A Message To The VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ApolloMCProductions, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. ApolloMCProductions

    HAHAHAHAHA hope you don't mind me copying this to my signature
  2. ApolloMCProductions

    Great job, guess your weren't kidding, its now a deadheat between us and TR on mattherson!
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  3. HooWoo

    Not even mine, it's Giggily's I believe
  4. ValorousBob


    (sorry guys, I'll talk to the other outfits because I know we can get our **** together)
  5. VSDerp

    come on my vanu brothers/sisters on waterson!
  6. ApolloMCProductions

    don't worry, as of right now, it looks like VS will be gaining some ground on waterson overnight.
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  7. ApolloMCProductions

    Thanks for checking the post out, we need people with connections to get the message to push for the WIN!
  8. Xasapis

    The key word is eventually.

    When you first see the game, story and aesthetics play a more prominent role, since you have no idea about the power distribution between the empires, nor their strengths and weaknesses. Eventually however and if friends don't keep you to a particular faction, you'll end up playing what fits your play style better. This is why some empires get the most people trying them but only a fraction playing them and that's why you see a shift in population each time a rebalancing happens.
  9. Delta102

    It's always been a dead heat between the us, the only thing that's changed is that the NC are gaining on us.
  10. ApolloMCProductions

    As week 4 closes, we are just about tied with the TR. Let's seal the deal guys.

  11. willowstyle

    some vanus are lucky, Miller is dedicaced to TR, 70% during event..
  12. RobotNinja

    • Up x 1
  13. Lucidius134

    placebo meta.

    SOE sneaky
  14. SevenTwo

    I'm not so sure Miller is "dedicated" to the TR - it's more like the VS and NC don't leave Indar at all if they can help it. Not even during "easy" alerts such as territory conquest will people leave Indar to participate in the alert.

    For instance, during the territory alert on Amerish today around 17.00'ish, we had only about 19% Vanu present on the continent, with TR and NC represented by 50% and somewhere around 31% respectively, while the populations on Indar were more like 31%, 35%, 33%.

    World population on the other hand showed 28%, 37% and 33% which is plenty on each faction to actually fight relatively fair on any continent, so people simply aren't showing up for alerts on other continents or have any desire leaving Indar for that matter.

    Anyway, I agree on the idea, that the WDS is won on Esamir and Amerish, but getting people to actually leave Indar on Miller is a PITA in my experience.
  15. ApolloMCProductions

    Well it's official, SOE has made the changes to WDS, made the information available in-game via the scoreboard (for the noob pubbies to know what all this means), and extended pre-season another week to allow for an underdog win.


    Guess who that underdog is? ;)
  16. Madcat9

    It sucks because VS get the night overpop on Mattherson so that works out in there favor. Made Mattherson dead for me for the longest because it was a choice of frustrating fight or ghost capping. Obviously I chose option C). Playing alot less after I realized the game was getting frustrating until I gave prime time a chance. Awesome fights with who wins up for grabs and I the last two I attended ended with TR in a draw with VS and another Draw with the NC.
  17. Shadowyc

    TR will, likely, win anyway. VS will come in second place by an exceedingly narrow margin.
  18. eldarfalcongravtank

  19. Thovargh

    With the current system it will likely be luck based, the deciding factor being who gets the last 50% bonus tick
  20. Goretzu

    It was at least 28-39-33 World pop (your numbers don't add up and IIRC TR was definately ~40% even 40+ for that alert).

    But what that basically shows it the problem with PS2 (or how PS2 becomes Borked once any faction gets ~40% world pop).

    If one faction can get ~39% world pop that means they can hold one continent with even pops (usually Indar) and have enough to flood the other two contients with 50-70% continental pops.

    This means that the other two factions have to basically move their entire populations to counter them on ONE continent (which is unlikely) and in doing so they simple ceed the other to continents to the dominant faction anyway.

    So basically the dominant faction cannot lose with those sort of world pop numbers.