles but vehicles shouldn't be able to do it right back.
  16. Xind

    Infantry don't hard counter vehicles on a one for one basis. Groups of infantry do.

    I have no problems dying. I just prefer it if my enemy aims instead of misses to win.
    HEAT is also far from pointless, but to a mindless farmer like yourself, I could see why you'd believe you have to roll HE to do anything. (see comments about aiming)

    I wish I could remove incentives to Zerg, but I'm not sure Planetside would be all that different from other shooters without the massive engagements...what I would like to see more is more Zergs colliding with each other instead of smashing undefended or lightly defended areas and moving on to do anything but intercept the enemies largest force.

    Flak ARMOR is cute when you're fighting tanks. They may have to miss you a second time!
  17. holycaveman

    IF your space invaders esf killing game comes to an end because you nerfed them to death you will be the one shedding your tears. No more easy exp for you!!

    There is nothing easy about rocket podding. Just because a bunch of noobs can't figure out how to avoid them does not make it easier. Hell at least a pilot has noobs to give him some hope.

    Flying it the hardest thing in the game. The noobs dying to rocketpodders is the only thing somewhat rewarding in the difficult task.

    The game was perfectly fine"before" back when all I did was armor and ground. Now they have taken the esf and lib role completely out of the game. All they are good for is racking up points.
  18. Sedisp

    With the upper levels of Flak it requires three splash hits, more if they're not inner splash. That allows you over 11 seconds to kill or remove yourself from the tank. More if your shield recharges or he misses you with the splash.

    Working as intended. Still not answering my point.

    Wow you're stupid. So a couple of things. Not everything can deal 1400 in splash damage like your prowler can!

    Lets look at something you may have seen the humble lightning. HEAT is literally the worst of the four non AA guns you can pick!

    -The inner splash radius is so small on it that you basically need to direct hit to kill them.
    -ignoring this the outer splash radius is so small it is of little use against clumps of infantry where as a direct hit with an HE will likely kill or wound the entire clump.
    -As of GU8 the armor damage is terrible.

    So on the lightning there is really no reason to pick it. The Viper and HE allow the splash damage to actually matter and the AP is easier to pick off small pushes and will allow you to murder tanks.

    On the Vannie you really should never use anything but AP as the reload time is even longer than a lightning and the splash damage and radius is identical and the Magrider I am still undecided on. The angle does make direct hitting consistently a pain in the butt for infantry so Heat is moderately effective on it. Not enough for me to give up AP though. Has the same exact problem with the HE the Vannie does. No reason to use it when you could have just pulled a lightning.

    Ironically enough the Prowler is the only MBT where it actually has a point to pulling HE. The total cycle time (fire rate included) is just under the lightnings 3.75.

    Then HE shall remain. Sorry it forces you to use Anti vehicle vehicles to counter the Anti infantry vehicles. It's called combined arms and its working as intended.
  19. SolLeks

    I have been killed several times by AA fire as a A2A ESF when I was not fireing and I was juking / AB away. Now I was not only damaged by the AA max, most of the times it is during dog fights or If I get to greedy chasing a ESF.

    My real problem with them is the ease of use + ease of availability is way to easy compared to their power. they are the Go To AA unit and being a cheap, relivable infantry unit, that should not be. Hell, Why are 20mm rounds more powerful than 40mm rounds (pic below)?

  20. SmoothBandit9

    Air superiority is determined by who has the most flak right now. Whoever has the most flak, pushes out the enemy air, then their air comes in and lolpods and farms the ground, territory win.

    The AA max can deny an insanely large area of airspace. The skyguard, even base AA turrets, can't compete with a dual burster max unit.

    The only thing that needs to happen is a drop in the bullet velocity of the max bursters.