9/7 Update & Discussion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LodeTria, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. zaspacer

    Why was the Coyote nerf deserved? Not many ESF players were still using them, and to use them meant losing AI and AV ability in Wing Mounts or giving up Fuel Tank.

    Monthly Weapon Stats: ESF Weapons
    (source: http://ps2oraclestats.com/monthlystats/ sory by "ESF Weapons" and "All BR")

    Average Uniques (monthly)

    Hellfire Rocket Pods.................1029
    TR Hornet Missiles...................283
    TR Coyote Missiles...................52 (3.8% of TR ESF Uniques)

    Dual Photon Pods......................647
    VS Hornet Missiles....................320
    VS Coyote Missiles....................56 (5.5% of TR ESF Uniques)

    Breaker Rocket Pods..................745
    NC Hornet Missiles.....................183
    NC Coyote Missiles.....................32 (3.3% of TR ESF Uniques)

    NOTE: the above Coyote usage rates are probably understated because I believe only Coyotes that get kills are added to the stats. So some Coyote users might get damage with a Coyote and finish with Nosegun. But the numbers are probably still low. A2AM numbers (below) might also be understated for this reason.

    I did not factor in A2AM in the above, because I couldn't tell which was NC and which was TR. But A2AM are also in a sad place, here are their numbers:

    Tomcat A2AM Pods.....................70
    Tomcat A2AM Pods.....................54
    Photon A2A Missile Pods.............70

    No data on Fuel Tank Usage listed.
  2. The Rogue Wolf

    Proof that some things are universal:

    • Up x 1
  3. Crayv

    Don't remind me. I still remember sliding around on the ground in a kneeling position whenever I tried to loot something for like the first 2 years of the game on update day.
  4. LodeTria

    It was deserved because it turned into the old A2AM: Not really helping new players at all because they would just get 1-clipped before they can do any real damage, and giving people who can already fly/average pilots easy DPS because they didn't need to aim nearly as much.

    It also promoted using AI noseguns because coyotes were now a viable defense against most pilots, so you could sacrifice normal noseguns to get your farm on and still be able to defend yourself fairly easy.
  5. LaughingDead

    It still was a viable option, now it takes 6 entire clips to kill an ESF, I tested them in VR and watched them MISS THE IMMOBILE SCYTHE, that's a pretty ******* extreme nerf. Yes it did make AI plus coyotes a viable build, but it wasn't anywhere as good as regular aim. Coyotes punished the rush down style of ESFs, making it a sort of interceptor, now it's just garbage with no real role in the game, that's not what players bought it for and was definitely an overnerf.
  6. Dethonlegs

    OMG what is wrong with you DBG? First you introduce a horrible grating sound to the saron every time it moves (with or without a gunner) and now we have a seizure inducing animation to go with it.

  7. Stennsenn

    §New “Ballistics Computer” rail attachment has been added to the 99SV, Gauss SPR, and Spectre, and will eliminate scope-sway while equipped.
    §Ballistics Computer is unlocked and equipped by default on 99SV and Spectre.

    Why not the Gauss SPR?
  8. CMDante

    Because the SPR is not the default NC sniper.
  9. Nekky

    Any word on fixing the new bugs? Crashing every so often now. Tank mine, frag nades and C4 kills not counting towards Directives, also not even showing in the chat log.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    It has it.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    They fixed a ton of bugs.
  12. Stennsenn

    No it doesn't. You have to buy it for 100 certs.
  13. Halkesh

    Gauss SPR has access to Ballistic computer, but since it's not the NC default sniper rifle, you have to unlock the upgrade it for 100 cert after unlocking the Gauss SPR.
    • Up x 1
  14. zaspacer

    Really? Cause that's not what I saw.

    Coyote was a way for lower skilled pilots to land shots on higher skilled pilots. To help stand a better chance in trading damage with higher skilled players. And for groups of lower skilled pilots to gang up and take out a higher skilled pilot.

    Coyote is *the* Anti-ESF Wing Mount. I know that ESF-vs-ESF Aces prefer balance that makes Fuel Tanks being the dominant Anti-ESF build, but that is just their personal want. It gives them greater power in the Air and increases the power at the higher end of the skill gap for them. What is wrong with requiring ESF-vs-ESF Loadouts to use the top Anti-ESF Wing Mount: Coyote?

    When it comes to ESFs and Nosegun pure duels (without AA pressure,extreme numbers mismatch, etc.), the better skill pilot almost always wins. I don't lose to people significantly lower skilled than me, and I don't beat people significantly higher skilled than me. It doesn't matter who started the fight, the higher skill wins.

    Do you fly ESFs? Do you lose 1-on-1 Nosegun duels with people below your skill level?

    A2AM was also a way for groups of lower skill players to gang up and take out a higher skill player. Though A2AM was also frustrating because so much of the damage was outside regular ESF-om-ESF engagement range or with confusion on where the attacker was or the inevitability of being chipped out with A2AM if you tried to run.

    What is wrong with that? It gives flexibility to Loadouts, with tradeoffs. It's not like everyone was using AI Nosegun + Coyote. Or that players using Rocket Pods couldn't also do amazing AI.

    Most players using AH or Banshee could still beat me with it if they were better skilled than me anyway, and I could use those to beat most people worse than me anyway. Coyote was more of notable help on the terrible ESF-vs-ESF of the LPPA, and Coyote w/ LPPA was by no means an ESF killing machine: it was slow, it still had low ESF killing power, etc.
  15. TheSunlikeOne

    If so, shouldn't Bolt Driver get a free straight pull bolt?
  16. FLHuk

  17. Halkesh

    I see what you mean here, but I don't think they need it.
    BASR are fully effective, even without the straight pull bolt. SASR sway make them totally useless unless you have the ballistic computer.
    So if it's about cert, yes NC should have the straight pull bolt for free. But if it's about balance, they shouldn't.
  18. Drag0

    The best way to keep new players is to get rid of one shot kill for snipers rifles.