A Message To The VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ApolloMCProductions, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Hoki


    [personal character attack /]
    [irl threat /]
    [intellectual dishonesty /]
    [circular logic /]
    [condescending smiley /]

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  2. Hoki

    How are you BR100?
  3. ApolloMCProductions

    Easy, I play the game, and the fact is that soft point cannot be put onto lmgs (gosh)
  4. Messaiga

    Actually, it can. Examples: Gauss SAW S, MSW-R, Anchor, I think the VX29 Polaris might have it.
  5. Chipay

    Polaris and Flare are the VS LMGs that can equip SPA
  6. ApolloMCProductions

    alright my bad, I was looking at the lmgs that the guy complaining about VS being OP was mentioning; must have looked over the MSW-R
    guess I'll have to get SPA on my polaris then
  7. ApolloMCProductions

    Congrats Vanu, we are leading in this week's round of WDS Preseason on EVERY SINGLE SERVER (except for Briggs, who are 1,000 points behind :p). Nice job SHOWIN' WHO'S BOSS!
  8. Crackulous

    Sorry to disappoint, sir.
  9. ApolloMCProductions

    don't worry, seems like you fine men are catching up, only 200 points behind now.
  10. theone

  11. ApolloMCProductions

    As Eli Porter would put it, "we diddddddd it", congrats VS!
  12. BadAsElite

    Nice Necro OP....
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