The next patch! What would you like to see?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vepo, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Vepo

    I like those ideas, when I'm in my aircraft it would be nice to see if I'm being followed and by how many. Also when in 3rd person view in aircraft, I wish we could still see our altitude & speed.
  2. QuantumMechanic

    I agree with you 100%. If / when the infantry render distance is increased, the flood of "snipers are OP" threads will come in.

    The problem is, everybody is used to the broken infantry combat where mid to long range weapons can't be used effectively. They will whine because they are used to a broken and unrealistic system. PS2 shouldn't have gone live with such a massive glaring issue as this one in the first place. But the holiday station cash sales numbers tell them otherwise.
  3. ShriekXL


    1. Improve render distance issues
    2. Rotate Faction Warpgates
    3. Bring Faction Heavy Weaponry up to par with normal weaponry (Jackhammer, etc).
    4. MAXes need a different mechanic approach.

    Off the top of my head and in that order :).
  4. Llaf

    Hmm I didnt think of that but that is also cool. Thanks!
  5. BusterMcKnuckles

    I could care less about features at this stage, i want to see the wide array of bugs and exploits fixed.
  6. }{ellKnight

    1. Fix the sunderer lock up bug (I think it's still around)
    2. Fix the render distance issue.
    3. Better metagame, encourage people to do other things than just zerg. This means, amongst other things. make defending more worthwhile.
    4. Bring claymores in line with the other proximity mines. ATM they're really bad compared to the others.
    5. Fix shotgun hit registration issues.
    6. Give libs less HP or nerf the Zephyr.
    7. Magrider needs some looking into. It's a bit too good ATM.
    8. Let me move my view like in ARMA2 without actually changing where my gun is pointing (more situational awareness).
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  7. Jawa

    -Fix MAX rendering issue, render them as vehicles
    -Fix triple loading screen
    -Fix memory leak
    -Fix underslung grenade launcher acting weird
    -Reduce hacksaw damage
    -Improve(think of something) Prowlers a bit
    -Split XP in libs, pilots are getting shafted right now
    -Let us change the color of the reticle. Try using a Saron against the sky, you'll see why this can be annoying
    -Introduce a meaningful metagame that makes people actually care
    -Reward people for doing their job at "deterring enemy aircraft". XP for damage done for example. Everything gets rewarded right now, just not AA. It's sad.
    -Give the Vanu MAX some actually good guns
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  8. swatti

    What i want SEE is infantry past 200m and tone down those friggin bursters.

    Just fix the infantry draw-distance / rendering and im happy.
  9. Vepo

    I don't believe this is an issue as I get good points when I'm flying when my gunner is getting kills. What I would like to see is the 3rd gunner to get some points as he is all sitting back there getting nothing, unless an enemy aircraft wants to say hello to him.

    So XP should be given to the tail gunner as well :)
  10. Jawa

    You make about 20-25% of the points the gunner makes at best. Don't forget that you get nothing for the assists, streaks etc. he gets. You only get something from straight up kills.
  11. Yil

    Even looking at that picture makes me want to vomit.
  12. MeltingCPU

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  13. K-On

    True but there is a problem with the rendering when in huge fights, "like crown or bio lab" when people only load up like 5-10m away from u even your own team mates. Well at lest I have that problem.

    1. Fix rendering issues.
    2. Reduces the screen shaking from being shot at and explosion 20-30m away.
    3. Add more weapons.. only 2 pistols and all same model etc etc. "Get creative :|'
    4. Improve the Prowler truth be told I got 2 shot by a vanguard.
    5. Fix the Reaver it's like flying a brick, they try to keep the theme power but slow but that don't work well with aircraft.
    6. Nerf the VS no bullet drop.
    7. Slightly reduce the speed of VS weapons they shoot as fast than the TR. They should be mid speed not same as TR.
    8. Add the lock down timer.
    9. Buff AA again since only useful one is MAX.
    10. Stop the tank/aircraft spam.
    11. Add more attachments I guess this falls under as 3.

    Uh that's about it for me, these are my own opinion feel free to rage ;].
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  14. Vepo

    I guess it depends on the person. I really enjoy flying and having my friends in the gunner seat. I still get my own kills when stalking other libs who are at max height with a dalton firing on our tanks .... fly in and tank buster to the face = 2 to 3 easy kills.

    The xp for the pilot could be increased, but I've yet to complain about it yet. I personally just want the tail gunner to get something as well.
  15. Yil

    I'd like to see an end to three armies, on three different continents, not fighting each other.
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  16. D0n

    Hmmm, that's a toughie.

    How about everything working?
  17. Vepo

    Ooooo one thing they really need to add

    Allow Infiltrators to hack enemy units when they are not being used. You see a Vanguard sitting all allow in the middle of a field cos the engineer got sniped ... you run over hack and it and use it ... we were able to do that in PS1 ... I want it in PS2 ... even if it required the last tier of the hacking tool ... but add it ..

    DO IT ... DO IT NOW!!!
  18. OldMaster80

    1) Better performance. 20-30 fps with high end rigs are poo.
    2) Some love for Infitlrators and infiltration mechanics (hacking, stealth & C.).
    3) Bug fixes.
  19. Sparks

    1. Searhus
    2. Dropship centre/Interlink (which should be infantry only, no vehicle spam inside here plz)
    3. Meaningfull continent locking (benefits that I actually care for + at least have the announcer guy say when you lock a continent sometimes I don't even notice it untill 10 mins after we locked it)
    4. Removal of static footholds on each continent
    5. Working warpgates so I can actually take vehicles across to another continent

    That would be all for the next patch I really want, saving the rest for the next patch :p.
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  20. PsychoBat

    More bugfixes and optimization as always. : )
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