200 resources to WOUND things

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    What if you spent 450 and got a tank with no wheels?
    A medic pack that made you glow but didnt heal?

    If something costs resources it should do its job. I understand with sunderers since they should of had far more armor as a transport vehicle.

    Lets look at how vehicles are getting C -4'd

    1. Inside a base near many buildings. Ahh a armored vehicle is in unfavorable conditions much like infantry out in the open.

    2. Camping a tower or other building. So to the vehicle trades open space again to get easier kills.

    3. Out in the open. Either you have terrible teammates who dont watch your back or you are not moving.

    4. Drop pod C- 4. AHhh here is the problem ! This is clearly unfair and stupid. Perhaps make consumables unusable 10 seconds after landing?

    5. C-4 strapped to a flash. Another tactic that is kinda cheap. But they wasted 200 resources and a life to get you.
    This one is iffy.

    So it seems in most of the scenarios, vehicles are in areas that do not favor them but favor infantry. and yet infantry is very vulnerable to tank fire out in the open. The other scenarios are cheap tactics abusing mechanics

    C- 4 the perk of being infantry. It allows you to do what infantry does. Adapt to whatever is on the battlefield and maximize close quarters combat. Sometimes you have to play the game of attrition. Sometimes there 3287943279487 tanks outside with a ton of engineers and you need to take them out one by one in seconds or you simply will die and they will repair.

    The only thing i can think of that would help against C-4 is have a vehicle alarm when C- 4 is place on it as a vehicle perk you can choose.

    It seems that this is a clear user problem rather than a balance problem. Hopefully Sony and fix those two cheap tactics. and perhaps that is what they were hoping to do and had to do a overall nerf to work it.
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  2. Jackalmaster

    no. 3 c4s to kill a tank is fine.

    most tanks are damaged anyway so you wont even notice the difference.
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  3. VanuSovereignty

    So you're unhappy because you have to slightly trade basic AI capabilities for an UBGL and a slightly longer TTK? Seriously? To be properly effective at AV tanks have to trade all splash damage for increased AV damage. How unhappy would you be if you had to trade all of your C4's splash damage to kill tanks?
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  4. ComradeHavoc

    And suddenly there are 2 C4 pooping fairies.
    Lets do some basic math, 2 C4 almost destroys a tank.... so what will 4 C4 bricks do?
    Also let's not forget that your alone, I mean it's not like you have a giant empire with thousands of players....
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  5. LowTechKiller

    Look at the bright side. Bullets are still free.
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  6. theholeyone

    That argument is a bit unbalanced. If you say 2 C4 fairies have to work together to kill a tank, why can't 2 guys work together to cover a tank from the C4 fairies in the first place? One gunner in the tank with an AI gun is going to stop a C4 fairy pretty much every time.
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  7. Coffee Hound

    When I read the subject line, "200 resources to WOUND things" I thought this thread was about Burster MAXes... then I remembered that MAXes cost 350 resources.
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  8. Phrygen

    Claymores cost 75 and have a relatively low accuracy.
    The different grenades all cost resources and often fail to kill as well.

    reducing c4 to 75 resources is fine, but beyond that the potential rewards of c4, being many many kills with on brick, or large amounts of xp from vehicles, makes up for the cost.

    or ya know.. you can do this
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  9. Tipper

    I will happily accept needing more than one person to kill a tank when it takes more than one person to crew one.
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  10. Phrygen

    It doesn't take more than one person to kill a tank. It doesn't take more than one LA to kill a tank.

    Press play on that youtube vid right about your post. Well, i'm glad we resolved that.
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  11. Tipper

    ??? That was meant as a reply to all the people who say that it is op for one person to kill a tank
  12. SpaceMilk

    If a LA destroys a tank, those crewmember must have been lousy.
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  13. Bill Hicks

    Not everyone is a engineer and not everyone can live long enough to do that anyway. they risked alot just trying to sneak up on a tank. Now that you detonated the tank and everyone around you are going to react.
  14. Bill Hicks

    One person in a tank can kill alot of people.
  15. Ashnal

    Tell me, why is it fair that one person can completely instagib two people without any advance warning? Seems far more fair to me that two people working together can instagib two other people working together, whether it be two LA's with 3 C4 combined, or an HA hitting a rocket or two before the C4 is detonated, or god forbid opposing armor getting that extra 1/5th of damage that 2 C4 bricks will no longer provide.

    Nobody is happy when their weapons get nerfed, but you'll get over it an adapt out of necessity .
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  16. Nogrim313

    the new LA approach must be to drown us all in their tears

    it still does a **** ton of damage your just whining because it doesn't let you solo a MBT anymore
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  17. Kortan

    No advance warning? They're not ******* fairies, spot them, and kill them.
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  18. theholeyone

    What do you mean with no warning? LA's aren't invisible, they aren't fast, they aren't everywhere. If it's a tank vs tank battle, seems like there won't be many C4 fairies around anyway, if its a base farm, seems like infantry should have a few ways to counter them right?
    It's just dumbing down the game for the lowest common denominator, with the proposed lock on changes I had hoped skill and skill counters were on the rise.
    Before you say there is no skill in C4, it actually takes quite a bit of skill to get to a tank unseen, and it takes a bit of skill to ensure LA's going for your tank get seen. Nerf C4 and that skill balance is changed a lot.
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  19. Xasapis

    Well, pretty much all explosives are castrated at this point. I predicted this, since the time people were whining about AV mines and how "unfair" it was to die from a pair. Well, the end result is that pretty much all explosives are bad at this point. Grenade kills, AV mine kills, AP mine kills and now C4 explosives will only work against people that know very little about the game.
  20. Crayv

    C4 is extremely high risk as you basically have to run up and touch a vehicle (or hover directly over in the case of a LA) to kill it. It is also a one time use thing. Even if you succeed you are not getting your C4 back. If a tank succeeds in destroying an AMS you get to keep your tank.

    I would be okay if they nerfed it's damage but made it not disappear when you respawn and and made it where you can actually throw it (lessening the risk and lessening the reward).