1 AV Lockon HA vs 1 tank

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. loleator

    Is this thread a joke? If the tank driver isn't afk he can just go outside and repair it on the other side of the vehicle while he laughts at the HA and watches he runs out of ammo. Then he can spam back with his tank while he tries to knife the tank back or something...
  2. Duff_Chimp

    Why don't you use it then?
  3. TheRealMetalstorm

    because being forced to use IR smoke isn't fun, just like how ESFs are forced to use IR flares.
  4. LanceHavenbay

    Tank, but it will be a very annoying drive. xD
  5. Duff_Chimp

    Kind like being forced to wear a parachute isn't fun, but you'll be glad you did when you get to the bottom.
  6. Chiss

    Standard practice as soon as you see LOCK
  7. Bl4ckVoid

    In my opinion balance could be achieved if infantry AT weapons would all be short range (50-100m), but would deal more damage.

    Then tanks would rule open areas as they should, while places with lots of cover would be very bad for them.

    Ain't gonna happen, we all know.

    Solution is easy though, seek cover and repair behind cover. Although ability to repair vehicles in the field in my opinion is a big joke. You risk your life as infantry to try to kill a tank, then he gets to 50% damage, retreats and comes back. It is just wrong. At least driver should be special class that cannot repair in the field.