A Whole Fight Ruined "Welcome to Planetside "2" "

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 24NoSwagWithScope7, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. 24NoSwagWithScope7



    And yes casual players are not smart enough to counter that. With that BS you loose good players, just for having that in the game. SOE

    Thats the current META ... seeing this **** everywhere on every server and its just......:mad: WTH
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  2. dasichri

    That was so sad to watch, i mean, seriously, almost NO ONE was trying to kill it, hell, they could of shot it from the spawn but NO ONE was doing it.

    Just, wow
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  3. Nexus545

    I wish I had my battle gal there....
  4. ItsYourCPUDontWorry

    The Planetside Devs need to stop listening to the Forumside and Reddit farmers, they are partly responsible for a lot of these game balance problems. Even after this video being shown all over the gaming web, there are still a lot of people on these forums trying to defend the Bulldog to the death. Just as I saw with ZOE... and then with the Liberator....

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  5. DJStacy

    I dont see ANYTHING wrong with PS2 there JUST THE PEOPLE PLAYING IT.

    If 2CA were there we would just rip out half a squad of bursters the other half dumpfires and tear the **** out if that gal.

    Send a couple back to the next base to get libs with tank busters why we wait in COVER.

    If you just run out of a spawn room again and again with out looking up or thinking to yourself, oh look I've been killed by a bulldog twice already but **** it ill try running out yet again without trying to clear the danger then I'm afraid thats what you get.

    It would have taken only 3/4 players out of that whole flock to pull bursters and that gals operation time over target would be reduced 80% ..........................its not the people in the gal its the lemmings on the the ground that need to step up lol...............

    Wait lets nerf everything so i can run around without looking up or checking corners, I want auto flak armour without certing or wearing it. Please I need to take zero fall damage and take a tank shell in the face without it killing me, I want it to be called super infantry side and be able to bite a tank to death with my teeth :).................Please ....whine about things that dont have counters ........this is not one of them.

    The gal was positioned right in front of the spawn room maxes and HA could have fired out in total safety untill the gal left or was destroyed.
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  6. MuNrOe

    Any decent outfit/players/squad/Half intelligent human would have pulled 2-3 AA max's to end that pretty much instantly. They just sat there and no one shot at them. Simply get 5 heavys and all shoot deci's into it from the spawn room at the same time. Doesn't take a non casual player to work that out.

    Awesome run scourge man. Do you make that noise when you kill me :p .
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  7. Tommyp2006

    Saw the exact same thing happen at a tech plant Sunday night, was running around in a dual kobalt sundy slaughtering NC, and the whole time there was an NC sundy sitting on top the tech plant firing bulldogs down. And no matter how many times I said in /re just hit it with dumfire rockets and it'll leave, not a single rocket besides my own was shot up there. PS2 players are just lazy and would rather complain about getting farmed than do something about it.
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  8. vsae

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  9. Nexus545

    The default MAX comes with 1 burster free of charge and the default HA launcher can hit gals hard if teamed up. With the sheer amount of people there there's no excuse. It was their fault.
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  10. KnightCole

    Logging in and seeing 48V48+ everywhere makes me log out...lol.
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  11. Jinjo

    Give newbies G2A launchers. All of them. Every last one of them.
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  12. Regpuppy

    Something in my brain snapped while watching that.

    The whole time, in clear view of the spawn room, he went unhindered. Half of these players were over BR 50. I even saw a handful of BR 100's in there. The gal was parked and could be shot from the safety of the spawn room with either rocket launchers or bursters. Even a few people with single bursters would've been enough to prevent such an easy farm.

    I will not take sides on whether the gal's bulldogs need to be nerfed, but somewhere players have to take some responsibility. What I saw was entirely preventable by only a few players deciding to do something. Most of the players being killed in this video are not new, some of them were even in the same outfit (possibly in the same squad) and none of them did anything. Gals that are actually flying around in mostly open areas are a pain to deal with... but this situation, the only thing that allowed it was player negligence.
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  13. Jachim


    Having what? Aim? :rolleyes:

    You give casual players too little credit. They were out there seriously trying to push the VS off the point.

    My issue is mostly that air is a huge pain to deal with... when you're about to lose a base pulling MAX's is a stupid idea because you're going to probably die shortly and not get rezzed. Though with where they were why heavies weren't just tossing default RL's at it is beyond me.

    I see nothing wrong with this minus the major pain it is to deal w/ air which isn't a big deal =P
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  14. Jachim

    It's not a common issue to see Gal's just farm like this, really. Pulling bursters is a waste of money, the Gal can get away safely and sometimes even kill your MAX before it's a problem. THAT kind of stupid farming is easily something that coulda been dealt with just with a few heavies.
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  15. Regpuppy

    Oh I get that, dealing with Gals in the air, in smaller to medium sized battles, can be annoying. Often requiring a squad to take out completely.

    But this video just perplexes me and makes me question just how much people have to be told what to do.
  16. doombro

    Buff dumbfires against galaxies. I wonder what will happen.
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  17. ItsYourCPUDontWorry

    I'm seeing a lot of Veteran players blaming the people being farmed but I don't think that's fair. There could have been many reasons why they didn't retaliate against the Galaxy.

    I have been in many situations where pulling out a rocket would have been useless as a good squad would always know when to pull back. Even if a group tried to take out the Galaxy, it would have left their team exposed to all the other enemies at the base as the time and people required to take out the Galaxy(and I'm not even including the danger of getting shot at) would have left the defenders a few players short of being able to push back against the main force. I have personally seen many battles won and lost by one person who made a wrong turn at a key moment. The circumstances in this case were even worse, considering that the Bulldog is way too effective which would have made retaliating even more futile.

    People also fail to realize that Planetside 2 has a steep learning curve and newer players might not know how or when to react to something like that. Not everyone is a super skilled player that can coordinate with a big zerg.

    Edit: Although I have to admit that I was a little perplexed that not one person decided to shoot at it but considering how big of a pain it is to deal with the Air Game, I think most of those players were proabably just numb to the farming... lol
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  18. Catalyist

    Yes. Makes me sad.

    Mmmh, I wonder how many of those heavies were holding a rocket launcher, ready do shoot dumbfires into that building...
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  19. Prudentia

    it already takes less than a tank, people just think because it flies, they have to use Lockons, even tough it takes 12-15 of them for a gal
  20. Regpuppy

    The problem is that at least half of those players were neither new or even below BR 50. There were a handful of BR100's and a lot of BR 50-99, some of them even sharing the same outfit. All it'd take is a few of those to dumbfire at it when it came by and it'd fly away, allowing their team precious time of unimpeded advance towards the point. Rather than half or more of them being hurt/killed while getting there.

    Seriously, I challenge you to watch that video again and do nothing but watch the kill feed at the bottom of the screen. Take note of the BR's of the people he's killing. Us "Veterans" are blaming the players in this video, because most of them are veterans as well.
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