6 hours , passed !!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by iLoading, Mar 21, 2013.

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  1. Gary

    People complain about rushed patches and updates providing bad gameplay.... SOE Take time with an update to ensure it is working fine and providing no issues... People still complain... I wish you could opt out of being a part of the Human Race and choose to be another Race to avoid being associated with them... Get something to eat or drink, clean up or wait patiently... look through forums, play another game...
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  2. Tykune

    Lets add some


    Test sever WUBBERS: its time to field-test the unstable but better performing builds with dubstep.

    Digital Rebels - Miller Light - Conglomerate Rock.
    Recruiting now. Basically we are space rebels from Star Wars: The Old Republic.

    *Our Opinions of Anything =/= to those of DR unless expressly stated otherwise in a nerd raging manner.

    TR- DeadMau5
    VS- Skrillex
    NC- Not hardcore enough


    Metagame, in SoE's PS2?!? Its more plausible and simple to base drop than you think!
  3. LordMondando

    Dubstep is drum and base for people on ketamine.

    Get it out of my sig.
  4. ThaPhreak

    Let em take their time, as long as it's not another GU3/4 and we can actually take advantage of the double xp weekend and have more play-ability beyond that.
  5. Gary

    Mepps - " Downtime has been extended while we resolve a technical issue. We do not currently have an estimate on how much more downtime will be required, but we will have the servers unlocked and online as fast as possible." now you can stop spamming f5 to look for an update...
  6. Arquin


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  7. TotoDestroy

    Downtime extended, TIME TO PANIC!!!!
  8. Taskforce

    I bet your dad hit your mom at the dinner table.....
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  9. Trignite

    I don't mind waiting if i know how long something is going to be, I would of been happy to wait another month or two for this game. However i don't enjoy staying up at 2:30 am to try something out because they gave us the wrong time.
  10. LordMondando

    Oh well. Off to the pub in a bit anyway.
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  11. TeknoBug

    Servers are up but locked, I'm assuming they're stress testing it or found something that needs fixing.
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  12. Acceleratio

    time to give the gf a call...
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  13. Valena

    Something tells me the OP has never played a Blizzard game. I remember waiting, on average, 4 to a full 24 hours past the estimated downtime just to log on again. This happened so frequently that it was expected every time they released even minor content patches.

    SoE has been pretty damn good about getting things done on time by comparison.
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  14. DeeX

    Well then just go to bed and wait until tomorrow? Thats how I would do
  15. Blitzkrieg

    It's better they tested it and made sure everything is hunky dory than just release it and find out they rapecaged it.
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  16. c0r3

    Anyone happen to know if boosts get frozen, or continue to tick down in the down time?
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  17. Laraso

  18. Gary

    Or they gave you the right time, Something came up that was unseen and beyond the 6 hours mark as they reach 7 hours they update saying it.

    Actually i have grown up with out a Dad for 24 years... whoever or were ever this "dad" is he is definitely not a part of mine or my Mums life. Do i mind or get upset about it? nope... Just thought i would let you know you could not of been more wrong.
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  19. Delain81

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  20. Hecket

    They continue to tick down.
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